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欧盟已公布增值税改革细节,新规则将于 CEST 时间2021年7月1日凌晨0时(即 UTC 时间2021年6月30日晚10时)起生效。为了帮助 Wish 和商户遵守欧盟增值税新规,Wish 将为商户履行从欧盟境外发货的欧盟订单提供相关支持和所需的信息。根据订单的包裹价值和发货国/地区,商户可能需要或不需要进行额外的增值税代缴和报关操作,具体如下文所述。


1. 从中国大陆发货的欧盟路向订单

A+ 物流计划提供支持(商户无需执行额外操作)

为帮助中国大陆商户配送欧盟路向的订单,遵守欧盟增值税新规定和报关要求,Wish 的 A+ 物流计划近期新开通了几个欧盟目的国/地区,包括:捷克、希腊、罗马尼亚、拉脱维亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、波兰和立陶宛。

因此,若商户通过 A+ 物流计划发货至上述欧盟国家/地区,则 A+ 物流计划将负责满足所有物流和报关要求,商户无需执行额外操作,只需按照现行的 A+ 物流计划履单流程和政策操作即可

WishPost 智选项目提供支持(商户无需执行额外操作)

此外,从北京时间2021年7月1日起,WishPost 智选项目开通罗马尼亚路向,并负责满足相关订单的所有必要的物流和报关要求。商户无需执行额外操作,只需按照现行的 WishPost 智选项目履单流程操作即可。

WishPost 提供支持(商户可能需要执行某些操作)

最后,对于 CEST 时间2021年6月26日凌晨0时(即 UTC 时间2021年6月25日晚10时)及之后释放的欧盟路向订单,若商户通过 WishPost 第三方物流 (3PL) 渠道进行配送,WishPost 会根据订单的包裹价值提供不同的支持,帮助商户完成增值税代缴和报关操作。如需了解更多详情,请参阅这篇文章的“1. 从中国大陆发货的欧盟路向订单”部分。


How to fulfill orders shipping from outside of the EU to the EU?

The European Union (EU) has released details of changes to the collection of EU value-added tax (VAT) on goods sold to customers in the EU, effective July 1, 2021 12:00AM CEST (i.e., June 30, 2021 10:00PM UTC). To help Wish and merchants comply with the changes to EU VAT, Wish will provide support and surface different required information to merchants for fulfilling EU-bound orders from outside of the EU. Depending on the order’s consignment value and originating country/region (as outlined below in detail), merchants may or may not need to take additional actions for VAT remittance and customs declarations purposes.

Note that the following details DO NOT apply to orders shipped within the EU (i.e., from and to the EU).

1. Shipping EU-bound orders from Mainland China

Support from Advanced Logistics Program (no additional merchant actions required)

To support Mainland China-based merchants shipping orders to the EU and comply with EU VAT changes and customs declarations requirements, Wish recently began supporting a number of new EU destination countries via the Advanced Logistics Program, namely, the Czech Republic, Greece, Romania, Latvian, Slovak, Slovenia, Sweden, Poland, and Lithuania.

As such, merchants shipping an Advanced Logistics Program order with the final destination in any of these EU countries, the program itself will cover all necessary logistics and customs declaration requirements, and merchants do not need to take any additional actions other than following the current Advanced Logistics Program fulfillment processes and policies.

Support from Smart Logistics Program (no additional merchant actions required)

In addition, the Smart Logistics Program will also begin supporting Romania on July 1, 2021 Beijing Time and cover all necessary logistics and customs declaration requirements for orders with a final destination in Romania. Merchants do not need to take any additional actions other than following the current Smart Logistics Program fulfillment processes.

Support from WishPost (certain merchant actions may be required)

Last but not least, for merchants shipping EU-bound orders released on or after June 26, 2021 12:00AM CEST (i.e., June 25, 2021 10:00PM UTC) with WishPost 3rd Party Logistics (3PL) channels, depending on the order’s consignment value, WishPost offers various support to help merchants with VAT remittance and customs declaration. Please visit this Help Center article and navigate to the “1. Shipping to the EU from Mainland China” section to learn more details.

