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您可以在我们的 术语表中查看指标和术语的定义,指标和术语按照它们名称的字母顺序排列。您还可以查看术语表中所示数据的一般注释,例如“天”或“去年的同一天”的定义。

我能下载这些数据并在 Microsoft Excel 中使用吗?我能使用其他程序或我自己的分析软件操作这些数据吗?


使用 Microsoft Excel 查看数据的最便捷方式是将文本文件下载到您的电脑中,然后启动 Microsoft Excel,再点击“文件”—“打开”,打开文本文件。当您打开文件后,选择“文本文件(制表符分隔)”作为文件类型,以便您导入数据。在打开文件之后,您可以根据需要使用 Microsoft Excel 分析或格式化数据。您还可以在大多数分析程序中使用相同的方法。有关具体操作步骤,请查看您的软件文件。

注意:Microsoft Excel 的部分版本不会显示“文本文件(制表符分隔)”的文本文件打开方式。但您仍可以打开文本文件。


每份报告的指标会定期更新,具体取决于报告本身。ByDate(按日期)报告使用最近几天的数据每小时更新一次,与“销售仪表板 (Sales Dashboard)”一样。所有其他报告都使用前一天的数据每天更新一次。例如,您可以在周四结束的时候查看周三的数据,在周日结束的时候查看上一周的数据。







Business Reports FAQ

How do I provide feedback or feature suggestions on the Business Reports feature?

For any feedback or suggestions where no response is required, please use the contact us form. Use the "Sending comments or feedback (no reply necessary)" subject drop-down to submit your feedback, suggestions, or requests for this feature, such as additional reports or capabilities. You can also indicate if you want to be contacted for more in-depth feedback or beta product reviews.

How do you define the metrics you use in Business Reports? How do you calculate sales or traffic?

You can find definitions for the metrics and terms in our glossary, alphabetized by the name of the metric or term. You can also find general notes about the data shown in that area, such as the definition for "day" or "same day last year."

Can I download this data and use it in Microsoft Excel? Can I use this data with other programs or my own analytics software?

You can use the Download this data functionality on any report page to download the data on that page. A pop-up window appears with the parameters you selected and a button to download the data. The data you download is formatted as plain text, with each field separated by with a tab character.

The easiest way to view this data in Microsoft Excel is to download this text file to your computer, start Microsoft Excel, and then use File, Open to open the text file. When you open the file, select "Text file (tab-delimited)" as the file type so you can import the data. After you open the file, you can use Microsoft Excel to analyze or format the data as you want. You can likely use a similar method with most analytics programs. Consult your software documentation on the actual steps you need to follow.

Note: Some versions of Microsoft Excel do not display the option of opening a text file as "Text file (tab-delimited)." You can still open the text file.

When is the data in Business Reports updated?

The metrics in each report are updated on a regular basis, depending on the report. The ByDate reports are updated every hour with the data from the past few days, similar to the Sales Dashboard. All other reports are updated daily with data from the previous day. For example, you can see data for Wednesday by the end of the day on Thursday, and data for the previous week by the end of the day on Sunday.

Note: A week runs from Sunday through Saturday.

How do I match up the data I see in Business Reports here with my other reports or data feeds?

You can use the glossary to view the definitions for each field; then, you can correlate this information with other data you have. For instance, to match orders you received for a given day with the data from the Sales and Traffic Time Series metrics report and the order report, total the orders and total item price you received in the order report for orders with same payment processing day. Then you can aggregate the total units, orders, and item sales. You can use this method to view detailed information or drill down on data you viewed in the Sales and Traffic Time Series report.

How frequently are the cancellations reflected in the Business Reports?

The By Date reports are updated with the cancelled orders every 1 hour and all the other reports are updated with the cancelled orders once per day. Decrease in the total sales that you might see at different time intervals depends on the number of cancellations that were made for that time interval.

