


如果您在有资格使用 Shopify Payments 支付网关的国家/地区注册 Shopify 账户,您的商店会自动配备 Shopify Payments,您可以立即接受付款。在接受第一个订单之前,请确保您的产品符合 Shopify Payments 服务条款。

如果您不符合使用 Shopify Payments 的条件,则需要注册第三方支付网关才能在线接受信用卡付款。在确定支付网关时,请研究信用卡和交易费的费用、服务条款、款项安排和可用货币。查看适用于您所在国家/地区的网关,注册您所需网关的账户,然后将账户连接到您的 Shopify 账户。




若要为客户提供本地配送服务,您可以使用 Shopify Local Delivery 应用创建订单列表、查看配送地点地图以及优化配送路线。此外,您还可以在配送订单时使用 Shopify 移动应用,这样就可以实时更新订单状态。







当客户前来取货时,您需要使用 Shopify 后台或 Shopify 应用将订单状态从未发货更改为已发货。这可以提示您和您的员工订单已取货,无需进一步操作。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,点击设置 > 运输。

  2. 在本地配送部分中,找到要启用的地点,然后点击管理。

  3. 启用此地点提供本地配送服务。

  4. 在配送区域部分中,指定您要提供配送服务的区域。

  5. 在结账时的信息部分中,设置配送费、本地配送的最低订单价格,以及想要在结账期间显示的任何信息,例如提供本地配送的时间以及星期几。

  6. 单击保存。

三、Shopify Local Delivery 应用

若要使用 Shopify Local Delivery 应用,必须满足以下要求:

  • 您必须在商店中设置本地发货。

  • 员工需要您的 Shopify 商店的有效登录信息。

  • 员工需要应用员工权限。


Set up pickup and delivery

If you or your staff can travel and deliver to your customer's door, then you can offer local delivery. You can also offer pickup for your customers' orders, so they can come pick up their order when it’s ready.

To provide local delivery to your customers, you can use the Shopify Local Delivery app to create order lists, view a map of your delivery locations, and optimize delivery routes. In addition, you can use the Shopify mobile app while you deliver orders so that you can update the order status in real time.

If you have more than one location and you want to offer delivery options for all of them, then you need to create and manage your locations to make sure your customers can order from the location that is closest to them.

Enable local pickup

You can set up the option for customers to pick up their online orders at your retail store, curbside, or any location that you choose.

To do this, you need to enable the local pickup option for each location where customers can go to get their orders.

The shipping rate for local pickup is set to Free and cannot be changed.

Each pickup order requires you or your staff to verify that each item is in stock. When you have verified each item, you can send a notification to the customer that the order is ready. You can also print a pickup slip to attach to the order.

When a customer comes to get their order, you need to change the order status from unfulfilled to fulfilled using your Shopify admin or Shopify app. This signals to you and your staff that the order has been picked up and no further action is required.

Enable local delivery

  1. From your Shopify admin, click Settings > Shipping.

  2. In the Local delivery section, find the location you want to enable and click Manage.

  3. Enable This location offers local delivery.

  4. In the Delivery area section, specify the area where you want to offer delivery.

  5. In the Information at checkout section, set a delivery fee, a minimum order price for local delivery, and any information you want shown during checkout, such as what time local delivery is available, and on what days of the week.

  6. Click Save.

The Shopify Local Delivery app

To use the Shopify Local Delivery app, the following requirements must be met:

  • You have to set up local delivery in your store.

  • Staff need an active login for your Shopify store.

  • Staff need the apps staff permission.

