

Dear X X X,

We are sorry to inform you that the light blue colour dress is out of stock at the moment. We will let you know once we fill up our inventory. 

Also, we'd like to recommend other popular colors, which are also very hot-selling in this summer. Hope you will like it.

You can click on the following link to check them out. Thank you!

Best regards.



Hi, there! Sorry we don't have that colour in stock now, Do you mind if recommend you to some other similar dresses which are also very popular? I bet it must look great on you!


Good morning/afternoon/evening! Sorry that the item has been sold out. Could you like to try on the other shirt? These are our hot-selling items.


Thanks for your quick payment, but we're sorry to tell you that one of your item is not in stock now.

Just wonder if you want to change another similar with different styles. The photos had been sent to your mail box. Just choose the one to replace another not in stock or you just want your money back. We will await your reply. Please accept our sincere apology for such a problem.

If you need anything, please feel free to contact us.

Kind regards


Thanks for your order, but we're sorry to inform you that your item has been sold out. Just wonder if you would accept a full refund or new replacement. Please accept our sincere apology for such a problem. We will await your reply.

If you need anything, please feel free to contact us.

Kind regards.


out of stock 没有库存    in stock 有存货

sold out 卖光了              replacement 代替     inventory 库存
