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Wish Express订单是否必须提供物流单号?

wishWish Express订单号

1. 妥投时限是否包括周六和周日?

不包括周六和周日,工作日是指周一到周五。如需了解有关妥投时限要求的更多信息,请参阅 Wish Express 政策。

2. Wish Express 订单是否必须提供物流单号?

是的。所有订单都必须提供有效的物流单号(详情请参阅这篇文章),包括 Wish Express 订单。

3. 我是否可以请求用户退货?

目前,Wish 退货项目支持在美国、墨西哥和某些欧洲国家/地区有退货地址的商户参加。如需了解有关 Wish 退货项目的更多信息,请访问此页面。


9. Are Saturdays and Sundays included in my delivery time?

No, they are not included. Business days include Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  For more information on the delivery timeline requirement, please see the Wish Express policies.

10. Are tracking numbers required for Wish Express orders?

Yes. Valid tracking numbers are required for all orders (see this article for more information), including Wish Express orders.

11. Can I ask the customers to return the products?

The Wish Returns Program currently supports merchants with US, Mexico, and certain European countries' return addresses to enroll for item returns. Please visit this page to learn more about the Wish Returns Program.

