将商店迁移至Shopify之Transporter 应用

使用 Transporter 应用将客户、产品和订单记录导入您的 Shopify 商店。此应用接受每种记录类型的逗号分隔值 (CSV) 文件,处理记录,然后将其作为对象导入 Shopify。

Transporter 应用包含在一套工具中,可用于更轻松地将在线商店从其他平台迁移到 Shopify Plus。

CSV 文件规则

如果您使用 Transporter 命令行工具来创建您的 CSV 文件,您的文件则已符合以下规则:

  • CSV 文件的名称需要包含其包含的对象类型(产品、客户、订单)的名称。例如,包含客户记录的文件需要在其中包含单词 customers(例如,mycustomers.csv)。

  • CSV 文件必须使用 UTF-8 编码,以避免在文件中生成不需要的特殊字符。如果您在未使用 UTF-8 编码的情况下保存了文件,则在将该文件作为新电子表格上传时,您的数据将会损坏。Shopify 无法为您恢复已损坏的文件。

同样,大多数 CSV 文件也是如此:

  • CSV 文件中的第一行需要包含列标头的名称。

  • 列的顺序并不重要,但是每一行都需要遵循与列相同的顺序。

  • 文件中的每一列都需要用逗号分隔,并且每行都需要用换行符分隔。

  • 如果任何值包含特殊字符,例如逗号 (,)、引号 (') 或双引号 ("),则必须用双引号括住完整的值。例如,"Unit 8, 150 Elgin Street"(不是 Unit 8"," 150 Elgin Street)。如果您需要在此值中使用双引号,请使用两个双引号:" ""8th Floor"", 150 Elgin Street"。

  • 确保您使用的是直引号,而不是智能引号(也被称为“弯引号”)。

在编辑 CSV 文件或使用其他流程创建 CSV 文件时,请确保 CSV 文件符合这些规则。如果您在处理 CSV 文件时遇到问题,请尝试使用 Google 表格。



  1. 产品

  2. 客户

  3. 订单


在将大量记录导入 Shopify 之前,请尝试导入少量记录。这项操作通常需要使用迭代方法,例如涉及导入少量记录、审核结果(在应用和后台中)、更正 CSV 文件和重新导入对象的操作。在可以重新导入任何对象之前,您需要从 Shopify 中删除它们。您可以使用 Transporter 应用通过提供一个列出要删除对象的 CSV 文件来删除对象。


Transporter app

Use the Transporter app to import customer, product, and order records into your Shopify store. This app accepts comma-separated values (CSV) files for each of these record types, processes the records, and then imports them as objects into Shopify.

The Transporter app is part of a suite of tools that makes it easier to migrate online stores from other platforms to Shopify Plus. This suite includes the following tools:

CSV file rules

If you use the Transporter command-line tool to create your CSV files, then your files already conform to the following rules:

  • The name of your CSV file needs to include the name of the object type (products, customers, orders) that it contains. For example, a file that contains the customer records needs to have the word customers in it (for example, mycustomers.csv).

  • The CSV file must use UTF-8 encoding to avoid generating unwanted special characters in your file. If you save your file without using UTF-8 encoding, then your data will be corrupted when you upload it as a new spreadsheet. Shopify can't recover corrupted files for you.

Also, as is true with most CSV files:

  1. The first line in the CSV file needs to contain the names of the column headers.

  2. The order of the columns is not important, but every row needs to follow the same order of columns.

  3. Each column in the file needs to be separated with a comma and each line needs to be separated by a line break.

  4. If any value contains special characters, such as a comma (,), a quote ('), or a double quote ("), then you must surround the entire value with double quotes. For example, "Unit 8, 150 Elgin Street" (not Unit 8"," 150 Elgin Street). If you need to use a double quote within this value, then use two double quotes:" ""8th Floor"", 150 Elgin Street".

  5. Make sure that you use straight quotes instead of smart quotes (also known as "curly quotes").

If you edit your CSV files or you use another process to create your CSV files, then make sure that your CSV files conform to these rules. If you have trouble working with your CSV files, then try using Google Sheets.

Order your imports

The order in which you import your products, customers, and orders is important. You need to import them in the following order:

  1. Products

  2. Customers

  3. Orders

Run test imports

Before you import a large number of records into Shopify, try importing a few records. Often an iterative approach is needed, such as one that involves importing a small number of records, reviewing their results (in the app and in the admin), correcting the CSV file, and then reimporting the objects. Before you can reimport any objects, you need to delete them from Shopify. You can use the Transporter app to delete the objects by providing a CSV file that lists the objects to be deleted.

