

  1. 在上传产品之前,请对照禁止物品清单进行检查。

  2. 删除个人联系信息,任何误导性主张以及指向外部交易平台的链接。

  3. 避免垃圾邮件的做法。

  4. 不要重新上传由于违反列表而被删除的列表。

  5. 重新提交之前,请先查看和修改已暂停的列表。



Shopee Mall上的卖家应遵守更严格的准则,以便我们可以维持增强的购物体验。


Avoiding listing violations

Here are some guidelines you can follow to avoid listing violations:

  1. Check against the Prohibited Items List before uploading your products.

  2. Remove personal contact information, any misleading claims, and links to external transaction platforms.

  3. Avoid spam practices.

  4. Do not re-upload listings which have been deleted due to listing violations.

  5. Review and edit suspended listings before re-submitting.

In addition, familiarise yourself with the policies and regulations by looking at more examples of commonly committed violations.


Sellers on Shopee Mall are expected to meet a stricter set of guidelines so that we can maintain an enhanced shopping experience.


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