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当您购买 运送服务时,承运人费用是基于您提供的包裹信息得出的。随后,承运人会向亚马逊发送内含已向您提供服务的详细信息的报告。若承运人收取的费用与运送服务的原始费用存在差异,可能会向您的卖家账户应用承运人盘点。




  • 重量差异:承运人断定最初输入的包裹的重量不准确。(称重包括包裹以及所有包装材料。)

  • 尺寸差异:承运人断定输入的包裹的包装尺寸不准确。(测量最外层运输容器的包裹尺寸。)

  • 不合格商品:承运人断定为商品购买的运送服务不适用于运送服务。


Carrier Adjustments for Shipping Services

When you purchase shipping services, the carrier charges are based on the information you provide for the package. Carriers subsequently send Amazon reports with details of the services they have provided to you. If a charge from a carrier is different from the original charge for the shipping services you purchased, a carrier adjustment may be applied to your seller account.

Carrier adjustments can be charges or credits, and they appear in the payments reports in your seller account, though not necessarily in the same settlement period as the original purchase.

To see carrier adjustment details, in Transaction View filter by "Shipping services purchased through Amazon" and then search for "Adjustment" in the Product Details column.

Here are some possible reasons for carrier adjustments:

  • Weight discrepancy: The carrier determined that the weight originally entered for a package was inaccurate. (Weigh packages with all packing materials included.)

  • Dimension discrepancy: The carrier determined that the box size entered for a package was inaccurate. (Measure the package dimensions of the outer-most shipping container.)

  • Unqualified item: The carrier determined that a shipping service was purchased for a product that does not qualify for that shipping service.

