


注意: 所有配送地址都要经过承运人确认。如果某个配送地址不在所选承运人的数据库中,系统会显示一条消息,说明该承运人无法配送此订单。如果承运人不能确认该地址,您就无法通过卖家账户为该订单购买配送服务。




  1. 在包裹详情页面,点击【管理您的包裹类型】链接来进入【管理自定义包裹】页面。

  2. 可以执行以下一项或多项操作:

    • 添加新的包裹类型: 点击【新包裹】按钮并在各列中填写信息。

    • 删除现有的包裹类型: 点击相应行右侧的红色背景上的"X" 。

    • 修改现有的包裹类型: 键入新信息以覆盖现有信息。

    • 重新组织包裹类型: 将任一包裹类型拖拽到列表中的另一个位置。(要拖动包裹类型,请选择一行的任意外部区域,而不是选择文字或尺寸部分。)

      注意: 顶部的包裹类型也将显示在【包裹详情】页面的下拉菜单顶部。

  3. 点击【保存所有更改】按钮,保存您的更改。点击【返回】按钮以返回【包裹详情】页面,并继续购买配送服务。(如果您不想保存更改,只需在不保存更改的情况下点击【返回】按钮即可。)


  • 如果购买的是一次性使用的配送服务,您可以在【包裹详情】页面针对包裹的三个尺寸输入不同的数值。系统不会保存一次性的尺寸来供您今后使用。

  • 最大数值为长度,中间数值为宽度,最小数值则为高度。






Print labels

When you click Buy shipping, this will take you to the Shipping purchased and confirmed page. Click Print label to print your purchased shipping label. If you make a mistake or need to reprint the same label, see Reprint a shipping label.

After you purchase a shipping label, the carrier will send you an email with an invoice for the purchase. Underpayment of labels will need to be settled between you and the carrier.

Note: All shipping addresses are confirmed by the carrier. If a shipping address does not exist in your selected carrier's database, a message will appear explaining that the carrier cannot fulfill this order. If the address cannot be confirmed by the carrier, you will not be able to buy shipping services for the order through your seller account.

Manage Custom Package Types

You can create custom package types to select from when you buy shipping services. Just enter the dimensions one time when you create a new package type, and then use the package type whenever you need it.

To create, modify, delete, or reorganize custom package types, follow these instructions when buying shipping services:

  1. On the Package Details page, click the Manage your package types link to reach the Manage Custom Packages page.

  2. Perform one or more of these actions:

    • Add a new package type: Click the New package button and fill in the columns.

    • Delete an existing package type: Click the "X " on the red background, on the right side of the row.

    • Modify an existing package type: Type the new information over the existing information.

    • Reorganize package types: Drag and drop any package type to another position in the list. (To drag a package type, select any of the outside areas of a row, not the text or dimensions.)

      Note: The package type at the top will also be at the top of the drop-down menu on the Package Details page.

  3. Click the Save all changes button to save your changes. Click the Back button to return to the Package Details page and continue buying shipping services. (If you decide you don't want to save your changes, simply click the Back button without saving your changes.)


  • On the Package Details page, you can type in different values for any of the three package dimensions for a one-time shipping services purchase. The one-time dimensions will not be saved for future use.

  • The largest dimension will be assumed to be length, the second largest width, and the smallest one height.

Shipping products with multiple parts

Buy Shipping Services does not support the use of different packages for separate parts of one product. This means that it is not possible to buy separate shipping with different labels and tracking numbers for individual parts or pieces of one product listing.

To buy shipping for separate products in one order (individual line items, not multiple parts of one product), buy shipping for the first item by including the quantity of each item in the package. Then, return to the Order Details page to buy shipping for the next item. Repeat for other items as needed.

From your seller account, click Orders, click Manage Orders, and then click the Buy shipping button to start the process.

