将 Shopify POS 订单标记为已发货或未发货

您可以在 Shopify 后台中手动将订单标记为已发货,但这意味着您需要更改在您的零售商店中进行的每次购买的订单状态。如果您的客户在离开时带走了他们所购买的东西,则可以更加轻松地从 Shopify POS 应用中将您的订单自动标记为已发货。


Shopify POS 的自动发货行为取决于您的发货设置:





如果已完成的 Shopify POS 订单在您的订单屏幕中标记为未发货,则无法从 Shopify POS 应用中将其标记为已发货。您必须登录 Shopify 后台才能发货该订单。



  1. 在 Shopify POS 应用的主屏幕上,点击其他操作

  2. 购物车下,启用标记为已发货

  3. 点击关闭,然后继续处理订单。


Marking a Shopify POS order as fulfilled or unfulfilled

You can manually mark orders as fulfilled in your Shopify admin, but this means that you'll need to change the order status for every purchase made in your retail store. If your customers take their purchases with them when they leave, then it's easier to automatically mark your orders as fulfilled from the Shopify POS app.

On this page

  • Understanding automatic fulfillment behavior

  • Setting fulfillment status manually

  • Mark an order as fulfilled

Understanding automatic fulfillment behavior

The automatic fulfillment behavior of Shopify POS depends on your fulfillment setting:

Mark as fulfilledFulfillment status
OnOrder marked as Fulfilled
(Except for ship to customer orders and local pickup for online orders. They always need to be manually marked as fulfilled.)
OffOrder marked as Unfulfilled

Setting fulfillment status manually

Under some circumstances, you can override the fulfillment preferences and manually set the status of an order to Fulfilled. You can't manually change the status of an order to Unfulfilled after the order is placed. So if you want to record an order as Unfulfilled, even though the item is in stock, you must switch off Mark as fulfilled in your fulfillment preferences before you process the transaction.

Mark an order as fulfilled

If a completed Shopify POS order is marked in your Orders screen as Unfulfilled, you can't mark it as fulfilled from the Shopify POS app. You must log in to your Shopify admin to fulfill the order.

You can mark an order as fulfilled while it's still in the cart.


  1. From the home screen of the Shopify POS app, tap More actions.

  2. Under CART, enable Mark as fulfilled.

  3. Tap Close and then continue with the order.

