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注意: 由于货件量增加,完成货件入库所需的时间可能比平时更长。我们无法手动加快货件入库流程,销售伙伴支持团队没有更进一步的指导信息。


  1. 设置发往亚马逊的货件数量

  2. 【对要使用亚马逊物流配送的商品进行预处理】

  3. 为商品贴标

  4. 检查/查看要发往亚马逊的货件

  5. 对运往亚马逊的货件进行预处理

  6. 运输流程一览

重要: 即使标准化货件创建流程中未提供特定商品的预处理指导,您也有责任确定商品需要的预处理类型,以便将商品安全地发往亚马逊。请访问包装和预处理要求,了解有关如何预处理多种常见商品类型的详细信息。



重要: 亚马逊物流只预处理具有与亚马逊商品目录中的某个 ASIN 对应的单个 UPC 或 EAN 的商品。


重要: 如果您未在【预处理方】列中选择【亚马逊】,则您有责任确保您的商品符合所有的亚马逊物流预处理要求,以便进行运输。




重要: 对于未根据要求进行预处理的商品,亚马逊运营中心将对计划外的预处理服务收取费用。了解有关计划外服务费用的更多信息。



需要聚乙烯塑料袋包装的商品应彻底密封在厚度至少为 1.5 密耳的透明聚乙烯塑料袋中。确保可以透过塑料袋扫描条形码,或将条形码标签贴在塑料袋外面。

注意: 必须使用黑色不透明聚乙烯塑料袋或收缩包装来包装成人用品。

如果袋子平放时开口大于 5 英寸,则必须在醒目位置印刷或粘贴字体清晰的窒息警告。


  • 防止泄露或溢出,从而损坏货件中的其他商品,通常针对液体和粉末状商品

  • 保护商品不沾染灰尘或污垢

  • 防止散装商品被拆分,例如成套销售的单件商品


  • 包装球状颗粒、粉末和其他颗粒状商品

  • 包装含液体的商品

  • 打包毛绒商品

  • 服装、织物和纺织品的包装

  • 包装珠宝首饰

  • 打包小商品

  • 打包母婴商品

  • 打包成人用品

  • 包装树脂玻璃

  • 包装电池



  • 严实包装并用胶带封住,以免商品掉出来

  • 外部有可扫描条形码标签

  • 能够通过高出硬表面 3 英尺的跌落测试,且所含商品未破损。 一次跌落测试包含五次跌落:

    • 底部平落

    • 顶部平落

    • 长边平落

    • 最短边平落

    • 角部下落


  • 易碎且在运输过程中很容易发生破损

  • 笨重或密度较大,在运输过程中可能会损坏其他商品


注意: 必须妥善地预处理具有有效期/保质期且采用的包装(如玻璃罐或玻璃瓶)需要进行额外预处理的商品,以确保运营中心员工可以查看有效期/保质期。有关更多信息,请参阅具有有效期的亚马逊库存


如果运输和处理过程中存在安全问题,我们可能要求套箱包装。套箱包装通常指将预处理或包装好的商品放在箱子内,以提供额外的保护(即使商品已装箱)。对于超过 10 磅的商品,请使用双层瓦楞纸箱进行套箱包装。


