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shopify Facebook 渠道的结账方式介绍

shopify Facebook 渠道shopify结账

Facebook 渠道的结账方式

如果您的商店中安装了 Facebook 渠道,则可以选择让客户在您的 Shopify 商店中结账,或者使用 Instagram Checkout 直接在 Facebook 和 Instagram 中结账。若要了解您是否符合使用 Facebook 和 Instagram 上的 Checkout 的条件,请参阅使用 Instagram Checkout 进行销售的要求。若要了解如何设置 Instagram Checkout,请参阅设置 Instagram Checkout

在结账方式之间切换会影响客户在 Facebook 和 Instagram 中结账的方式。每种结账方式都具有独特的功能(此页面中概述了这些功能),可帮助您确定最适合您商店的结账方式。

在 Facebook 或 Instagram 中结账

请查看以下有关让客户直接在 Facebook 和 Instagram 中结账的注意事项:

  • 如果客户使用您商店的 Facebook 公共主页或 Instagram 账户购物,他们可以选择立即购买,直接在 Facebook 或 Instagram 中购买产品。

  • 客户的付款和运费信息会安全保存以供将来的购买使用。

  • Instagram 用户可以在自己的文章中标记您的产品,从而使其他客户能够直接从这些文章中购买该产品。

  • Facebook 和 Instagram 可以发送推送通知、倒计时和产品贴纸,以帮助推动您的下一个产品发布的销售。

  • 使用 Facebook 和 Instagram 上的 Checkout 出售的产品不能在价格中包含费。

  • Facebook 和 Instagram 可以在客户旅程的所有阶段实现广告再营销。

  • 在 2022 年 6 月 30 日之前,Facebook 不会向 Shopify 商家收取销售费用。从 2022 年 6 月 30 日起,Facebook 将收取销售费用,具体取决于添加运费和税费后的订单总金额:

    • 如果订单总金额低于 8 美元,Facebook 将收取 0.40 美元的费用。

    • 如果订单总金额为 8 美元或更多,Facebook 将收取订单总金额的 5%。

    • Shopify 不收取与此结账方式相关的交易费。

  • 如果您想直接在 Facebook 和 Instagram 上进行销售,则需要遵守 Facebook 的商务资格要求。这包括最低 30 天的退货窗口等要求。

  • 当客户在 Facebook 或 Instagram 中结账时,承运商自动计算运费不可用。

  • Shopify 后台中创建的折扣可以应用于通过 Facebook 或 Instagram 上的 Checkout 达成的销售。

  • 当客户在 Facebook 或 Instagram 中查看时,订阅和预购不可用。

  • 您从订单中收到的客户信息仅包括客户的姓名、电子邮件地址和收货地址。通过在 Facebook 和 Instagram 中结账收集的客户邮箱只有在客户选择加入的情况下,才能用于营销目的。

在您的 Shopify 商店中结账

请查看以下有关让客户在您的 Shopify 商店中结账的注意事项:

  • 如果客户使用您商店的 Facebook 公共主页或 Instagram 账户购物,他们可以选择在网站上查看,以重定向到您的 Shopify 商店,并在其中完成购买。

  • 您可以自定义客户的在线商店结账体验。这些自定义项包括允许使用折扣和订阅、自定义品牌营销和消息传递,以及预订选项。

  • 您可以使用增强的发货选项,例如固定运费和承运商自动计算运费。

  • 销售费用较低。销售费用基于您的 Shopify 商店使用的套餐。

  • 客户直接从您的在线商店购物意味着您的商店可获得更多流量,并且可能实现更高的购买量。


Checkout methods for the Facebook channel

If you have the Facebook channel installed in your store, then you can choose to have customers check out on your Shopify store or directly on Facebook and Instagram using Checkout on Instagram. To learn if you are eligible for Checkout on Facebook and Instagram, refer to the Requirements for selling with Checkout on Instagram. To learn how to set up Checkout on Instagram, refer to Setting up Checkout on Instagram.

Switching between checkout methods affects how customers check out on Facebook and Instagram. Each checkout method has unique features which are outlined on this page to help you decide which checkout method is best for your store.

Check out on Facebook or Instagram

Review the following considerations for having your customers check out directly on Facebook and Instagram:

  • If a customer is shopping on your store's Facebook page or Instagram account, then they can select Buy now to purchase products directly on Facebook or Instagram.

  • The customer's payment and shipping details are saved securely for future purchases.

  • Instagram users can tag your products in their own posts, which lets other customers purchase the product directly from those posts.

  • Facebook and Instagram can send push notifications, countdowns, and product stickers to help drive sales of your next product release.

  • Products sold using Checkout on Facebook and Instagram can't have taxes included in the price.

  • Facebook and Instagram can enable ad retargeting at all points of your customer's journey.

  • Facebook isn't charging selling fees to Shopify merchants until June 30, 2022. As of June 30, 2022, Facebook will charge a selling fee depending on the order's total after shipping and taxes are added:

    • If the order total is less than $8 USD, then Facebook charges $0.40.

    • If the order total is $8 USD or more, then Facebook charges 5% of the order's total.

    • There are no Shopify transaction fees associated with this checkout method.

  • If you want to sell directly on Facebook and Instagram, then you need to comply with Facebook's Commerce eligibility requirements. This includes requirements such as a minimum return window of 30 days.

  • Carrier-calculated shipping rates aren't available when customers check out on Facebook or Instagram.

  • Discounts created in your Shopify admin can be applied to sales made through checking out on Facebook or Instagram.

  • Subscriptions and pre-orders are unavailable when a customer checks out on Facebook or Instagram.

  • The only customer information that you receive from the order is the customer’s name, email address, and shipping address. Customer email addresses collected through checking out on Facebook and Instagram can only be used for marketing purposes if the customer opts in.

Check out from your Shopify store

Review the following considerations for having your customers check out from your Shopify store:

  • If a customer is shopping on your store's Facebook page or Instagram account, then they can select View on website to be redirected to your Shopify store where they can complete their purchase.

  • You can customize your customer's online store checkout experience. These customizations include allowing discounts and subscriptions, custom branding and messaging, and preorder options.

  • You can use enhanced shipping options, such as flat shipping rates and carrier calculated shipping rates.

  • There are lower selling fees. Selling fees are based on your Shopify store's plan.

  • Customers shopping directly from your online store means that your store gets more traffic, and can lead to larger purchases.

