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英国Shopify Capital 商户预借现金怎么运作?

Shopify CapitalShopify资金

Shopify Capital - 英国

Shopify Capital 在英国 (UK) 提供小型企业融资。如果您居住在英国并且需要额外的资金来发展您的业务,那么您可能有资格通过 Shopify Capital 的商家现金垫款获得资金。

详细了解商户现金垫款 以及如何申请。


Shopify Capital 以商家现金垫款的形式向英国符合条件的商家提供小企业资金。Shopify Capital 提供 250 至 375,000 英镑的资金数额。

商户现金垫款是一笔一笔款项,您可以申请以固定费用收取。您向 Shopify Capital 支付每日销售额的一定百分比,直到支付总金额。

例如,Shopify Capital 可能会从您商店的每日销售额中预付 5,000 英镑,换取 5,650 英镑。您的企业银行账户会收到 5,000 英镑,Shopify Capital 会收到您商店每日总销售额的 10%,直到支付 5,650 英镑。

如果您有资格申请商家现金垫款,那么您将收到来自 Shopify Capital 的电子邮件,并在您的 Shopify 后台主页上收到一条消息。如果您的商家预付现金请求获得批准,那么您将在两个工作日内收到款项。



每日总销售额的计算基于您商店中标记为已付款的每个订单。唯一不包括在您的汇款中的订单是在 Shopify Payments 处于测试模式时下的测试订单。在您收到商家预付现金两天后,Shopify Capital 开始根据您商店的每日总销售额从您的商业银行账户中扣除。在您汇出总额的 25% 以进行汇出后,您可以选择一次性汇出剩余余额。

例如,您收到一笔 15,000 英镑的商户现金垫款,汇款率为 10%。在您的每日总销售额达到 100 英镑的那一天,您支付 10 英镑。

有关更多信息,请阅读我们的Shopify Capital 术语表


Shopify Capital - United Kingdom

Shopify Capital offers small business funding in the United Kingdom (UK). If you live in the UK and need additional funds to develop your business, then you might be eligible for funding through a merchant cash advance from Shopify Capital.

Learn more about Merchant cash advances and how to apply.

Merchant cash advance

Shopify Capital offers small business funding in the form of merchant cash advances to eligible merchants in the United Kingdom. Shopify Capital offers funding amounts between 250 to 375,000 GBP.

A merchant cash advance is a lump sum of money that you can apply to receive for a fixed fee. You pay Shopify Capital a percentage of your daily sales until the total amount is paid.

For example, Shopify Capital might advance you 5,000 GBP for 5,650 GBP paid from your store's daily sales. You receive 5,000 GBP into your business bank account, and Shopify Capital receives 10% of your store's gross daily sales until the total 5,650 GBP is paid.

If you're eligible to apply for a merchant cash advance, then you'll receive an email from Shopify Capital and a message on the Home page of your Shopify admin. If your merchant cash advance request is approved, then you receive the money within two business days.

How it works

There's no deadline on your merchant cash advance. You pay back, or remit, a percentage of your store's gross daily sales until the total to remit is paid. The amount of the payment is based on how much you sell.

The gross daily sales calculation is based on every order in your store that's marked as paid. The only orders that aren't included in your remittance are test orders placed while Shopify Payments is in test mode. Two days after you receive the merchant cash advance, Shopify Capital begins debiting your business bank account based on your store's gross daily sales. After you remit over 25% of your total to remit, then you have the option to remit the remaining balance in a single lump sum.

For example, you receive a merchant cash advance of 15,000 GBP with a remittance rate of 10%. On a day when you make 100 GBP in gross daily sales, you pay 10 GBP.

For more information, read our Shopify Capital glossary of terms.

