CollectionBoost 是一个产品推广项目,允许商户自选一组产品来组成一个集合(由商户自己创建和设置),并一起推广这些产品,这些产品集合将放在 Wish 应用和 wish.com 网站上的黄金位置/显眼位置,包括:
搜索:产品集合将在 Wish 搜索结果的第一个区块显示
横幅:Wish 主页横幅、主题横幅
其他显眼位置:“Blitz Buy”(闪电购买)、“历史记录”页、购物车
How to use CollectionBoost to promote products in customized collections?
CollectionBoost is a program that allows merchants to promote their products in customized collections (created and curated by merchants) which will be placed in premium/highly visible positions on the Wish App and wish.com, including:
Search: A collection will be the first tile of Wish’s search results
Related tab: A collection will be the first tile of a product’s related tab
Banners: Wish homepage banners, themed banners
Other high-visibility placements: Blitz wheel, History Page, Shopping Car