Google Ads 转化跟踪

您可以使用 Google Ads 转化跟踪来跟踪人们点击某个广告后在您的网站上执行的操作。例如,设置 Google Ads 转化跟踪后,您可以查看哪个 Google Ads 广告产生的在线商店销量最高。

如果您使用 Shopify 的 Google 渠道,请不要复制商店的转化跟踪数据。Google 渠道会在您进行设置时自动将转化跟踪事件添加到您的 Google Ads 账号。如果通过对模板代码进行编辑或使用第三方应用来设置自定义 Google 转化跟踪,您的商店可能会出现重复的转化跟踪事件。重复的转化跟踪可能会导致报告数据不准确以及广告优化出现问题。当您设置自定义跟踪时,您可以在您的 Google Ads 账号中禁用重复的转化跟踪事件。

如果您需要从 Google Ads 账号禁用重复的转化跟踪事件,请确保仅禁用重复的跟踪事件。禁用非重复的转化事件可能会降低广告跟踪的准确性和高效性。

从 Google Ads 帮助内容中详细了解转化设置。

备注:本指南提供有关新版 Google Ads 体验的说明。如果您使用的是旧版体验,请打开 Google Ads 帮助,然后点击 Previous(上一步)获取有关设置转化跟踪的帮助。如果您不确定自己使用的是旧版还是新版 Google Ads 体验,请参阅判断您正在使用的 Google Ads 体验版本



  • 拥有 Google Ads 账号

  • 通过 Google Ads 投放或计划投放广告

设置 Google Ads 转化跟踪

若要设置 Google Ads 转化跟踪,您需要创建转化操作、安装全球站点标签,然后添加事件代码片段。如果您要跟踪购买,您还需要编辑事件代码片段以根据购买金额调整转化值。

步骤 1:在 Google Ads 中创建转化操作

若要设置 Google Ads 转化跟踪,请按照 Google Ads 说明创建转化操作。


当您完成创建转化操作时,请点击 CREATE AND CONTINUE(创建并继续)。

步骤 2:安装全球站点标签

创建转化操作后,您需要在 Shopify 模板代码中安装全球站点标签。


  1. 进入 Google Ads 中的设置标签这一步时,请点击自行安装标签

  2. 在 Global site tag(全球站点标签)部分中,选择适用选项。生成的代码取决于您的选择。

  3. 复制您的全球站点标签。您在接下来的步骤中也需要此标签。

  4. 在另一个浏览器窗口中,打开 Shopify 后台并点击在线商店

  5. 点击操作 > 编辑代码

  6. 打开您的 theme.liquid 文件。

  7. 如果您是第一次安装全球站点标签,请将复制的全球站点标签粘贴在 <head> 和 </head> 标签之间,以将该标签应用于商店中的每个页面。如果您要编辑已安装的全球站点标签,请根据 Google Ads 的建议将全球站点标签放置在 theme.liquid 文件中,并更改代码。

  8. 单击保存

步骤 3:安装事件代码片段



  1. 在 Google Ads 的事件代码片段部分中,选择页面加载

  2. 复制事件代码片段代码。

  3. 在另一个浏览器窗口中,打开 Shopify 后台并点击设置 > 结账

  4. 自定义脚本文本框中,粘贴事件代码片段。如果您已在自定义脚本文本框中包含代码,请将事件代码片段添加到现有代码下方的新行上。

  5. 复制在安装全球站点标签步骤中使用的全球站点标签。在步骤 4 中添加的事件代码片段上方添加此标签。

  6. 如果客户重新加载结账页面,Google Ads 可能会记录重复转化。为了避免重复转化,请在事件代码片段之前和之后添加标签,以便每个客户只触发一次:

    1. 在片段之前的行中,粘贴 {% if first_time_accessed %}

    2. 在代码片段之后的行中,粘贴 {% endif %}

  7. 默认货币为 USD。如果您不以美元进行销售,请将事件片段中的 'USD' 替换为 '{{ currency }}'

  8. 默认交易 ID 为空。为了防止 Google Ads 记录重复的转化,请在 'transaction_id': 旁边将 '' 替换为 '{{ order_number }}'

