Shopify Email 的最佳做法(三)
尝试将电子邮件内容保持在 200 字或约 20 行以内。在某些情况下,如果您的电子邮件过长,电子邮件提供商可能会截断您的电子邮件,这样读者将只能看到您的部分内容。例如,Gmail 会截断内容大于 102 KB 的电子邮件,并隐藏其他内容。
避免将内容全部大写或使用过多的感叹号,内容应适合 8 年级的阅读水平。这有助于让广大读者能够访问您的电子邮件。向 Nielsen Norman Group 详细学习如何使内容更具可读性。
使用内容与主题行不同的预览文本,使其与主题行相辅相成,主题行和预览文本可同时让您的读者了解电子邮件的大致内容。例如,您的主题行为“我们的春季新品”,后跟预览文本”温暖的天气即将到来,不要错过 10% 折扣的短裤、背心及更多折扣产品。”
将主题行内容保持在 3-6 个字或 50 个字符以下。这可确保读者在移动设备上查看电子邮件时仍可看到主题行。
根据您所在的地点,您可能需要在促销电子邮件中包含实体邮寄地址。相关法规包括美国的控制非自愿色情和促销攻击法案和加拿大的反垃圾邮件立法/PIPEDA 等等。围绕电子邮件营销和垃圾邮件(例如批量发送的未经请求的电子邮件)的规则、法规和法律会因您的地点而异。在开始电子邮件营销活动之前,请确保您熟悉您所在地区、州和国家/地区的法律。
默认情况下,您的商店地址包含在电子邮件的页脚中。如果您不想在电子邮件中共享您的商店地址,则可以租用当地邮局的邮政信箱或使用 UPS 门店作为您的邮寄地址。若要更改电子邮件中的邮寄地址,请转到 Shopify 后台中的设置 > 商店详细信息,并输入您的邮政信箱作为您的商店地址。
Ecommerce Email Marketing 101(电子商务电子邮件营销基础入门)
Email Marketing Best Practices: How to Improve (Almost) Every Email(电子邮件营销最佳做法:如何改进(几乎)每封电子邮件)
Email Marketing 101: How to Build Your List, Send Effective Campaigns, and Track Results(电子邮件营销基础入门入门:如何构建列表、发送有效活动并跟踪结果)
Tips for writing effective email content
When you're writing content for your email, try to become familiar with your intended audience, and create emails that appeal to them. For example, if you are writing for a younger audience, then you might want to adjust your language to engage with them.
To attract more engagement and improve conversion rates, include personalized text in your email body content. Personalization also makes your emails feel more tailored to the customer.
Keep any promotional or important information in the top section of your email. On mobile devices, it should be within the first two scrolls to help get the reader's attention. You might only have a few seconds to get the attention of readers, so make sure that the main information in your email is what they see first.
Try to keep emails under 200 words or about 20 lines. In some cases, if your email is too long, then an email provider might cut off your email so that readers see only some of your content. For example, Gmail cuts off emails with messages larger than 102 KB, and hides the rest of the content.
Avoid putting your content exclusively in capital letters or using excessive exclamation marks, and write for a 8th grade reading level. This helps make your emails accessible to a wide audience of readers. Learn more about making your content more readable from Nielsen Norman Group.
Using the subject line to attract the attention of your subscribers
The first thing readers see when checking their inbox is your subject line and preview text. At that point, readers make a decision on whether to open your email or delete it. How you write your subject line and preview text can help influence that decision, and get readers to open the email.
Here are some things to consider:
Create your email first, and then come up with a subject line and preview text as a last step. This helps make sure that your subject line and preview text are relevant to the email.
Your subject line should be related to the content of the email, and compelling enough to get readers to open your email.
Make sure to include preview text. Preview text is most effective when it encourages action from readers.
Use a preview text that is different from, but complimentary to, your subject line. Both should let your readers know what the email is about. For example, you might have the subject line "Look at our new spring gear" followed by the preview text "Don't miss out on 10% off shorts, tanks, and more for the warm weather ahead."
Keep your subject line between 3 to 6 words, or under 50 characters. This ensures that readers can still see the subject line when checking emails on a mobile device.
Including a mailing address in your emails
Depending on where you’re located, you might need to include a physical postal address in your promotional emails. The CAN-SPAM Act in the United States and the CASL legislation/PIPEDA in Canada are examples of these laws. The rules, regulations, and laws surrounding email marketing and spam, such as unsolicited emails sent in bulk, vary depending on your location. Make sure you're familiar with the laws in your region, state, and country before you begin an email marketing campaign.
By default, your store address is included in the footer of your emails. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing your store address in your emails, then you can rent a PO box from your local post office or UPS store to use as your mailing address. To change the mailing address in your emails, go to Settings > Store details in your Shopify admin and enter your PO box address as your store's address.
Additional resources
To learn more about email marketing, you can find detailed information in the following articles:
Ecommerce Email Marketing 101
Email Marketing Best Practices: How to Improve (Almost) Every Email
Email Marketing 101: How to Build Your List, Send Effective Campaigns, and Track Results