Transporter 中的产品 CSV 列描述

下表介绍了 CSV 文件的列标头。



产品的唯一标识符。指定不含空格的可读字符串。handle 通常是产品的小写标题,其中的空格和特殊字符均被替换为了连字符 (-)。例如,titan-t-shirt)。handle 显示在您的在线商店的产品页面的 URL 中(例如。必须填写此列。


产品名称。例如,Titan T 恤。必须填写此列。
Body产品描述。您可以在此描述中添加 HTML 格式设置标记。例如,“穿上这款<b> 100% 纯棉</b> T 恤一定能让您吸引大家的目光”
Vendor产品供应商的名称。默认值是商店的名称。例如,Titan Incorporated
Type产品类型,可用作自动生成的产品系列的条件,或者帮助您在 Shopify 后台筛选产品。一个产品只能有一种产品类型。
Tags一串以逗号分隔的标签,用于筛选和搜索。每个以顿号分隔的标签最多可以包含 255 个字符。例如,“令人激动的、闪存、MP3、音乐”。默认值为“”
Template Suffix模板的后缀,您的在线店面使用此模板来显示产品及其多属性。默认模板名为 product,没有任何后缀。若要使用此默认模板,请将此列留空。若要使用其他模板,请输入模板的后缀名。例如,如果要使用名为 product.mysuffix 的模板,则输入 mysuffix
Published Scope

指示是否向 Shopify POS (POS) 渠道提供此产品。有效值:

  • web - 产品不能在 Shopify POS 渠道进行销售。

  • global - 产品可在 Shopify POS 渠道进行销售。这是默认值。


  • true - 已向在线商店提供了此产品。

  • false - 在线商店中不提供该产品(当此列设置为“false”时,请不要为 Published At(发布时间)指定值。


Published At产品在在线商店开售的日期和时间(ISO 8601 格式)。例如,2007-12-31T19:00:00-05:00。当 Published 设置为 false 时,请勿为此列指定值。
Option1 Name自定义产品属性名称。例如,尺寸颜色材质。最大长度:255 个字符。
Option1 Value自定义产品选项的值。例如小号红色羊毛
Option2 Name自定义产品属性名称,例如尺寸颜色材质。最大长度:255 个字符。
Option2 Value自定义产品选项的值。
Option3 Name自定义产品属性名称,例如尺寸颜色材质。最大长度:255 个字符。
Option3 Value自定义产品选项的值。
Variant SKU商店中产品多属性的唯一标识符。如果您的商店使用发货服务(即,包括 Variant Fulfillment Service),则必须填写此列。例如,IPOD2008PINK
Metafields Global Title Tag面向 SEO 目的的产品多属性名称,用于将出现在搜索引擎中的名称。如果您不提供值,则默认采用 Title 列中的值。

Metafields Global Title Tag值显示在商店产品页面代码中的元标题标签 (<meta name='title'>) 中。如果您的产品有多属性,请在此标题中包含多属性的相关信息,因为多属性没有单独的元标签。如果稍后需要更改此值,您可以在产品页面执行此操作。

最大长度:70 个字符。

Metafields Global Description Tag面向 SEO 目的的产品多属性描述,用于将出现在搜索引擎中的描述。如果您不提供值,则默认采用 Body 列中的值。

元字段全局描述标签值用于您商店产品页面代码中的元描述标签 (<meta name='description-of-product'>)。如果您的产品有多属性,请在此描述中包含多属性的相关信息,因为多属性没有单独的元标签。如果稍后需要更改此值,您可以在 Shopify 后台中的产品页面执行此操作。最大长度:320 个字符。
Metafield Namespace一组元字段的容器。若要导入元字段,您需要包括以下 4 个元字段列中的值:Metafield NamespaceMetafield KeyMetafield Value 和 Metafield Value Type。您应该为元字段定义自定义命名空间,以区别于应用和 Shopify 使用的命名空间(包括默认的 global)。最大长度:20 个字符。
Metafield Key元字段的名称。包含其他元字段列时必须填写此列。最大长度:30 个字符。
Metafield Value要存储为元数据的信息。包含其他元字段列时,必须填写此列。
Metafield Value Type元字段的信息类型。有效值:
  • string