{% if first_time_accessed %}     <!-- Event snippet for Test conversion page -->     <script>       gtag('event', 'conversion', {         'send_to': '1234567',         'value': 1.0,         'currency': '{{ currency }}',         'transaction_id': '{{ order_number }}',       });     </script>   {% endif %}
  1. 单击保存

步骤 4:动态化转化值


例如,Andy 拥有一家服装店,并通过 Google Ads 投放了两个不同的广告 - 手表产品系列广告和 T 恤产品系列广告。虽然两个广告为他的在线商店带来的点击量和销量基本相当,但点击手表产品系列广告的人所购买的产品价值更高。价值更高是因为客户在点击该广告后会购买更昂贵的商品。Andy 利用此信息来决定将广告费花在哪些位置。



  1. 打开 Shopify 后台,点击设置 > 结账

  2. 自定义脚本文本框中,找到您在步骤 3:安装事件代码片段中添加的事件代码片段。

  3. 将以 'value': 开头的行替换为以下代码片段之一:

  4. 单击保存

要确保您的标签有效,请在 Google Ads 账号的 Conversion actions(转化操作)页面上查看跟踪状态。转化跟踪标签可能需要几个小时后才会显示为已验证。


再营销功能可帮助您将广告目标定位于过去访问过您商店的用户。动态再营销会根据您的商店访客在您的网站上查看的特定产品,将广告目标定位于这些访客。您可以通过 Google Ads 账号完成大部分再营销和动态再营销设置。请阅读 Google 的再营销和动态再营销设置指南,以在 Google 上设置再营销代码。

您需要编辑模板代码才能将再营销代码添加到 Shopify 商店。这是不受支持的模板自定义内容,但您可以尝试在 Shopify 社区论坛中寻求帮助,或聘请 Shopify 专家来为您编辑模板代码。

备注:如果为在线商店使用再营销或动态再营销时需要更多帮助,请访问 Google 支持页面。


Google Ads conversion tracking

You can use Google Ads conversion tracking to track actions that people take on your website after clicking on one of your ads. For example, with Google Ads conversion tracking set up, you can see which one of your Google Ads advertisements generates the most sales on your online store.

If you're using Shopify's Google channel, then make sure not to duplicate conversion tracking for your store. The Google channel automatically adds conversion tracking events to your Google Ads account when you set it up. If you set up custom Google conversion tracking through edits to the theme code or through a third-party app, then your store might have duplicated conversion tracking events. Duplicated conversion tracking can cause inaccurate report data and problems with ad optimization. When you set up custom tracking, you can disable duplicated conversion tracking events from your Google Ads account.

If you need to disable duplicated conversion tracking events from your Google Ads account, then make sure you disable only the duplicated tracking events. Disabling non-duplicate conversion events can decrease ad tracking accuracy and efficiency.

Learn more about conversion settings from Google Ads Help.


Before following this guide, you need to:

  • Have a Google Ads account

  • Be running, or planning to run, an ad through Google Ads

Setting up Google Ads conversion tracking

To set up Google Ads conversion tracking, you need to create a conversion action, install the global site tag, and then add the event snippet. If you’re tracking purchases, then you also need to edit the event snippet to adjust the value of the conversion based on the purchase amount.

Step 1: Create a conversion action in Google Ads

To set up Google Ads conversion tracking, follow the Google Ads instructions for creating a conversion action.

The most common kind of conversion action is tracking purchases. To track purchases so you can see how effective your ads are at generating sales on your online store, set the category to Purchase/Sale, and the value to Use different values for each conversion.

When you’re done creating your conversion action, click CREATE AND CONTINUE.

Step 2: Install the global site tag

After you create a conversion action, you need to install the global site tag in your Shopify theme code.


