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适用于 Shopify POS 的 iPad 支架介绍

Shopify POSShopify POS iPad

适用于 Shopify POS 的 iPad 支架

Shopify 支持一系列专用 iPad 支架,无论您是站在柜台还是在店内走动,都能轻松查看并进行互动。

当您在 Shopify 购买零售定制套件时,您可以在下单时指定所需的支架类型。

iPad 支架型号供货情况
适用于 iPad 9.7" 的 Shopify 零售支架S1803美国、加拿大、英国、爱尔兰和荷兰
适用于 iPad 10.2"/Air 10.5" 的 Shopify 零售支架S1803美国、加拿大、英国、爱尔兰和荷兰
@Rest 支架HDAR118 或 H234加拿大
WindFall iPad 迷你支架H434英国
WindFall iPad Stand 9.7"荷兰、丹麦、比利时和西班牙
WindFall iPad 支架 10.2"H600英国、爱尔兰、德国、荷兰、丹麦、比利时和西班牙
WindFall iPad Pro 支架 12.9"(第 3 代)H549英国和爱尔兰
Vault iPad Pro 支架 12.9"(第 3 代/第 4 代)美国和加拿大
Shopify 9.7" iPad Swivel 支架美国
Eddy 平板电脑支架英国
Studio Proper 通用平板电脑支架SPEKUPOSPVS3澳大利亚和新西兰

适用于 iPad 的 Shopify 零售支架

Shopify 零售支架仅向位于美国和加拿大的商家供应。

Shopify 零售支架旨在用于台面结账。

支架有两个部分:iPad 外壳和底座。

要组装支架,请将 iPad 插入外壳,然后将外壳安装到底座上。要将支架永久固定到台面上,可以从美国或加拿大的 Shopify 硬件商店购买安装套件。当您在美国或加拿大购买 Shopify 零售定制套件时,安装套件会自动包含在内。

将 iPad 放在底座上即可开始充电。您还可以使用底座上的 USB-A 端口为其他设备充电,例如感应式和芯片式读卡器的基座。此类端口最适合为电池较小的设备充电,例如读卡器和手机。

当客户付款时,您可以将 iPad 向客户倾斜,以便他们能验证交易或输入其邮箱。

适用于 iPad 9.7 英寸的 Shopify 零售支架与以下型号的 9.7 英寸 iPad 兼容:

  • iPad(第 5 代和第 6 代)

  • iPad Pro(9.7 英寸)

  • iPad Air

  • iPad Air 2

适用于 iPad 10.2 英寸/Air 10.5 英寸的 Shopify 零售支架与以下型号的 iPad 兼容:

  • iPad(第 7 代和第 8 代)

  • iPad Air(第 3 代)

安装 Shopify 零售支架

  1. 从外壳上取下端盖。

  2. 将 iPad 插入外壳。

  3. 装回端盖。

  4. 可选:使用两颗 M5 螺钉将支架安装到台面上。您需要在台面上钻孔并将螺栓从下方插入支架。

  5. 插上电源适配器。

  6. 要安装外壳,请将其放在底座上的充电连接器上方。将磁铁排列放在外壳和底座上,直到它们连接起来。

  7. 在底座的背面,将滑块按钮移动到锁定位置,以阻止从底座上取下外壳。

Heckler Design 的 @Rest iPad 支架

型号:HDAR118 或 H234 - 仅加拿大有售。

@Rest 支架适用于任何 iPad,提供 30 或 60 度的视角。它由重钢制成,旨在置于最常用的地方。设置 @Rest iPad 支架

按照以下步骤安装 Rest iPad 支架。


  1. 将四个粘性支脚粘在支架底座上以保护台面。

  2. 将支架转到合适的位置,确定您要将 iPad 放在哪边。一边是 30 度视角,另一边是 60 度视角。

  3. 将两个静止的销钉插入您所选一侧的孔中。

  4. 可选:在将 iPad 放置到位之前,您可以将较大的粘性垫贴在支架上,但是这不是必要的步骤。


适用于 iPad Air 和 iPad Mini 的 WindFall 支架

型号 (iPad 9.7"):H458 - 所有 Shopify 硬件商店均有销售。
型号 (iPad Mini):H434 - 所有 Shopify 硬件商店均有销售。
型号 (iPad 10.2"):H600 - 所有 Shopify 硬件商店均有销售。
型号 (iPad 10.5"):H498 - 所有 Shopify 硬件商店均有销售。
型号 (iPad 12.9"):H384 - 所有 Shopify 硬件商店均有销售。
Model number (iPad 12.9" 3rd Gen):H549 - 仅加拿大和美国有售。