  • integer

  • json_string


Variant Grams产品多属性的重量值,以克为单位。如果将此列留空,则默认将其值设置为 0。请不要在此值中包含重量单位 (g)。对于克以外的任何重量单位,请改用 Variant Weight 列。请不要将 Variant Weight Unit 列与此列一同使用。
Variant Inventory Tracker描述如何跟踪产品多属性的库存。有效值:
  • Shopify - Shopify 会跟踪库存数量的变化。

  • fulfillment-service-handle - 库存数量变化会由发货服务在 Shopify 外部跟踪。此列中的值需要与 Variant Fulfillment Service 列中的值相匹配。


Variant Inventory Qty可供销售的产品多属性的数量(正整数)。例如:5。默认值为 0。如果您将此列留空,它的值将设为 0。如果 Shopify 未跟踪您的库存(即 Variant Inventory Tracker 列设为 false),请将此列留空。库存数量将应用到商店的默认地点。
Variant Inventory Policy客户是否可以在缺货时订购产品多属性。有效值:
  • deny - 客户无法在产品多属性缺货的情况下订购产品多属性。此为默认值。

  • continue - 如果库存不足,客户可以订购产品多属性。


Variant Fulfillment Service发货服务,在客户订购产品多属性时进行发货。有效值:
  • manual - 手动为订单中的产品多属性发货。此为默认值。如果您将此列留空,则默认向此列分配该值。

  • handle of the fulfillment service - 发货服务可为产品多属性的订单进行发货。如果您使用发货服务,还需要包括 Variant SKU 列。


Variant Price产品多属性的价格。
Variant Requires Shipping多属性是否需要发货。有效值:
  • true - 客户在订购此产品多属性时需提供地址。此为默认值。

  • false - 客户地址为选填项。


Variant Taxable在销售产品多属性时是否收税。有效值:
  • true - 需要收税。此为默认设置。

  • false - 无需纳税。


Variant Barcode产品多属性的条码、UPC 或 ISBN 编号。
Image AttachmentBase64 编码的图片。
Image Src

产品图片的 URL(例如。不支持非 HTTP URL。Transporter 应用会在导入期间下载图片,然后将图片上传到您的商店。图片可以是 .png、.gif 或 .jpg 格式。上传图片后,无法更改其文件名。如果您具有特定于多属性的图片,请将它们添加到 Variant Image 列。

若要为单个产品上传多张图片,请为每张图片新建一行。在每行的 Handle 列中输入产品的 handle,并在此列输入图片的 URL。若要包含有关此图片的其他信息(例如图片位置),请将信息输入到相关的图片列中。

Image Position表示图片要显示在您店面的产品页面上的顺序的数字。例如,如果希望图片显示在此产品页面的开头,则输入 1
Image Alt Text简要描述图片内容的替代文字。如果出于任何原因无法加载图片,则会改为在您的店面中显示替代文字。搜索引擎使用替代文字进行搜索引擎优化,辅助技术也使用替代文字为存在视觉障碍的客户描述图片。最大长度:512 个字符。
Variant Image产品多属性的图片 URL。在产品多属性的其中一行中的此列中输入产品多属性图片的 URL。产品多属性只能有一张图片。
Variant Weight产品多属性的重量值。请勿将此列与 Variant Grams 列一同使用。默认值为 0。请勿在此值中包含重量单位。使用 Variant Weight Unit 列指定重量单位。例如,如果产品重量为 100 磅 (lb) 并且 Variant Weight Unit 已设置为 lb,则在此列中输入 100
Variant Weight Unit在 Variant Weight 列中应用于产品多属性重量的度量单位。有效值为 g(克)、kg(千克)、oz (盎司)和 lb(磅)。默认值是商店的默认度量单位。不要将 Variant Weight Unit 和 Variant Grams 列一同使用。
Variant Tax Code产品的 valara 税务代码。此参数仅适用于已安装 Avalara AvaTax 应用的商店。例如,实体商品的税务代码是 P000000


Product CSV column descriptions in Transporter

The following table describes the column headers for the CSV file.



