Launchpad 活动示例

您可以使用 Launchpad 来进行销售、产品代发货和库存重新入库等活动。


您可以使用 Launchpad 在促销活动期间对产品价格打折。当您向活动中添加产品时,您可以选择添加以下内容:

  • 产品系列,并输入每个产品系列的百分比折扣

  • 单独的产品,并输入产品的设定价格或百分比折扣



例如,一双婴儿袜的常规价格是 2 美元,原价为 5 美元。您可以为这些袜子创建 50% 折扣的活动。


  • 袜子的价格为 1 美元。

  • 袜子的原价是 2 美元(袜子的正常价格)。


例如,假设您在销售婴儿袜的活动中添加了 50 美元的礼品卡,折扣为 50%。活动期间则会出现以下情况:

  • 袜子的价格为 1 美元。

  • 袜子的原价为 2 美元。

  • 礼品卡的价格为 25 美元。

  • 礼品卡的价值为 25 美元。

您无法使用 Launchpad 以 25 美元的价格销售价值 50 美元的礼品卡。



  • 百分比会将产品的价格降低到常规价格的指定百分比。此选项适用于产品系列和产品。

  • 新单价指定所有产品的价格。此选项仅适用于产品,而不适用于产品系列。

  • 固定金额会按设定的金额降低所有产品的价格。此选项仅适用于产品,而不适用于产品系列。

例如,您为袜子和衬衫创建活动并设置折扣。袜子的常规价格为 5美元,衬衫的常规价格为 20 美元。

  • 如果您将百分比折扣设为 50%,则在活动期间,袜子的价格为 2.50 美元,衬衫的价格为 10 美元。

  • 如果您将新单价设为 4 美元,则袜子和衬衫的售价都将为 4 美元。

  • 如果您设置 4 美元的固定金额折扣,则袜子的售价将为 1 美元,衬衫的价格将为 16 美元。


  1. 创建一个 Launchpad 活动。

  2. 折扣部分中,选中对您的产品和产品系列应用折扣

  3. 若要向产品添加折扣,请点击添加产品。若要向整个产品系列添加折扣,请点击添加产品系列

  4. 可选:若要对多个产品和产品系列应用相同的折扣,请点击批量折扣

  5. 可选:若要为单个产品和产品系列指定折扣,请输入折扣的百分比或新的促销价。

    1. 选择百分比新单价固定金额

    2. 输入您要提供的折扣的值。

    3. 点击应用




  1. 在您的 Shopify 后台中添加新产品。

  2. 产品状态分区中,点击下拉菜单并选择活跃

  3. 销售渠道和应用分区中,点击取消全选

  4. 保存您的新产品。

  5. 在 Launchpad 中创建活动,然后执行以下操作:

    1. 选择在销售渠道中发布产品,然后选择要在受支持的销售渠道上供应的产品。此选项可用于向销售渠道供应产品。Launchpad 不会更改产品状态。

    2. 如果您想以折扣价提供这些产品或其他产品,请选择对产品和产品系列应用折扣





  1. 在 Launchpad 中创建活动,然后启用在销售渠道中发布产品

  2. 按照说明增加产品的库存。


Example Launchpad events

You can use Launchpad to run events such as sales, product drops, and inventory restocks.

Automate discounts

You can use Launchpad to discount the prices of your products for the duration of a sales event. When you add products to your event, you can choose to add the following:

  • collections of products and enter a percentage discount for each collection

  • products individually and either enter set prices for the products or enter percentage discounts

Considerations for discounts

For the duration of the sale event, your products are offered to your customers at the discounted price. After the event ends, your prices change back to their pre-sale values.

For example, regular price for a pair of baby socks is $2 and its compare at price is $5. You create an event that offers these socks at a 50% discount.

For the duration to the event, the socks are priced as follows:

  • The price of the socks is $1.

  • The compare at price of the socks is $2 (the regular price of the socks).

Gift cards follow slightly different rules than standard products because they're considered a form of currency. If you discount gift cards for your event, then they are discounted by the amount that you choose. The value that they can be redeemed for is reduced by that amount.

For example, you add a $50 gift card to your event selling baby socks, discounted at 50%. The following occurs for the duration of the event:

  • The price of socks is $1.

  • The compare at price of the socks is $2.

  • The price of the gift card is $25.

  • The value of the gift card is $25.

You can't sell a gift card worth $50 for $25 using Launchpad.

Considerations for bulk discounts

When you create a bulk discount, you have the following options:

  • Percentage reduces the price of the products to a percentage of the regular price. This option applies to collections and products.

  • New unit price specifies exactly what the price of all items will be. This option applies only to products, not collections.

  • Fixed amount reduces the price of all items by a set amount. This option applies only to products, not collections.

For example, you create an event and set discounts for socks, which regularly sell at $5, and shirts, which regularly sell at $20.

  • If you set a percentage discount of 50%, then during the event socks will have a price of $2.50 and shirts will have a price of $16.

  • If you set a new unit price of $4, then socks and shirts will both sell at $4.

  • If you set a fixed amount of $4, then socks will sell at $1 and shirts will sell at $16.

Create automatic discounts

  1. Create a Launchpad event.

  2. In the Discounts section, check Apply discounts to your products and collections.

  3. To add discounts to products, click Add products. To add discounts to entire collections, click Add collections.

  4. Optional: To apply the same discount to multiple products and collections, then click Bulk discounts.

  5. Optional: To specify discounts for individual products and collections, then enter the percentage of the discount or the new sale price.

    1. Select PercentageNew unit price, or Fixed amount.

    2. Enter the value of the discount that you want to offer.

    3. Click Apply.

Automate product releases

You can schedule when a new product appears in your online store and other sales channels. Product releases are also referred to as product drops or product launches. Releasing a product makes it available on your sales channels.


  1. Add a new product in your Shopify admin.

  2. In the Product status section, click on the drop-down menu and select Active.

  3. In the Sales channels and apps section, click Deselect all.

  4. Save your new product.

  5. Create an event in Launchpad and do the following:

    1. Select Publish products across your sales channels, and then select the products that you want to make available on the supported sales channels. This option makes a product available to a sales channel. Launchpad does not change product status.

    2. If you want to offer these products or other products at a discount, then select Apply discounts to your products and collections.

Automate additions to inventory

You can create events to update your inventory and to make products available to your online store and other sales channels. When such events end, those products remain available in the sales channels. Inventory amounts are not changed when an event ends.

The steps to update your inventory are the same as the steps to make products available to your sales channels.


  1. Create an event in Launchpad, and enable Publish products across your sales channels.

  2. Follow the instructions to increase the inventories of your products.

