
您所有的移动端订单、店内订单和在线订单都显示在 Shopify POS 的订单屏幕中。若要查找特定订单,您可以使用搜索功能或扫描收据条码。

在 Shopify 后台,您可以按地点搜索 POS 订单保存常用搜索筛选条件


  1. 在 Shopify POS 应用中,点击 ,然后点击订单

  2. 可选:在销售类型销售地点部分中,通过选择订单的销售类型(零售或在线)和销售地点(如果您的商店有多个地点)来为订单搜索设置筛选条件。

  3. 点击搜索任意内容

  4. 在搜索字段中,输入订单 ID、订单产品名称、收据编号或客户姓名。与您的搜索匹配的订单将显示在搜索栏下方。

  5. 点击订单以打开它,或点击  返回到搜索屏幕。


如果您在打印的收据上包含了条码,您可以使用条码扫描器(仅限 2D 版本)或设备的相机扫描收据条码,然后系统将在 Shopify POS 中打开与之匹配的订单。

  1. 订单屏幕上,点击右上角的条码图标。

  2. 使用您的条码扫描器(仅限 2D 版本)或 iPad 的前置摄像头扫描收据条码。如果无法扫描,可以手动输入收据上的收据号。


Searching for orders

All your mobile, in-store, and online orders appear on the Orders screen of Shopify POS. To find a particular order, you can use the search feature or scan a receipt barcode.

In the Shopify admin, you can search POS orders by location and save search filters that you use often.

Search for an order

  1. From the Shopify POS app, tap and then tap Orders.

  2. Optional: From the SALE TYPE and SALES LOCATION sections, set filters for your order search by selecting the sale type (retail or online) and sales location (if your store has multiple locations) for the order.

  3. Tap Search anything.

  4. In the search field, enter the order ID, order item name, receipt number, or customer name. Orders that match your search will appear beneath the search bar.

  5. Tap an order to open it, or tap  to return to the search screen.

Scan a receipt barcode

If you've included barcodes on your printed receipts, then you can scan receipt barcodes with a barcode scanner (2D version only) or your device's camera to open the matching order in Shopify POS.

  1. On the Orders screen, tap the barcode icon on the top-right corner.

  2. Scan the receipt barcode with either your barcode scanner (2D version only) or your iPad's front-facing camera. If this doesn't work, then you can manually enter the receipt number from the receipt.

