小包裹快递货件用单独的箱子包装商品,并且每个包装箱单独贴标进行配送。通常这些是通过 DHL、UPS、FedEx 或当地邮政服务发送的小型货件。有关更多信息,请参阅发往亚马逊的小包裹快递。
您发往亚马逊运营中心的每个箱子和托拍(包括用制造商包装箱运送的一件或多件商品)都必须用唯一的箱号(请参见“示例:亚马逊物流箱号标签”)和托拍标签进行正确标识。 亚马逊物流箱子编号标签)和托拍标签。请遵循以下准则来为您的箱子贴标:
标签支持的尺寸为 3 1/3 x 4 英寸。如果您有热敏打印机,现在可以选择直接以 4 x 6 英寸的格式进行打印,方法是在箱子和托拍标签打印选项中选择【热敏打印纸】。
将亚马逊物流箱子编号标签和承运人标签(UPS、FedEx 或其他小包裹快递承运人)贴在箱子的平整表面上,以免条形码在边缘或角落处折叠。
示例: 亚马逊物流箱子编号标签
重要: 如果您没有根据要求在纸箱上粘贴亚马逊物流箱号标签,我们今后可能会禁止您再向亚马逊运送货件。
提示: 卖家账户中的工具已针对热敏打印机进行了优化。您也可以使用激光打印机。切勿使用喷墨打印机。打印标签时,如果打印机尝试缩放 PDF 打印区域,请确保将打印机的缩放比例设置为“无”或“100%”。我们还建议您通过扫描条形码对其进行定期测试。
当您在标准化货件创建流程中提供箱内物品信息时,每个亚马逊物流箱子编号标签将包含一个特定箱子的信息。为避免您的库存在运营中心的接收延迟,请务必在正确的箱子上粘贴正确的标签。我们建议您确认每个箱子中的 SKU 和商品数量与您在标准化货件创建流程中提供的箱内物品信息中的 SKU 和商品数量是否一致。要了解更多信息,请参阅发送至亚马逊的亚马逊物流货件的箱内物品信息。
重要: 如果您未提供准确的箱内物品信息,我们将收取人工处理费,并且今后可能会禁止您再向亚马逊运送货件。
此外,2D 条形码无法取代亚马逊物流箱号标签。如果使用 2D 条形码提供箱内物品信息,您仍然需要提供亚马逊物流箱子编号标签。有关更多信息,请参阅通过 2D 条形码提供箱内物品信息。
注意: 对于所有货件,您都需要提供准确的包装箱重量和尺寸,即使您选择不在卖家平台提供箱内物品信息也是如此。有关更多信息,请参阅运输和路线安排要求。
您可以通过在运费步骤中点击【取消费用】来取消货件运费(前提是您在接受费用后的 24 小时内取消),然后即可选用其他承运人。有关更多信息,请参阅亚马逊合作承运人选项。
重要: 取消货件不会取消支付给亚马逊合作承运人的入库运输费。要取消该费用,您必须按照以上步骤操作。如果自您接受费用已经过去 24 小时,那么您将无法取消此费用或获得退款。
重要: 您需要联系小包裹快递承运人安排取件请求。
Shipment Label Requirements
Help ensure your products arrive safely and quickly at an Amazon fulfillment center by following these important requirements for shipment labels and packaging your inventory.
After you decide what you'll be shipping to Amazon and determine the appropriate shipping method and carrier to use, it's time for labeling and packaging.
Small parcel deliveries (SPDs) are for items packed in individual boxes, and the shipping boxes individually labeled for delivery. These are normally smaller shipments that are sent through DHL, UPS, FedEx, or local postal services. For more information, see Small parcel delivery to Amazon.
Less Than Truckload/Full Truckload (LTL/FTL) shipment combines individual boxes on pallets for delivery. For more information, see Truckload delivery to Amazon.
Each box and pallet you ship to an Amazon fulfillment center, including one or more units sent in a manufacturer box, must be properly identified with a unique box ID (see Example: FBA Box ID label) and pallet label. Follow these guidelines for labeling your boxes:
Print the full set of labels. Because each label is unique, don't photocopy, reuse, or modify labels for use on additional boxes.
Labels support a measurement of 3 1/3 x 4 inches. If you have a thermal printer, you now have the option to print directly on a 4 x 6 inches format by selecting thermal printing paper in the box and pallet label printing options.
Don't place labels on a seam or opening on the box because they will be damaged when the box is opened.
Place both the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) box ID label and the carrier label (UPS, FedEx, or other SPD carrier) on a flat surface of the box so the barcodes don’t fold over the edges or corners.
Both labels must remain uncovered so they are scannable and readable.
Each box in the shipment must have its own FBA box ID label printed from your Shipping Queue.
Each pallet you send needs four pallet labels, one on the top center of each side.
If you’re shipping multiple case packs in a master carton (a single box containing smaller case packed boxes), apply the FBA box ID label to the master carton. You don’t need to apply FBA box ID labels to the case packs inside the master carton.
Example: FBA Box ID label
For more information on how to print box labels, see Prepare shipment to Amazon. If you’ve already created your shipment, you can access it from the Shipping Queue.
Important: Failure to label your cartons with the required FBA box ID label may lead to blocking of future shipments.
Making sure that your labels can be scanned quickly and easily when your shipment arrives at the fulfillment center helps to prevent delays in receiving your inventory.
Tip: The tools in your seller account are optimized for thermal printers. You can also use laser printers. Avoid using ink jet printers. If your printer attempts to scale the PDF print area when you print your labels, make sure the printer scaling is set to None or 100%. We also recommend that you periodically test your barcodes by scanning them.
Box content information
When you provide box content information during the shipment creation workflow, each FBA box ID label will contain the information for a specific box. To avoid delays in receiving your inventory at the fulfillment center, make sure to put the correct label on the correct box. We recommend you verify that the SKU and number of units in each box match the SKU and number of units in the box content information you provided in the shipment creation workflow. To learn more, see Box content information for FBA shipments to Amazon.
Important: Failure to provide accurate box content information may lead to blocking of future shipments, and a manual processing fee will be applied.
Also, 2D barcodes do not replace Amazon FBA box ID labels. If you use 2D barcodes to provide box content information, Amazon FBA box ID labels are still required. For more information, see Provide 2D barcodes for box content information.
Amazon-Partnered Carrier
In the shipment creation workflow, you'll have the option to take advantage of Amazon's discounted shipping rates.
In the Select Carrier screen of the workflow, select Small Parcel Delivery as your shipping method and Amazon-Partnered Carrier as the SPD carrier.
After you click Save & Continue, enter the number of packages and the weight of each package.
Note: Accurate carton weight and dimensions are required for all shipments, even if you opt to not provide box content information in Seller Central. For more information see Shipping and routing requirements.
The workflow will provide an estimate for the shipment. If you accept the charges, your account will be billed for the cost of shipping. If you decline the charges, you’ll be returned to the Select Carrier screen so you can choose another carrier option.
You can cancel charges for the shipment and use another carrier by clicking Void charges at the Shipping charges step, provided you cancel within 24 hours of accepting the charges. For more information, see Amazon Partnered Carrier options.
Important: Canceling the shipment does not cancel the inbound transportation charge for the Amazon-Partnered Carrier. You must follow the steps above to void the charge. If 24 hours have passed since you approved the charge, you won't be able to cancel it or get a refund.
After you complete your shipment, give your box to your scheduled pickup driver or take the package to a local carrier drop off site of your choice.
Important: You will need to reach out to the SPD carrier to schedule a pickup request.