Shopify 支持列出的 Heckler Design 的 WindFall iPad Air 支架和 WindFall iPad mini 支架。该支架采用隐藏式的布线设计,您可以让 iPad 全天保持插电状态。

设置 WindFall 支架

WindFall 支架配有不同的配件,您可以选择如何设置自己的 POS 系统。如果您的支架带有一个旋转桌板,我们建议您安装这个旋转桌板,而不是橡胶支脚。旋转桌板可以将您的 Shopify POS 屏幕旋转 360 度,在结账时更便于将 iPad 转向客户。

有关如何安装 iPad 支架的详细信息,请观看 Youtube 上的 Windfall iPad Air 支架视频。



将 Windfall iPad 支架锁定在台面上可防止被盗

Windfall iPad 支架支持 Kensington ClickSafe 电缆锁,可在 Kensington 或 Heckler Design 处购买。所有 Shopify 硬件商店均不销售此款电缆锁。

锁连接在 Windfall iPad 支架上,电缆缠绕在实物表面(例如桌腿)上。每把锁都配有单独的钥匙,在最大程度上提供保护。

将您的 Windfall iPad 支架粘贴在平面上


对于非永久性解决方案,PivotTable 可以靠吸力粘附在表面上。轻轻按压 PivotTable,就能生成足够的吸力将 Windfall iPad 支架固定在平面上。

适用于 iPad 支架的其他配件

Shopify 不出售支架配件,但您可以从 Heckler Design 或一般五金店处购买。

Vault 的 iPad Pro 支架 12.9 英寸

适用于 iPad Pro 的 Vault 支架可让您将设备安全地安装在最需要的位置。该支架集成了电缆管理功能,可安全隐藏设备电缆,并带有旋转底座和稳定性底座。

Vault 的 iPad Pro 支架与第 3 代和第 4 代 12.9 英寸的 iPad Pro 兼容。

设置 Vault 支架

可通过略微不同的方式配置 Vault 的 iPad Pro 支架来满足您商店的需求。

有关安装 iPad 支架的最新说明,请参阅 Vault 指导手册。


通用平板电脑支架是用于设备的支架,使您能在商家视图和客户视图之间轻松切换。套装包括一个平板电脑适配器和一个 Connect POS Pivot 支架。


通用平板电脑支架可与后平面不小于 2.4 x 3.5 英寸的所有 iPad 和平板电脑兼容。


  • 制造商:Studio Proper

  • 高度:2.76 英寸

  • 宽度:2.76 英寸

  • 深度:2.71 英寸

  • 重量:1.1 磅


iPad stands for Shopify POS

Shopify supports a range of dedicated iPad stands to enable easier viewing and interaction, whether you're standing at a counter or walking around your store.

When you buy a retail custom kit from Shopify, you can specify the type of stand you need when you place your order.

iPad standModel numberAvailability
Shopify Retail Stand for iPad 9.7"S1803United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, and Netherlands
Shopify Retail Stand for iPad 10.2" / Air 10.5"S1803United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, and Netherlands
@Rest StandHDAR118 or H234Canada
WindFall iPad Mini StandH434United Kingdom
WindFall iPad Stand 9.7"NoneNetherlands, Denmark, Belgium, and Spain
WindFall iPad Stand 10.2"H600United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, and Spain
WindFall iPad Pro Stand 12.9" (3rd Gen)H549United Kingdom and Ireland
Vault iPad Pro Stand 12.9" (3rd/4th Gen)NoneUnited States and Canada
Universal Tablet StandNoneUnited States and Canada
Shopify 9.7" iPad Swivel StandNoneUnited States
Eddy Tablet StandNoneUnited Kingdom
Studio Proper Univeral Tablet StandSPEKUPOSPVS3Australia and New Zealand

Shopify Retail Stand for iPads

The Shopify Retail Stand is available only for merchants in the United States and Canada.

The Shopify Retail Stand is designed for countertop checkouts.

The stand has two parts: a case for the iPad and a base.

To assemble the stand, insert the iPad into the case and then attach the case to the base. To permanently bolt the stand to a countertop, you can purchase a mounting kit from the Shopify Hardware Store in the United States or Canada. The mounting kit is automatically included when you buy the Shopify Retail Custom Kit in the United States or Canada.

The iPad charges when it is on the base. You can also charge other devices, such as the dock for the Tap & Chip card reader, by using the USB-A ports on the base. The ports are best for charging devices with smaller batteries, such as card readers and phones.

When a customer is paying, you can tilt the iPad towards them so that they can verify the transaction or enter their email address.

