要验证以前未验证过的配送地址,只需前往订单 > 未履行的订单页面,然后在“收获地址”列下点击用户的姓名。在随后出现的弹窗中,在“地址状态”部分点击“申请验证”:
如果我因等待用户验证配送地址耗费了时间,订单的履行时限是否会延长?我是否会因为“延时确认履行”或“Wish Express 延时妥投”而被处以赔款?
在某些情况下,可接受的订单履行时限最多可延长48个小时(Wish Express 订单为48个工作小时),确定商户是否要为“延时确认履行”和“Wish Express 延时妥投”支付赔款时,也会考虑这段延长时间。商户可在订单 > 未履行的订单页面查看剩余的订单履行时限。通常,wish平台鼓励商户尽快对未履行的订单采取适当的操作。
请至少留出48小时(Wish Express 订单为48个工作小时)让用户核实配送地址。如果48小时后用户还未验证配送地址,而您能够确认并证明用户提供的配送地址无效和/或您的物流服务商无法完成配送,则可以考虑退款。符合上述情况的订单或可免除取消订单赔款,若产生赔款,则商户可以提出申诉。
How to verify and confirm customer address?
While fulfilling an order, merchants may send a request to the customer to verify and confirm the shipping address. Once the customer has confirmed his/her shipping address, merchants will receive a notification.
To verify a previously unverified customer address, simply navigate to the Orders > Unfulfilled Orders page, click the customer name under the "Ship to" column. In the popup modal that follows, click "Request Verification" in the "Address status" section:
A request will be going out to this customer via several notifications to remind them to verify their shipping address, so that his/her order can be shipped to him/her timely and properly. In the meantime, the "Address status" will change to "pending verification". Once verified, the "Address status" will be "Verified".
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why can I verify the address for some orders but not others?
If the customer’s shipping address has previously been verified for a different order, either by the customer or by confirmed delivery tracking information, the "Address status" will be "Verified", so merchants do not need to send a verification request.
Will the fulfillment time be extended for orders where I am waiting for the customer to verify their shipping address? Will I receive penalties for “Late Confirmed Fulfillment” or “Late Wish Express Delivery”?
In some cases, the acceptable fulfillment time for an order may be extended by up to 48 hours (Wish Express orders: 48 working hours), and this extension may be taken into consideration for Late Confirmed Fulfillment and Late Wish Express Delivery penalties as well. The remaining acceptable fulfillment time for an order is shown to merchants on the Orders > Unfulfilled Orders page. In general, merchants are encouraged to take the appropriate actions on unfulfilled orders as soon as possible.
I have an order that is waiting for the customer to verify his shipping address, but there is not much time left for me to properly fulfill the order. What should I do?
Please allow at least 48 hours (Wish Express orders: 48 working hours) for the customer to review and verify their shipping address. If the customer still has not verified their shipping address within this time, and you are able to confirm and prove that the provided shipping address is invalid and/or cannot be shipped to by your shipping provider, consider refunding the order. The Order Cancellation Penalty may be waived or disputed for orders that meet these conditions.
What should I do if the customer verified her shipping address but my shipping carrier still cannot ship to the address?
If the customer has verified her shipping address, but you are able to confirm and prove that the provided shipping address is invalid and/or cannot be shipped to by your shipping provider, consider refunding the order. The Order Cancellation Penalty may be disputed for orders that meet these conditions.