The unique identifier for the product. Specify a readable string with no spaces. Usually the handle is the product's title in lowercase with any spaces and special characters replaced by hyphens (-). For example, titan-t-shirt). The handle appears in the URL for the product page in your online store (for example, This column is required.


The name of the product. For example, Titan t-shirt. This column is required.
BodyA description of the product. You can add HTML formatting tags in this description. For example, "You'll be sure to turn heads in this t-shirt made of <b>100% cotton</b>".
VendorThe name of the product's vendor. The default value is the name of your store. For example, Titan Incorporated.
TypeA product type that can be used as a condition for an automated collection, or to help you filter your products in the Shopify admin. A product can have only one product type.
TagsA string of comma-separated tags that are used for filtering and search. Each comma-separated tag can have up to 255 characters. For example, Emotive, Flash Memory, MP3, Music. The default value is "".
Template SuffixThe suffix of the template that your online storefront uses to display the product and its variants. The default template is named product, without any suffix. To use this default template, leave the column empty. To use a different template, enter the name of the template's suffix. For example, if you want to use a template named product.mysuffix, then enter mysuffix.
Published Scope

Indicates whether the product is available to the Shopify POS (point of sale) channel. Valid values:

  • web - the product is not available to the Shopify POS channel.

  • global - the product is available to the Shopify POS channel. This is the default value.

Values are case sensitive.

PublishedWhether the product is available to the online store. Valid values:
  • true - the product is available to the online store.

  • false - the product is not available to the online store (When this column is set to false, then do not specify a value for Published At.

Values are case sensitive.

Published AtThe date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product was made available to the online store. For example, 2007-12-31T19:00:00-05:00. Do not specify a value for this column when Published is set to false.
Option1 NameThe custom product property name. For example, SizeColor, and Material. Maximum length: 255 characters.
Option1 ValueThe value of the custom product option. For example smallred, and wool.
Option2 NameThe custom product property name such as SizeColor, and Material. Maximum length: 255 characters.
Option2 ValueThe value of the custom product option.
Option3 NameThe custom product property name such as SizeColor, and Material. Maximum length: 255 characters.
Option3 ValueThe value of the custom product option.
Variant SKUA unique identifier for the product variant in your store. If your store uses a fulfillment service (that is, Variant Fulfillment Service is included), then this column is required. For example, IPOD2008PINK
Metafields Global Title TagThe name of the product variant for SEO purposes, used for the name that will appear in search engines. If you do not provide a value, then by default the value in the Title column is used.

The Metafields Global Title Tag value appears in the meta title tag (<meta name='title'>) in the code of your product's page in your store. If your product has variants, then include information about the variants in this title since there isn't a separate meta tag for a variant. If you need to change this value later on, then you can do so in your product's page. Maximum: 70 characters.
Metafields Global Description TagThe description of the product variant for SEO purposes, used for the description that will appear in search engines. If you do not provide a value, then by default the value in the Body column is used.

The Metafields Global Description Tag value is used in the meta description tag (<meta name='description-of-product'>) in the code of your product's page in your store. If your product has variants, then include information about the variants in this description since there isn't a separate meta tag for a variant. If you need to change this value later on, then you can do so in your product's page in the Shopify admin. Maximum: 320 characters.
Metafield NamespaceA container for a set of metafields. To import metafields, you need to include values in the following 4 metafield columns: Metafield NamespaceMetafield KeyMetafield Value, and Metafield Value Type. You should define a custom namespace for your metafields to distinguish them from namespaces used by apps and Shopify (including the default global). Maximum length: 20 characters.
Metafield KeyThe name of the metafield. This column is required when other metafield columns are included. Maximum length: 30 characters.
Metafield ValueThe information to be stored as metadata. This column is required when other metafield columns are included.
Metafield Value TypeThe metafield's information type. Valid values:
  • string

  • integer

  • json_string

Values are case sensitive. This column is required if other metafield columns are included.

