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如果您即将推出在线商店或计划通过发布新模板来更改其外观,那么您可以通过共享模板预览来寻求其他人的反馈。您可以创建一个链接,供其他人用于访问您在 Shopify 后台添加的任何模板的预览。无需发布模板即可共享。

预览链接让其他人能够浏览您的在线商店,但不允许他们访问结账。创建预览链接后,它将保持活动状态 14 天。您可根据需要随时创建新链接,创建新链接不会影响旧预览链接。



  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到在线商店 > 模板

  1. 对于要共享的模板,点击操作,然后选择预览

  2. 在页面底部的预览栏上,点击共享预览。包含唯一共享链接的窗口随即打开。

  3. 点击 Copy link(复制链接)以将链接复制到剪贴板。

  4. 将链接粘贴到电子邮件、聊天或社交媒体中以便进行共享。


  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,轻触商店

  2. 销售渠道部分,轻触在线商店

  3. 轻触管理模板

  1. 对于要共享的模板,点击操作,然后选择预览

  2. 在页面底部的预览栏上,点击共享预览。包含唯一共享链接的窗口随即打开。

  3. 点击 Copy link(复制链接)以将链接复制到剪贴板。

  4. 将链接粘贴到电子邮件、聊天或社交媒体中以便进行共享。


  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,轻触商店

  2. 销售渠道部分,轻触在线商店

  3. 轻触管理模板

  1. 对于要共享的模板,点击操作,然后选择预览

  2. 在页面底部的预览栏上,点击共享预览。包含唯一共享链接的窗口随即打开。

  3. 点击 Copy link(复制链接)以将链接复制到剪贴板。

  4. 将链接粘贴到电子邮件、聊天或社交媒体中以便进行共享。


Share a theme preview with others

If you are about to launch your online store or planning to change its look and feel by publishing a new theme, then you can seek feedback from others by sharing a preview of your theme. You can create a link that others can use to access a preview of any theme that you've added in your Shopify admin. The theme doesn't have to be published to be shared.

A preview link enables others to explore your online store, but prevents them from accessing the checkout. After you create a preview link, it remains active for 14 days. You can create new links as often as you like, and creating a new link won't affect old preview links.



  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.

  1. For the theme that you want to share, click Actions, and select Preview.

  2. On the preview bar at the bottom of the page, click Share preview. A window containing a unique share link will open.

  3. Click Copy link to copy the link to your clipboard.

  4. Paste the link into emails, chats, or on social media to share.


  1. From the Shopify app, tap Store.

  2. In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.

  3. Tap Manage themes.

  1. For the theme that you want to share, click Actions, and select Preview.

  2. On the preview bar at the bottom of the page, click Share preview. A window containing a unique share link will open.

  3. Click Copy link to copy the link to your clipboard.

  4. Paste the link into emails, chats, or on social media to share.


  1. From the Shopify app, tap Store.

  2. In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.

  3. Tap Manage themes.

  1. For the theme that you want to share, click Actions, and select Preview.

  2. On the preview bar at the bottom of the page, click Share preview. A window containing a unique share link will open.

  3. Click Copy link to copy the link to your clipboard.

  4. Paste the link into emails, chats, or on social media to share.