  • 可能刺穿包装材料的尖锐商品

  • 使用气泡膜包装后未通过 3 英尺跌落测试或在运输和处理过程中可能损坏的易碎商品

  • 超过 4.2 盎司的玻璃容器中的危险液体

  • 黑胶唱片




  • 西装夹克和套装

  • 市场价单价高于 $299.99、属于正装或晚礼服、或含有压平后会损坏的材质(例如:全褶、串珠、亮片或蝴蝶结之类的其他装饰品)的裙装

  • 市场价单价高于 $299.99 或主要材质类型为真皮革、真皮毛或羊毛的外套

  • 市场价单价高于 $299.99 的裤子、衬衫、裙子和睡衣




  • 容器未用胶带封住,可能从包装中掉落

  • 盖子未封装到位,可能发生泄漏

  • 需要用胶带在容器内部完全密封






  • 母婴用品:包括毛绒玩具和适合 3 岁及以下婴幼儿使用的其他商品,如泰迪熊、安抚奶嘴和婴儿奶瓶。

  • 尖锐商品:包括带有锋利边缘或尖的商品,如刀具、剪刀和某些工具。

  • 易碎品/玻璃制品:包括可能会断裂或破碎的商品,如玻璃器皿、瓷器和相框。

  • 悬挂在衣架上的服装 :包括裙子、外套和婴幼儿衣服。

  • 服装、织物、毛绒物品和纺织品:包括由布料或纺织品制成的商品,如未悬挂在衣架上的服装、毛毯和亚麻制品。

  • 小商品:包括最长边长度小于 2⅛ 英寸的商品,如珠宝首饰、钥匙扣、闪存盘。

  • 成人用品:包括显示可能存在低俗内容的商品,如成人杂志和电影。

  • 液体(非玻璃容器装):包括盛放在塑料瓶或塑料罐中超过 16 盎司的液体或胶剂,如洗手液、喷雾、乳液。应将存放在玻璃瓶或玻璃罐中的液体视为易碎品。

  • 粉状、球状颗粒和颗粒状物品:包括粉末、有香味的家居用品和洗衣粉。

  • 打孔包装商品 :包括展示原厂包装发货的商品,例如糖果展示或格兰诺拉燕麦卷。

  • 无需预处理的商品:包括无打孔包装且将一整箱商品作为一件商品销售的原厂包装发货商品。




Prepare your products for FBA shipping

Some products require specific preparation so they arrive at Amazon fulfillment centers in the best condition. Prep guidance for many products is available in the Prepare products step as you create your shipment. You can also have Amazon do the prep for you for a per-item fee.

Note: You may experience longer than usual shipment delivery time due to higher volume of shipments. We are unable to manually expedite the process and Selling Partner Support does not have further guidance.

Preparing your products is the second step in the six-step shipment creation process.

  1. Set quantity for shipments to Amazon

  2. Prepare your products for FBA shipping

  3. Label your products

  4. Review/view shipments to Amazon

  5. Prepare shipment to Amazon

  6. Summary of shipment process

Important: Determining the type of preparation required to ship your products safely to Amazon is your responsibility, even if prep guidance for your specific products is not available in the shipment creation workflow. Visit packaging and prep requirements for details on how to prep many common product types.

FBA Prep Service

If you want Amazon to prepare your products for you, select Amazon under Who preps. For more information about the per-item cost, see FBA Prep Service fees.

Important: FBA can prep only products that have a single UPC or EAN that corresponds to an ASIN in Amazon’s product catalog.

Even if you sign up for the FBA Prep Service, package your products so they will arrive safely at the fulfillment center. Package fragile, glass, and sharp items in such a way that they arrive intact and that fulfillment center associates can handle them safely.

Important: If you do not select Amazon in the Who preps column, you are responsible for ensuring that your products meet all FBA prep requirements for shipping.

Prep required

The Prep required tab on the Prepare Products page has guidance for items that have specific preparation requirements.

If you think the requirements for the product you have listed are not appropriate or essential, click Investigate to start a review.

Important: Items that have not been prepared according to the requirements will be subject to charges for unplanned prep services at the fulfillment center. Learn more about unplanned service fees.

Prep requirements may include:

Poly bagging

Products that require poly bagging should be completely sealed in a clear polyethylene bag that is at least 1.5 mil thick. Make sure the barcode can be scanned through the bag, or place a barcode label on the outside.

Note: Adult products must be packaged using black, opaque poly bagging or shrink wrap.

Bags that have an opening that measures more than 5 inches when laid flat must have a suffocation warned printed on or affixed to them in a prominent location and in a legible font size.