Variant GramsThe amount that the product variant weighs in grams. If you leave this column empty, then by default its value is set to 0. Don't include the weight unit (g) in this value. For any weight measurements other than grams, use the Variant Weight column instead. Don't use the Variant Weight Unit column with this column.
Variant Inventory TrackerDescribes how the inventory for the product variant is tracked. Valid values:
  • Shopify - Inventory quantity changes are tracked by Shopify.

  • fulfillment-service-handle - Inventory quantity changes are tracked outside of Shopify by a fulfillment service. The value in this column needs to match the value in the Variant Fulfillment Service column.

Values are case sensitive.

Variant Inventory QtyThe amount (positive integer) of the product variant that is available for sale. For example, 5. The default is 0. If you leave this column empty, then its value is set to 0. If your inventory is not tracked by Shopify (that is the Variant Inventory Tracker column is set false), then leave this column empty. Inventory quantity will be applied to the store's default location. 
Variant Inventory PolicyWhether customers can place an order for the product variant when it's out of stock. Valid values:
  • deny - Customers cannot order the product variant if it's out of stock. This is the default value.

  • continue - Customers can order the product variant if it's out of stock.

Values are case sensitive.

Variant Inventory CostA record of the cost of the product variant.
Variant Fulfillment ServiceThe fulfillment service that fulfills the product variant when it is ordered. Valid values:
  • manual - You manually fulfill orders for the product variant. This is the default value. If you leave this column empty, then it is assigned this value by default.

  • handle of the fulfillment service - A fulfillment service fulfills the orders for the product variant. If you use a fulfillment service, then also need to include the Variant SKU column.

Values are case sensitive.

Variant PriceThe price of the product variant.
Variant Compare At PriceA comparison or suggested price of the product variant.
Variant Requires ShippingWhether the variant needs to be shipped. Valid values:
  • true - the customer needs to provide an address when they order this product variant. This is the default value.

  • false - a customer address is optional.

Values are case sensitive.

Variant TaxableWhether a tax is charged when the product variant is sold. Valid values:
  • true - tax is charged. This is the default.

  • false - taxes are not charged.

Values are case sensitive.

Variant BarcodeThe barcode, UPC, or ISBN number for the product variant.
Image AttachmentA Base64 encoded image.
Image Src

The URL for the product image (for example, Non-HTTP URLs are not supported. The Transporter app will download the images during the import and upload them into your store. Images can be in .png, .gif or .jpg format. After the image is uploaded, its file name cannot be changed. If you have variant-specific images, then add them to the Variant Image column.

To upload multiple images for a single product, create a new row for each image. In each row, enter the handle for the product in the Handle column and the URL for the image in this column. To include any of the other information for that image (for example, its position), enter the information into the associated image column.

Image PositionThe number that represents the order in which you want the image to appear on the product's page in your storefront. For example, enter 1 if you want the image to appear first for that product.
Image Alt TextAlternative text that briefly describes the image. If an image can't load for any reason, then the alt text is shown in your storefront instead. Alt text is also used by search engines for SEO and by assistive technologies to describe an image to a customer who's visually impaired. Maximum: 512 characters.
Variant ImageThe URL for image of the product variant. In one of the product variant's rows, enter the URL for the product variant image in this column. A product variant can only have one image.
Variant WeightThe amount that the product variant weighs. Do not use this column with the Variant Grams column. The default value is 0. Do not include the weight unit in the value. Use the Variant Weight Unit column to specify the weight unit. For example, if the product weighs 100 pounds (lb) and Variant Weight Unit is set to lb, then enter 100 in this column.
Variant Weight UnitThe unit of measurement that applies to the product variant's weight in the Variant Weight column. Valid values are g, kg, oz, and lb. The default value is your store's default unit of measurement. Do not use Variant Weight Unit with the Variant Grams column.
Variant Tax CodeThe Avalara tax code for the product. This parameter applies only to stores that have installed the Avalara AvaTax app. For example, the physical good tax code is P000000.