  1. When you get to the Set up the tag step in Google Ads, click Install the tag yourself.

  2. In the Global site tag section, select the option that applies. The generated code depends on your selection.

  3. Copy your global site tag. You'll need this for the next step as well.

  4. In another browser window, open your Shopify admin and click Online Store.

  5. Click Actions > Edit code.

  6. Open your theme.liquid file.

  7. If this is the first time you’ve installed a global site tag, then paste the copied global site tag between the <head> and </head> tags to apply the tag to every page in your store. If you’re editing a global site tag that you’ve already installed, then locate the global site tag in your theme.liquid file and change the code as suggested by Google Ads.

  8. Click Save.

Step 3: Install the event snippet

After you install the global site tag, you need to add the event snippet to your checkout page. The event snippet tracks a conversion any time somebody clicks one of your ads and then later reaches the checkout page on your online store.


  1. In Google Ads, in the Event snippet section, select Page load.

  2. Copy the event snippet code.

  3. In another browser window, open your Shopify admin and click Settings > Checkout.

  4. In the Additional scripts text box, paste the event snippet. If you already have code in the Additional scripts text box, then add the event snippet on a new line below the existing code.

  5. Copy the global site tag used in the Install the global site tag step. Add this tag above the event snippet added in step 4.

  6. If a customer reloads the checkout page, then Google Ads might record a duplicate conversion. To prevent duplicate conversions, add tags before and after the event snippet so that it triggers once per customer:

    1. On the line before the snippet, paste {% if first_time_accessed %}.

    2. On the line after the snippet, paste {% endif %}.

  7. The default currency is USD. If you don't sell in US dollars, then replace 'USD' in the event snippet with '{{ currency }}'.

  8. The default transaction ID is blank. To prevent Google Ads from recording duplicate conversions, next to 'transaction_id': replace '' with '{{ order_number  }}':

{% if first_time_accessed %}   <!-- Event snippet for Test conversion page -->   <script>     gtag('event', 'conversion', {       'send_to': '1234567',       'value': 1.0,       'currency': '{{ currency }}',       'transaction_id': '{{ order_number }}',     });   </script> {% endif %}
  1. Click Save.

Step 4: Make the conversion value dynamic

If the conversion action you’re tracking is purchases on your online store, then the value of each conversion is different.

For example, Andy owns an apparel store, and is running two different ads through Google Ads - one for his collection of watches, and one for his collection of T-shirts. While both ads generate a similar number of clicks and sales on his online store, the value of the purchases made by people who click on the watch collection advertisement is higher. The value is higher because customers buy more expensive items after they click that ad. Andy uses this information to decide where to spend his advertising dollars.

To track a different value for each conversion, you need to edit your event snippet to use values that are specific to each transaction.


  1. Open your Shopify admin and click Settings > Checkout.

  2. In the Additional scripts text box, find the event snippet you added in Step 3: Install the event snippet.

  3. Replace the line beginning with 'value': with one of the following snippets:

    After you replace the line, your script looks similar to the following example:

    1. To exclude taxes and shipping from the conversion amount, replace it with this snippet:

          'value': {{ checkout.subtotal_price | divided_by: 100.0 }},
    2. To include taxes and shipping in the conversion amount, replace it with this snippet:

          'value': {{ checkout.total_price | divided_by: 100.0 }},
{% if first_time_accessed %}   <!-- Event snippet for Test conversion page -->   <script>     gtag('event', 'conversion', {       'send_to': '1234567',       'value': {{ checkout.subtotal_price | divided_by: 100.0 }},       'currency': '{{ currency }}',       'transaction_id': '{{ order_number }}',     });   </script> {% endif %}
  1. Click Save.

To make sure your tag is working, check the tracking status on the Conversion actions page in your Google Ads account. It might take a few hours for the conversion tracking tag to show as verified.

Setting up remarketing

Remarketing helps you target ads to people who visited your store in the past. Dynamic remarketing targets ads to your store's visitors based on the specific products they viewed on your site. You complete most of the setup for remarketing and dynamic remarketing through your Google Ads account. Read Google's setup guides for remarketing and dynamic remarketing to set up the remarketing code on Google.

You need to edit your theme code to add the remarketing code to your Shopify store. This is an unsupported theme customization, but you can try to find help in the Shopify Community forums, or hire a Shopify expert to edit your theme's code for you.

