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请注意,自北京时间2021年9月24日上午8时起,wish商户平台将不再为用户在上述时间之后下单的 A+ 物流计划订单分配仓库和显示仓库信息。因此,wish商户会开始看到 A+ 物流计划订单的配送信息显示“WishPost 仓库 - {用户代号} - {国家/地区代码}”。在商户创建相应的 WishPost 运单后,WishPost 将会分配具体仓库,商户可前往 WishPost 中的“订单详情”页查看仓库信息。

此外,自北京时间2021年9月24日上午8时起,商户可通过 API 端口 “/api/v3/order_status” (https://www.wishpost.cn/documentation/api/v2#order_status) 响应中新增的“dest_warehouse_address_cn”字段获取仓库地址。

同时,以下 API 端口响应中现有的“shipping_details”(V2 版 API)和“shipping_detail”(V3 版 API)属性将不再提供仓库地址: 

1. V2 版 API (https://merchant.wish.com/documentation/api/v2#order):

  • GET api/v2/order

  • GET api/v2/order/multi-get

  • GET api/v2/order/get-fulfill

2. V3 版 API (https://merchant.wish.com/documentation/api/v3/reference#tag/Orders):

  • GET api/v3/orders/{id}

  • GET api/v3/orders

联仓项目的操作流程简单,服务费用优惠,可作为wish商户履行 A+ 物流计划订单的另一个仓库选择。如需了解联仓项目为商户履行 A+ 物流计划订单提供了哪些利好,请参阅其他文章。

如果您对 A+ 物流计划还有其他疑问,请与 WishPost 客服联系,wish商户平台会尽快给您答复。


Please note, starting September 24, 2021 8:00AM Beijing Time, Merchant Dashboard will not assign warehouses and display warehouse information for any new Advanced Logistics Program orders placed by customers after this time. As a result, merchants will start to see shipping information displaying as “WishPost Warehouse - {user hash} - {country code}” when they receive Advanced Logistics Program orders in Merchant Dashboard. After merchants create a corresponding WishPost shipping order, WishPost will assign the specific warehouse and merchants can see warehouse information by navigating to the “Order details” page in WishPost.

Additionally, merchants can access the warehouse address via the newly-added “dest_warehouse_address_cn” field in the response of the API endpoint “/api/v3/order_status” (https://www.wishpost.cn/documentation/api/v2#order_status), starting September 24, 2021 8:00AM Beijing Time.

Meanwhile, the warehouse address will no longer be provided to merchants via the existing `shipping_details`(v2 APIs) and `shipping_detail`(v3 APIs) attributes in the response of the following API endpoints: 

1. v2 APIs (https://merchant.wish.com/documentation/api/v2#order):

  • GET api/v2/order

  • GET api/v2/order/multi-get

  • GET api/v2/order/get-fulfill

2. v3 APIs (https://merchant.wish.com/documentation/api/v3/reference#tag/Orders):

  • GET api/v3/orders/{id}

  • GET api/v3/orders

Merchants may consider leveraging the Uni-Inventory Program as an additional warehouse option to fulfill their Advanced Logistics Program orders with a simple warehouse operation process and competitive service rate. Please refer to this FAQ for details on how Uni-Inventory Program may benefit merchants shipping Advanced Logistics Program orders.

If merchants have more questions about the Advanced Logistics Program, please do not hesitate to contact WishPost Customer Services, and we will respond to you as soon as possible
