使会议顺利进行          keep a meeting running smoothly

拟写会议议程         write a meeting agenda

制作会议议程         make a meeting agenda

起草会议议程         draft the agenda

会议主席,大会主持     meeting chairman/meeting facilitator

参会者                 attendee/ participant

在日程表上分配时间     allocate time in the schedule

分配时间             allot time

检查议程上的错误     check an agenda for errors

校对议程上的错误     proofread an agenda for errors

征求和整合反馈意见     solicit and integrate the feedback

会议议程模板         meeting agenda template

做会议记录              take minutes

便于参考                for ease of reference


便于阅读                for ease of reading

休会                    adjourn a meeting

召集会议                convene a meeting/call a meeting

事先准备模板            prepare a template in advance

进行投票                carry out votes

批准会议记录            approve minutes

根据要求,应要求        upon request

呈请批复                submit for approval

抄写,转录大会记录      transcribe the minutes

提出动议                propose a motion

提出动议                make a motion
