Shopify 的政策是尽快回复有关涉嫌商标侵权的明确通知。我们对此类通知的回应可能包括删除被声称为侵权活动主体的材料,或禁止他人访问相关材料和/或终止侵权用户的账户。
在适当情况下,Shopify 将禁用和/或终止多次侵权者的账户。
您可以登录并使用在线表单来报告 Shopify 上您认为违反或侵犯您的已注册商标的内容。
提交商标侵权通知的最有效方式是填写在线表单。但如果您无法使用在线表单,则可向 发送商标侵权通知。通知中需要包含以下信息:
为每个有争议的商标提供以下信息: - 商标描述;
指向 Shopify 上您认为违反或侵犯您商标的内容的链接。请提供包含您想要删除的内容的每个页面的完整列表,而不只是商店主页链接。
说明您认为 Shopify 上的内容如何违反或侵犯您的商标。
以下声明: - 我确信,被投诉方通过本通知中提及的方式来使用上述商标的行为,并未获得商标所有者、其代理或法律的授权。
当商店收到商标侵权通知时,Shopify 的信任与安全团队会向店主发送电子邮件,告知他们哪些内容已被移除。如果您想对通知表示异议,可使用电子邮件中包含的指向争议表单的链接。您可以回复 Shopify 的信任与安全团队发送的电子邮件,说明您可能遇到的任何问题。
Trademark policy
It is Shopify’s policy to expeditiously respond to clear notices of alleged trademark infringement. Our response to such notices may include removing or disabling access to material claimed to be the subject of infringing activity and/or terminating the user’s account.
Shopify will, in appropriate circumstances, disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who are repeat infringers.
Reporting trademark infringement
You can sign in to use the online form to report content on Shopify that you believe violates or infringes your registered trademark.
You can also report multiple stores that are infringing on the same trademarks in a single form submission. If you falsely report that content infringes on your trademark, then you might be liable for damages.
Trademark notice requirements
The online form is the most efficient way of submitting a trademark infringement notice. If you can't use the online form though, then you can send a trademark infringement notice to Your notice needs the following information:
Trademark owner’s full name.
Your contact information, including your full name, address, phone number, and email address.
Include the following information for each trademark at issue:
a description of the trademark;
the countries it is registered in;
trademark registration number; and
the category of products and/or services covered by the registration.
Links to the content you believe violates or infringes your trademark(s) on Shopify. Provide a comprehensive list to each individual page with content you want removed and not just the main shop link.
Description of how you believe the content violates or infringes your trademark(s) on Shopify.
The following statements:
I have a good faith belief that use of the trademark as described above, in the manner I have complained of, is not authorized by the trademark owner, its agent, or the law.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate, and that I am the owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the trademark rights described above.
I acknowledge that a copy of this infringement notice, including any contact information provided above, may be provided to the person that posted the content being reported.
Your physical or electronic signature.
Responding to a notice of trademark infringement
When a store receives a notice of trademark infringement, Shopify's Trust and Safety team will email the store owner to let them know what content was taken offline. If you want to dispute the notice, then the email includes a link to a dispute form. You can reply to the email from Shopify’s Trust and Safety team with any questions that you might have.