The Shopify Retail Stand for iPad 9.7" is compatible with the following 9.7 inch iPads:

  • iPad (5th and 6th generation)

  • iPad Pro (9.7")

  • iPad Air

  • iPad Air 2

The Shopify Retail Stand for iPad 10.2"/Air 10.5" is compatible with the following iPads:

  • iPad (7th and 8th generation)

  • iPad Air (3rd Generation)

Set up the Shopify Retail Stand

  1. Remove the end cap from the case.

  2. Insert the iPad into the case.

  3. Replace the end cap.

  4. Optional: Mount the stand to a countertop by using two M5 bolts. You need to drill holes in the countertop and insert the bolts from below into the stand.

  5. Plug in the power adapter.

  6. To attach the case, place it above the charging connectors on the base. Line up the magnets on the case and the base until they connect.

  7. On the back of the base, move the slider button to the lock position to prevent the case from being removed from the base.

@Rest iPad stand by Heckler Design

Model number: HDAR118 or H234 - available only in Canada.

The @Rest stand fits any iPad and enables you to use a viewing angle of 30 or 60 degrees. It's made of heavy steel and is designed to stay put wherever you use it most.Set up the @Rest iPad stand

Follow these steps to set up the Rest iPad stand.


  1. Attach the four adhesive feet to the base of the stand, to protect your counter top.

  2. Turn the stand right-way up and decide which side you're going to rest your iPad on. One gives you a viewing angle of 30 degrees, and the other 60 degrees.

  3. Insert the two resting pegs in the holes on the side you've chosen.

  4. Optional: You can stick the large adhesive pad to the stand before putting the iPad in place, but this isn't essential.

For more information, refer to the setup video on the manufacturer's website.

WindFall stands for iPad Air and iPad mini

Model number (iPad 9.7"): H458 - available on all Shopify hardware stores.
Model number (iPad Mini): H434 - available on all Shopify hardware stores.
Model number (iPad 10.2"): H600 - available on all Shopify hardware stores.
Model number (iPad 10.5"): H498 - available on all Shopify hardware stores.
Model number (iPad 12.9"): H384 - available on all Shopify hardware stores.
Model number (iPad 12.9" 3rd Gen): H549 - available only in Canada and the United States.

Shopify supports the listed WindFall iPad Air stands and WindFall iPad mini stand by Heckler Design. The stands incorporate a concealed cable routing so that you can keep your iPad powered-up all day.

Set up the WindFall stand

The WindFall stand comes with different accessories so that you can choose how to set up your POS system. If your stand comes with a PivotTable, then we recommend that you install it rather than attaching the rubber feet. The PivotTable swivels your Shopify POS screen through 360 degrees, making it easier to rotate your iPad towards a customer during the checkout process.

For more information about to install your iPad stand, consult the Windfall iPad Air stand video on Youtube.

If the PivotTable doesn't rotate

You might have the plastic feet and the PivotTable installed at the same time. Remove the feet, because they prevent the PivotTable from rotating.

Locking your Windfall iPad stand to a surface to prevent theft

The Windfall iPad stand supports the Kensington ClickSafe cable lock, which is available through Kensington or Heckler Design. The cable lock is not available through any Shopify hardware store.

The lock attaches to the Windfall iPad stand and the cable wraps around a physical surface (for example, a table leg). Each lock is individually keyed for maximum protection.

Sticking your Windfall iPad stand to a flat surface

For long-term placement, use the double-sided, peel-and-stick disc that comes with the stand.

For a non-permanent solution, the PivotTable uses suction to adhere to a surface. By gently pressing down on the PivotTable, you can create enough suction to stick the Windfall iPad stand to a flat surface.

More accessories for the iPad stand

Shopify doesn't sell accessories for the stands, but you can buy them from Heckler Design or from a general hardware store.

The Vault iPad Pro Stand 12.9"

The Vault Stand for iPad Pro allows you to securely mount your device where it is most needed. The stand has integrated cable management to securely hide your device's cables and comes with both a rotational base and stability base.

The Vault iPad Pro Stand is compatible with 3rd and 4th generation 12.9 inch iPad Pros.

Set up the Vault stand

The Vault iPad Pro stand can be configured in slightly different ways to meet your store's needs.

For the most up-to-date instructions about installing your iPad stand, consult the Vault instructional guides.

Universal Tablet Stand

The Universal Tablet Stand is a mount for your device that enables you to switch easily between merchant and customer view. The set includes a Tablet Adapter and a Connect POS Pivot Stand.

The low-set countertop stand is designed to blend seamlessly into the interior of any environment. The device can be screwed down or securely adhered to almost any countertop. You can mount your device to the stand with a simple twist and click.

The Universal Tablet Stand is compatible with all iPads and tablets that have a flat rear surface of 2.4" x 3.5" or larger.

Product specifications

  • Manufacturer: Studio Proper

  • Height: 2.76"

  • Width: 2.76"

  • Depth: 2.71"

  • Weight: 1.1 lbs

