等宽:Menlo、Consolas、Monaco、Liberation Mono 或 Lucida Console
无衬线:BlinkMacSystemFont、Segoe UI、Roboto、Ubuntu 或 Helvetica Neue
衬线:Iowan Old Style、Apple Garamond、Baskerville、Times New Roman、Droid Serif、Times 或 Source Serif Pro
如果您是开发人员,您可以使用 Shopify 工具和最佳做法来进一步优化您的模板的性能。在 Shopify.dev 了解更多信息。
Shopify 的在线商店速度报告使用 Lighthouse 来测量商店的速度。您可以使用 Google PageSpeed Insights 运行自己的 Lighthouse 报告,以查看更详细的商店页面指标。若要了解这些指标的含义,请参阅 Google Lighthouse 性能评分文档。您还可以聘请 Shopify 专家来帮助您了解这些指标和提出改进建议。
适用于 Chrome 的 Shopify 模板检查器
适用于 Chrome 的 Shopify 模板检查器是一个使用火焰图来显示 Liquid 渲染性能的分析工具。此工具可帮助您识别哪些代码行减慢了在线商店页面的速度。了解如何使用 Shopify 模板检查器。
如果您使用 Shopify 提供的免费模板,Shopify 支持团队也许能够帮助您进行基本的性能改进。
如果您使用第三方模板并需要帮助,则必须联系模板开发者或聘请 Shopify 专家。
You can choose from several fonts for the text in your online store. However, if you use a font that does not yet exist on your customer's computer, then the font has to be downloaded before your text can be displayed. This impacts the time that your store takes to load.
To avoid downloading a new font to your customer's computer, you can use a system font. A system font is a font that is already installed on most computers.
You can select a mono, serif, or sans-serif font family. You can still use font styles, such as bold or italic, when you use any of these font families.
The font that displays on your customer's computer depends on their operating system. Below are some examples of the fonts that might be used to render text when you select a system font family:
Mono: Menlo, Consolas, Monaco, Liberation Mono, or Lucida Console
Sans-serif: BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Ubuntu, or Helvetica Neue
Serif: Iowan Old Style, Apple Garamond, Baskerville, Times New Roman, Droid Serif, Times, or Source Serif Pro
Troubleshooting tools
You can use the following tools to investigate your online store's speed.
If you're a developer, then you can further optimize your theme for performance using Shopify tools and best practices. Learn more on Shopify.dev.
Shopify's Online store speed report uses Lighthouse to measure the speed of your store. You can run your own Lighthouse report using Google PageSpeed Insights to view more detailed metrics for pages in your store. To learn about what these metrics mean, refer to the Google Lighthouse performance scoring documentation. You can also hire a Shopify expert to help you understand the metrics and suggest improvements.
Shopify Theme Inspector for Chrome
The Shopify Theme Inspector for Chrome is a profiling tool that uses a flame graph to display Liquid render performance. This tool helps you to identify the lines of code that slow down pages in your online store. Learn how to use the Shopify Theme Inspector.
Get support with online store speed
If you use a free theme from Shopify, then Shopify support might be able to assist you with basic performance improvements.
If you use a third-party theme and need assistance, then you must contact your theme developer or hire a Shopify expert.
If you have a development team or agency partner, you can also reach out to them for further assistance.