
主题: 已收到 [卖家名称] 发送的亚马逊订单的退货

尊敬的 [买家全称]: 您好!

我们已经收到以下列出的您于 [购买日期] 向 [卖家名称] 订购的商品。



[退货数量] 件 [商品名称]

我们已于 [退货开始日期] 通过亚马逊为此订单退款 [退款总额]。退款应该会在两到三个工作日内汇入您的账户。 您将收到亚马逊发送的有关此笔退款的单独通知。

有问题吗? 如果您对此订单有任何疑问,包括退款状态的问题,可访问“http://www.amazon.com/gp/css/history/view.html”或回复此电子邮件直接与 [卖家名称] 联系。

感谢您在亚马逊上购买 [卖家名称] 的商品。



  • 卖家名称:您在卖家平台使用的商业名称。

  • 买家全称:买家的完整名称。可在订单报告中找到。

  • 购买日期:下单日期。可在订单报告或 SSN 电子邮件中找到。

  • 订单编号:唯一的亚马逊订单识别码。可在订单报告或 SSN 电子邮件中找到。

  • 退货数量:收到商品的数量。

  • 商品名称:收到商品的名称。

  • 退款总额:公布的退款金额。

  • 退款开始日期: 通过盘点上传数据或使用卖家平台中的“管理订单”功能将盘点信息成功发送给亚马逊的日期。


Return Confirmation E-mail

Subject: Returns received for Amazon order from [seller name]

Dear [buyer's full name],

We've received the below listed items from your [seller name] order placed on [purchase date].

Amazon Order #: [order ID]

The following items were received from the above order:

[return quantity] of [product name]

We have initiated a refund of [refund total value] for this order through Amazon on [refund inititation date]. The refund should be credited to your account within two to three business days. You can expect a separate notification about this from Amazon.

Questions? If you have questions about this order, including the status of your refund, you can either visit "http://www.amazon.com/gp/css/history/view.html" or reply to this email to get in touch directly with [seller name].

Thank you for shopping with [seller name] at Amazon.

[seller name]


  • Seller name: your business name used in Seller Central.

  • Buyer's full name: full name of the buyer. Found in the Orders Report.

  • Purchase date: date when the order was placed. Found in the Orders Report or SSN email.

  • Order ID: unique Amazon order identification number. Found in the Orders Report or SSN e-mail.

  • Return quantity: quantity of item received.

  • Product name: name of the item received.

  • Refund total value: the amount of the refund posted.

  • Refund initiation date: Date when the adjustment information was successfully sent to Amazon, either through an adjustment feed or using the Manage Your Orders feature in Seller Central.

