
购买单件产品时,动态结账按钮是添加到购物车按钮的替代按钮。通过动态结账按钮,客户可以跳过购物车直接转到结账页面。客户可以选择使用 Shopify 或其他熟悉的快捷结账方式进行结账。这有助于加快付款流程,并让客户使用他们熟悉的方式结账。

备注:动态结账按钮适用于 Shopify 模板商店中所有最新版本的模板。如果您使用的是旧版模板,则可以更新您的模板以使用动态结账按钮。如果您不想更新模板,则可以编辑您的模板代码。



  • 无品牌按钮显示立即购买文本。如果客户点击无品牌立即购买按钮,则他们会跳过购物车并转到结账页面。

  • 有品牌按钮显示第三方快捷结账方式的 logo。如果客户点击第三方快捷结账方式(例如 Apple Pay)的有品牌按钮,那么他们会转到该方式的结账页面并使用他们预先填充的信息。详细了解快捷结账。可以使用以下第三方快捷结账方式:

    • Amazon Pay

    • Apple Pay

    • Google Pay

    • PayPal

    • Shop Pay

    • Venmo



  • 您的付款设置

  • 客户的浏览器

  • 客户的设备。



Showing dynamic checkout buttons on your online store

Dynamic checkout buttons are an alternative to the Add to cart button for single products. With dynamic checkout buttons, customers can skip the cart and go directly to the checkout. Customers can choose to check out with Shopify, or with another familiar accelerated checkout method. This helps to speed up the payment process and lets customers check out using a method that they're comfortable with.


The dynamic checkout button appears beside or below the Add to cart button, depending on your theme and the customer's device. There are two different kinds of dynamic checkout buttons:

  • Unbranded buttons show Buy it now text. If a customer clicks an unbranded Buy it now button, then they skip the cart and go to the checkout.

  • Branded buttons show the logo for third-party accelerated checkout methods. If a customer clicks on a branded button for a third-party accelerated checkout method, such as Apple Pay, then they go to the checkout for that method with their information pre-populated. Learn more about accelerated checkouts. The following third-party accelerated checkout methods are available:

    • Amazon Pay

    • Apple Pay

    • Google Pay

    • PayPal

    • Shop Pay

    • Venmo

Each payment method has specific requirements before it appears as a branded button.

The kind of button that shows depends on the following factors:

  • Your payment settings

  • The customer's browser

  • The customer's device.

If you use gift cards or discount codes in your store, then customers can still enter the codes at checkout.

