1.Hello,welcome to my internet shop. 您好,欢迎光临我的网店。
2.Are you being helped? / Are you being served? 您需要帮忙吗?
3.We aim to offer our customers the fashion what they want. To stay in touch with the ever changing trends within our market, we have developed a dynamic and very responsive organization. 我们的目标是迎合我们的顾客的时尚需求。为了与我们市场中不断变化的趋势保持一致,我们已经发展出了一个充满活力和有响应的组织。
4.We realize the most important part of our business is the customer. That why we are focused on delivering an exciting shopping experience and making sure that our high standards of quality, value for money and service are always met. 我们意识到我们业务中最重要的部分是客户。这就是我们强调提供令人兴奋的购物体验的原因。并确保我们的高质量标准、金钱和服务的价值得到满足。
5.Our team is highly dedicated and motivated group of individuals. We are firmly focused on your needs.We hope that with continuous developments and renovation we will focus on bringing our unique experience to shoppers. 我们的团队是具有奉献精神和受激励的集体。我们强烈地关注你的需求。我们希望,随着不断的发展和革新,我们将专注于为消费者带来独特的体验。
6.Customer's satisfaction leads to a high credit of our store and makes us be awarded trophies by DHgate since 2007. You can always trust us when doing business with us. We are looking forward to building a long-term business with you. 客户的满意使我们的商店获得了很高的信誉,也因此自2007年以来我们得到了DHgate 授予的奖杯。