确保您的商店符合 Shopify 的政策

我们 Shopify 相信让每个人的商业都变得更好。为了帮助完成这项任务,我们会尽力为您提供信息,帮助您就如何使用我们的平台销售产品做出明智的决定。

我们对可能违反Shopify 可接受使用政策的某些产品执行例行平台扫描。为确保您对 Shopify 的使用不会中断,您需要仔细查看适用于您的 Shopify 商店的所有政策,包括Shopify 服务条款和Shopify 可接受使用政策。您还需要考虑在不同司法管辖区销售的影响,包括研究相关的进出口法律法规,以及了解在任何地区销售产品的当前法律状态。

虽然 Shopify 尽我们所能帮助您取得成功,但您还需要采取一些步骤。本节中的信息旨在帮助您了解如何在某些受监管区域销售产品。如果您对哪些法律适用于您有疑问,或者对您的业务有特定的问题,那么您需要咨询熟悉可能适用于您的业务的相关法律的律师。


Ensuring that your store complies with Shopify's policies

We at Shopify believe in making commerce better for everyone. To help with this mission, we try to provide you with the information that'll help you to make informed decisions about how you sell your products using our platform.

We perform routine platform scans for certain products that might violate the Shopify Acceptable Use Policy. To ensure that your use of Shopify is uninterrupted, you need to carefully review all policies that apply to your Shopify store, including the Shopify Terms of Service, and the Shopify Acceptable Use Policy. You also need to consider the implications of selling in different jurisdictions, including researching the relevant import and export laws and regulations, and knowing the current legal status of selling products in any region.

While we at Shopify do what we can to set you up for success, there are also steps that you need to take. The information found in this section is intended as a starting point to help you learn about selling products in certain regulated areas. If you have questions about which laws apply to you, or questions specific to your business, then you need to consult with a lawyer who is familiar with the relevant laws that might apply to your business.

