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若要使用 Shopify,您需要使用最新的 Web 浏览器。如果您不使用最新版本的浏览器,则可能无法访问您的 Shopify 后台或使用其所有功能。为获得最佳结果,请使用最新版本的 Google Chrome 访问 Shopify。



Shopify 支持所有浏览器的最近两个版本,除非另有说明。通常可用于访问 Shopify 的一些浏览器包括:

  • Google Chrome

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • 适用于 MacOS 的 Apple Safari

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Opera

  • 适用于 iOS 的 Apple Safari

  • 适用于 Android 的 Google Chrome

在您尝试访问 Shopify 时,如果浏览器显示消息提示您需要更新浏览器,请按照屏幕上的提示更新浏览器。如果您在更新浏览器后仍显示此消息,则需要清除缓存。有关在不同浏览器中清除缓存的详细信息,请参阅如何在 Chrome、Firefox、Safari 和其他浏览器中清除 cookie。


Supported browsers

To use Shopify, you need to use an up-to-date web browser. If you don't use the latest version of your browser, then you might not be able to access your Shopify admin or use all its features. For best results, access Shopify using the latest version of Google Chrome.


Older operating systems might not support the most recent version of your browser. If you can't update your browser due to your operating system, then consider updating your operating system or device.

Shopify supports the latest two versions of all browsers, unless otherwise noted. Some browsers that are frequently used to access Shopify include the following:

  • Google Chrome

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Apple Safari for MacOS

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Opera

  • Apple Safari for iOS

  • Google Chrome for Android

If your browser displays a message that you need to update your browser when you try to access Shopify, then update your browser by following the prompts on the screen. If the message is still displayed after you update your browser, then you need to clear your cache. For more information about clearing your cache in different browsers, refer to How to clear cookies in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and other browsers.

