第一步,移除亚马逊提及的所有侵权的 ASIN,包括仓库里的所有库存,或者直接销毁。第二步,告诉亚马逊你已经更换了一个供应商,并且这个供应商和目前的供应商生产产品的目录完全不同。第三步,已经组建了专门的团队检查所有产品可能侵权的行为,并把所有的侵权扼杀在萌芽状态。第四步,已经组织了所有亚马逊相关操作人员去学习了亚马逊的所有政策法规。第五步,会专门组建一个特别团队认真处理所有客户关系到这些侵权的listing 的问题,并且做到快速响应。第六步检查所有的在售产品页面,避免任何的侵权可能性在页面上出现,从文字到图片全方位检查。第七步,请专业的团队来做关于版权知识的培训,避免出现任何类型的法律问题。第八步,注册自己的品牌,以后所有销售的产品都会是自己的品牌。第九步,如果以后在上架和运营中遇到一点关于此方面的疑问,都会在咨询亚马逊之后再做下一步的行动。
Dear Amazon team,
Thank you for you patient about our issue, we sincerely apologized for any inconvenience we brought to you.
We got to recognize that we made a mistake and may infringe the intellectual propertyrights of others. When we received your email about this issue we have removed all possible infringing Asins and we will never relist them again. Now we have send an email to ****@XXX.com (ALAIAHAN) at (!M A M) plead them to withdraw the complaint and we have to make a commitment to them: we will never upload these items again in the future and to our behavior made the most sincere words of apology, and we also Cc the email to Amazon, but we haven't received any responded up until now. We will keep our eyes on this issue and I hope that we can find an amicable solution to this issue through the consultation process.
We did not mean to sell any of those infringing products. And we removed them at first time. For all complaints, we are appealing now and will provide any document needed.
We did not learn Amazon policy carefully and most of our listings are matching other sellers, we are making our own products, and do not realize these products need approval from brand owner. We are selling our own brand products (品牌名称).
To avoid infringing other brands, we will take the action below to fix this issue in the future.
1. We have removed all possible listings that maybe infringing others' property. We will not sell self-made products in the future.
2. We will change a supplier for **p* mA"(* H, and will focus on this area in the future.
3. We have already established a 2 member's audit team to check product quality and infringing issue. And also opens a discussion meeting on Infringement products every Wednesday.
4. We will let our operator to relearn Amazon policy carefully, check all prohibit items, and make sure we will not violate any policy in the future.
5.Pay attention to all kinds of patent website all the time for stopping any infringement.
6. We will be very very careful to any customers' complaints in the future and react to them within 12h.
7. For all the products detail page, we will check them carefully and retake all the pictures for our products and make sure they do not mislead buyers.
8. We don't know it has been infringed because we think that it is a common
Because of our poorly understood of toys alike, we will hire some related professionals and markers to train us. The training contents include brand knowledge,patent design and product appearance etc.
9. We will build up own brand and registered trademark. Our store will also mainly sell our own trademarks and logo brand products recently to protect intellectual property.
10. For the new products to be sold in the later period, if there is any uncertain information, I will consult with amazon immediately and will not blindly sell the products.
please give us a secpnd chance to serve customers in 具体国家. Thank you!