Facebook 数据共享

通过 Facebook 渠道中的数据共享设置,您可以选择在您的在线商店中收集客户数据和浏览行为的方式。数据共享工具(例如 Facebook Pixel 和 Facebook 转化 API)可让您跟踪订单和其他活动,这有助于您通过动态广告分析商店流量并改进广告定位。


选择 Facebook 的客户数据共享级别

通过 Facebook 渠道,您可以选择收集数据以及在您的在线商店与 Facebook 之间共享数据的方式。在数据共享设置中,有三个级别可供选择:标准增强最高。有关客户跟踪的详细信息,请参阅 Cookie 和客户跟踪

根据您安装 Facebook 销售渠道的时间,客户数据共享级别会提供不同的隐私设置。

如果您选择标准,则 Facebook Pixel 会跟踪在线商店中的客户浏览行为。基于浏览器的广告拦截器可以阻止 Facebook Pixel 共享数据。

如果选择增强,您的商店将使用 Facebook 的转化 API 和 Facebook Pixel。转化 API 在 Shopify 和 Facebook 服务器之间发送购买事件。从服务器发送到服务器的数据无法被基于浏览器的广告拦截器阻止。设置为增强会共享您客户的个人信息,以与 Facebook 网络上的用户进行匹配。使用此设置收集的信息包括客户的姓名、地点、邮箱和电话号码,以及他们在您的在线商店中的浏览行为。有关详细信息,请参阅 Facebook 有关转换 API 的文档。

如果选择最高,您的商店将使用 Facebook 的转化 API 和 Facebook Pixel,并更新为使用 Facebook 的最新广告营销技术。转化 API 在 Shopify 和 Facebook 服务器之间发送购买事件。从服务器发送到服务器的数据无法被基于浏览器的广告拦截器阻止。设置为最高会共享您客户的个人信息,以与 Facebook 网络上的用户进行匹配。使用此设置收集的信息包括客户的姓名、地点、邮箱和电话号码,以及他们在您的在线商店中的浏览行为。有关详细信息,请参阅 Facebook 有关转换 API 的文档。

有关数据共享的详细信息,请参阅 Cookie 和客户跟踪

设置 Facebook 数据共享

您可以在设置 Facebook Shop、Instagram Shopping 和 Facebook Marketing 期间启用客户数据共享。您还可以在 Facebook 渠道设置中随时启用和更改 Facebook 客户数据共享设置。


  1. 在您的 Shopify 后台中,转至销售渠道 > Facebook

  2. 点击设置

  3. 点击数据共享设置

  4. 客户数据共享部分中,启用客户数据共享。

  5. 选择级别部分中,选择要启用的客户数据共享级别。

  6. 如果您尚未连接 Facebook Pixel,请对要用于客户数据共享的 Pixel 点击连接


在 Shopify 中添加 Facebook Pixel 后,该 Pixel 可跟踪您在线商店中的某些事件,例如客户查看特定页面的时间。您可以使用这些事件中的数据来详细了解客户与您的商店进行交互的方式。请在 Facebook 帮助中心详细了解如何使用 Facebook Pixel 事件创建宣传活动并跟踪转化情况。


在将 Facebook Pixel 与在线商店集成后,它会自动跟踪以下事件。



由于您负责决定如何共享客户的个人信息,您需要确保您的客户了解您收集和处理其个人信息的方式。您有义务查看 Facebook 的针对 Facebook 业务工具的隐私和数据使用的最佳做法并将此内容及任何其他相关信息包含在商店的隐私政策中。为了帮助您创建隐私政策,您可以使用 Shopify 的隐私政策生成器。


Facebook data sharing

The Data sharing settings in your Facebook channel lets you choose how customer data and browsing behavior is collected in your online store. Data sharing tools, such as the Facebook pixel and the Facebook Conversions API, let you track orders and other events, which can help you analyze your store traffic and improve ad targeting through dynamic ads.

Data sharing is a choice. While customer data improves campaign performance and sales tracking, not everyone wants their data shared. It's important to tell your customers how you share data, and to decide what type of data, or how much data, you want to share. Make sure that your privacy policy is up to date to provide this information to your customers.

Choosing Facebook's customer data-sharing level

The Facebook channel lets you choose how you want data to be collected and shared between your online store and Facebook. In the data-sharing settings you have three levels to choose from: StandardEnhanced, or Maximum. For more information about customer tracking, refer to Cookies and customer tracking.

Depending on when you installed the Facebook sales channel, the customer data-sharing levels offer different privacy settings.

If you select Standard, then a Facebook pixel tracks customer browsing behavior in your online store. A browser-based ad blocker can prevent the Facebook pixel from sharing data.

If you select Enhanced, then your store uses Facebook's Conversions API as well as the Facebook pixel. The Conversions API sends the purchase event between Shopify and Facebook servers. Data sent from server to server can't be blocked by browser-based ad blockers. The Enhanced setting shares your customer's personal information to match users on Facebook's network. The information that is collected using this setting includes your customer's name, location, email address, and phone number, as well as their browsing behavior in your online store. For more information, refer to Facebook's documentation about Conversions API.

If you select Maximum, then your store uses Facebook's Conversions API, Facebook pixel, and is updated with Facebook's latest advertising technology. The Conversions API sends the purchase event between Shopify and Facebook servers. Data sent from server to server can't be blocked by browser-based ad blockers. The Maximum setting shares your customer's personal information to match users on Facebook's network. The information that is collected using this setting includes your customer's name, location, email address, and phone number, as well as their browsing behavior in your online store. For more information, refer to Facebook's documentation about Conversions API.

For more information about data sharing, refer to Cookies and customer tracking.

Set up Facebook data sharing

You can enable customer data sharing during the set up of Facebook Shop, Instagram Shopping, and Facebook Marketing. You can also enable and change your Facebook customer data sharing settings at any time in the Facebook channel settings.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Sales channels > Facebook.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Click Data sharing settings.

  4. In the Customer data sharing section, enable customer data sharing.

  5. In the CHOOSE LEVEL section, select the level of customer data sharing that you want to enable.

  6. If you haven't connected a Facebook pixel, then click Connect on the pixel that you want to use for customer data sharing.

Customer data-sharing events

After you add a Facebook pixel in Shopify, the pixel tracks certain events on your online store, such as when a customer views a certain page. You can use the data from these events to learn more about how customers interact with your store. Learn more about using Facebook pixel events to create campaigns and track conversions at the Facebook Help Center.

Events that track an order value use an order's subtotal, which doesn't include taxes or shipping costs.

After you integrate a Facebook pixel with your online store, the pixel automatically tracks the following events.

Event nameEvent description
ViewContentWhen a visitor views a page, such as a product page
SearchWhen a visitor makes a search
AddToCartWhen a visitor adds a product to the shopping cart
InitiateCheckoutWhen a visitor clicks the checkout button
AddPaymentInfoWhen a visitor enters payment information in the checkout
PurchaseWhen a visitor completes a purchase and views the thank you page in the checkout

Data-sharing best practices

Because you decide how the personal information of your customers is shared, you need to make sure your customers understand how you collect and process their personal information. It's your obligation to review Facebook's best practices for privacy and data use for Facebook Business Tools, and include this and any other relevant information in a privacy policy in your store. To help you create a privacy policy, you can use Shopify's privacy policy generator.