Poly bagging may be required to:

  • Prevent leaks or spills from damaging other items in the shipment — usually for liquids and powders

  • Protect items from dust or dirt

  • Prevent loose items from being separated, such as individual items being sold as a set

For more information about specific product categories that may require poly bagging, see:

  • Packaging pellets, powders, and granular products

  • Packaging products containing liquids

  • Packaging plush units

  • Packaging apparel, fabric, and textiles

  • Packaging jewelry

  • Packaging small products

  • Packaging baby products

  • Packaging adult products

  • Packaging plexiglas

  • Packaging batteries

Bubble wrap

Products that require bubble wrap must:

  • Be tightly wrapped and taped shut so the product cannot fall out

  • Have a scannable barcode label on the outside

  • Be able to pass a 3-foot drop test on a hard surface without the contents breaking. A drop test consists of five drops:

    • Flat on base

    • Flap on top

    • Flat on longest side

    • Flat on shortest side

    • On a corner

Bubble wrap may be required because the item is:

  • Fragile and could be easily damaged during transit

  • Heavy or dense and could damage other items during transit

For more information, visit Packaging glass ceramic breakable and fragile units.

Note: Products that expire and are contained in packaging that requires additional prep, such as glass jars or bottles, must be prepped to ensure that fulfillment center associates can see the expiration date. For more information, visit Expiration-dated FBA inventory.


We may require overboxing when there are safety concerns over shipping and handling. Overboxing generally involves placing a prepared or packaged product in a box for added protection (even if the product is already boxed). For products over 10 lb, use double-wall corrugated boxes for overboxing.

Overboxing is required for the following types of products:

  • Sharp items that may puncture packaging materials

  • Fragile items that failed a 3-foot drop test after bubble wrap was applied or that may be damaged during shipping and handling

  • Hazardous liquids in glass containers over 4.2 oz

  • Vinyl records

Hanger removal

Normal-size hangers usually must be removed. Mini-hangers for baby clothes are allowed. The following items cannot be shipped on any kind of hanger: accessories, bras, hats, shorts, socks, hosiery, sweaters, swimwear, and underwear.

The following garments are exceptions that must remain on a hanger:

  • Blazers or suit jackets, and suits

  • Dresses that have a list price of more than $299.99 per item, are formal or evening wear, or contain material that would be damaged if stored flat (for example, full pleating, beading, sequins, or other embellishments such as a floral bow)

  • Outerwear with a list price of more than $299.99 per item or where the primary material type is real leather, real fur, or wool

  • Pants, shirts, skirts, and sleepwear with a list price of more than $299.99 per item


Products with this requirement need additional taping beyond what might normally be used to seal a box or poly bag or secure bubble wrap around an item.

Extra taping may be required if the item:

  • Might fall out of its packaging if the container is not taped shut

  • Might leak if the lid is not taped in place

  • Needs tape to be fully sealed within the container

Prep may be required

Click the Prep may be required tab to see products for which prep guidance is not available. This may be because the product has not been sent in before or has not been classified as having a specific prep requirement.

If you know the prep required for those products, click Choose category in the Prep guidance column, and from the drop-down list select the prep category that best suits your product.

If your product does not require additional prep, you can select No prep required.

The prep categories are:

  • Baby products: includes plush toys and other products for children 3 and under, such as teddy bears, pacifiers, and baby bottles.

  • Sharp: includes items that have sharp edges or are pointed, such as knives, scissors, and some tools.

  • Fragile/glass: includes items that can break or shatter, such as glassware, china, and picture frames.

  • Apparel on hanger: includes dresses, coats, and baby clothes.

  • Apparel, fabric, plush, and textiles: includes products made of cloth or textiles, including apparel not on hangers, blankets, and linens.

  • Small: includes products smaller than 2⅛ inches on the longest side, such as jewelry, key chains, and flash drives.

  • Adult: includes products displaying potentially offensive material, including explicit magazines and movies.

  • Liquids (nonglass): includes liquids or gels of more than 16 oz in plastic bottles or jars, such as liquid soap, sprays, and lotions. Treat liquids in glass bottles or jars as fragile.

  • Powder, pellets, and granular: includes powders, scented home products, and powdered detergents.

  • Perforated packaging: includes display case-packed items such as candy displays or granola bars.

  • No prep needed: includes case-packed items that do not have perforated packaging and are sold as a single unit inside a case.

Next steps

After you have reviewed all of the prep guidance, click Continue.
