

  • 您可以在向供应商提交并确认采购订单 (PO) 后记录传入库存。

  • 您可以指明是否收到了全部或部分库存,这样您就可以按自己的进度来处理库存。

  • 您的产品库存会在您接收来自供应商处的商品后自动更新。

  • 您可以在产品详细信息中查看传入商品数及其预期到达日期。


供应商处创建转移(Shopify 后台)


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到产品 > 转移。 所有转移都会显示在此页面上。

  2. 点击添加仓库转移

  3. 可选:若要添加供应商,请点击发货地部分中的选择发货地,然后点击要向其订购商品的供应商。如果有多个地点,则供应商会列在地点列表之后的供应商部分中。


  4. 如果您使用多个地点,则需要选择将要接收这些产品的目的地点。请在目的地部分中,点击选择目的地,然后选择要接收库存的地点。

  5. 货件部分的预期到达日期字段中输入日期。

  6. 添加产品部分中,输入您要添加到转移的产品的名称,或点击浏览以查看商店的产品、产品系列、产品类型、标记和厂商列表。选择您要添加到转移的产品和多属性。

  1. 若要添加您选择的所有产品和多属性,请点击添加到转移

  2. 数量列中,输入预计要从供应商那里收到的每种产品的数量。

  3. 可选:在运输详细信息部分中,在预期到达字段中输入日期,输入该货件的跟踪编号,然后选择承运商。系统可能会根据您输入的跟踪编号自动选择承运商,您可以手动调整。

  4. 可选:如果要为该转移分配参考编号或标记,请在其他详细信息部分中输入该参考编号或标记。请点击查看所有标记,以选择或删除您以前使用的标记。在所需标记位于已应用的标记部分中时,请点击应用更改

    标签最多可包含 255 个字符。您可以使用参考编号和标签在“转移”页面上筛选和整理转移。例如,您可以创建一个 Urgent 标签来显示这是一个紧急请求。

  5. 点击保存转移



Transfers from suppliers

You can use transfers to record, track, and receive incoming purchase orders and inventory from suppliers. Transfers can help you to manage your purchase orders and inventory in several ways:

  • You can record incoming inventory after you’ve submitted and confirmed your purchase order (PO) with your supplier.

  • You can indicate whether you’ve received full or partial inventory, which allows you to process inventory at your own pace.

  • Your product inventory is updated automatically after you receive the items from your supplier.

  • You can see the number of incoming items and their expected arrival date right in the product’s details.

You can also use transfers to move inventory between locations.

Create a transfer from a supplier (Shopify admin)


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products > Transfers. All your transfers are displayed on this page.

  2. Click Add transfer.

  3. Optional: To add a supplier, click Select origin in the ORIGIN section, then click the supplier that you're ordering from. If you have multiple locations, then the suppliers are listed in the SUPPLIERS section, after the list of locations.

    You can add a supplier by clicking Create new supplier and then entering your supplier’s name and any other information.

  4. If you use multiple locations, then you need to pick the destination location that the products will be received. In the DESTINATION section, click Select destination and then select the location that you want to receive inventory.

  5. In the Shipment section, enter a date in the Expected arrival field.

  6. In the Add products section, either enter the name of the product that you want to add to your transfer, or click Browse to view a list of your store's products, collections, product types, tags, and vendors. Select the products and variants that you want to add to the transfer.

  1. To add all of the products and variants that you selected, click Add to transfer.

  2. In the Quantity column, enter the quantities for each product that you're expecting to receive from your supplier.

  3. Optional: In the Shipment details section, enter a date in the Expected arrival field, the Tracking number for that shipment, and select the Shipping carrier. The shipping carrier might automatically be selected based on the tracking number that you entered, and can be manually adjusted.

  4. Optional: If you want to assign a reference number or a tag to the transfer, then enter it in the Additional details section. Click View all tags to select or remove tags that you've used before. Click Apply changes when the tags that you want are in the APPLIED TAGS section.

    Tags can have up to 255 characters. You can use reference numbers and tags to filter and organize your transfers on the Transfers page. For example, you can create an Urgent tag to show that this is an urgent request.

  5. Click Save transfer.

After you create a transfer, you can view incoming inventory amounts on the product details page.

