
注意: 由于货件量增加,完成货件入库所需的时间可能比平时更长。我们无法手动加快货件入库流程,销售伙伴支持团队没有更进一步的指导信息。



  1. 设置发往亚马逊的货件数量

  2. 对要使用亚马逊物流配送的商品进行预处理

  3. 为商品贴标

  4. 检查/查看发往亚马逊的货件

  5. 对发往亚马逊的货件进行预处理

  6. 配送流程一览

注意: 确认货件后,【检查货件】页面会变为【查看货件】页面。


  • 将库存分配到整个亚马逊配送网络中,以优化配送速度并最大限度地减少延迟

  • 应对特殊的存储或处理要求

  • 确保在运营中心进行适当处理


对入库计划所做的更改可能会改变每个货件中的商品数量。例如,向入库计划中添加 12 件单一商品,可能会产生两个货件,每个货件中包含 6 件商品。如果您将商品总数从 12 件改为 9 件,您的计划可能会更新,使得一个货件包含 7 件商品,而第二个货件包含 2 件商品。





  • 【货件名称】: 基于拆分后的计划中提供的日期、时间和货件数量分配给货件的名称。

    提示: 通过在文本框中输入一个新名称,即可更改货件名称。如果您在同一运营中心拥有尚未发运的入库计划,您可以在已有货件中添加新货件。

  • 【货件编号】: 系统自动创建货件编号。

  • 【卖家 SKU】: 货件中所含卖家 SKU(唯一商品编码)的数量

  • 【商品数量】: 货件中每种卖家 SKU 的数量

  • 【目的地】: 目的地运营中心的代码和位置


重要: 点击【返回】以返回到【设置数量】页面以更新商品数量(如果不正确)。




  • 更新商品数量时受到限制。请参阅【检查货件】页面顶部的指南,了解相关指南。

    重要: 之前发布在亚马逊上的商品将变为非在售状态,而且您将无法自己处理这些商品的订单。运营中心接收您的库存后,这些商品将重新变为在售状态,且亚马逊将开始为您配送这些商品的订单。

  • 您批准的货件需发往分配的亚马逊运营中心。

    重要: 严禁不按照已批准的入库计划运输商品的行为(例如,在您批准入库计划之后或开始运输该入库计划中的部分货件之后取消部分计划,按错误的路线运输货件或发送不完整的货件),这会导致额外的处理需求,从而可能会延迟库存接收及其出售时间。有关亚马逊物流货件政策以及在货件不符合此政策时可以采取的措施的更多信息,请参阅已取消、按错误的路线发送和不完整的货件。






Review shipments to Amazon

On the Review Shipments page, you can review and approve your shipment.

Reviewing shipments is the fourth step in the six-step shipment creation workflow:

  1. Set quantity for shipment to Amazon

  2. Prepare your products for FBA shipping

  3. Label products

  4. Review/view shipments to Amazon

  5. Prepare shipment to Amazon

  6. Summary of shipment process

Note: Once you confirm your shipment, the Review Shipments page becomes the View Shipments page.

When you create a shipping plan, the inventory in that shipping plan may be split into multiple shipments to different fulfillment centers in order to:

  • Distribute your inventory throughout Amazon's fulfillment network to optimize shipping speeds and minimize delays

  • Manage special storage or handling requirements

  • Ensure proper processing at the fulfillment center

The Review Shipments page displays a list of the shipments, as well as the shipment ID and destination fulfillment center for each shipment. Each shipment created as part of a shipping plan has its own shipment ID.

Changes you make to your shipping plan may change the number of items in each shipment. For example, adding 12 items of a single product to your shipping plan may result in two shipments of six items each. If you change the total quantity from 12 to nine items, your plan may be updated, resulting in one shipment of seven items and a second shipment of two items.

Make sure you carefully review your shipping plan before you approve it. If you need to change an approved shipment plan, your only option is to delete the entire shipment plan and create a new one before shipping any part of that shipment plan.

We recommend that you do not print the pack list until after you approve the shipping plan. Pack lists printed before you approve a shipping plan may not reflect any changes you made before approving the plan, and may lead to errors in your shipments. For example, if you send an unexpected number of items to a fulfillment center (too many or too few), this discrepancy will appear in the Shipping Queue as a problem with your shipment.

Review shipment information

On the Review Shipments page, you can review and approve your shipment. The information provided includes:

  • Shipment name: A name is assigned to your shipment based on the date, time, and number of shipments included in the plan after it is split.

    Tip: You can change the shipment name by typing a new name in the text box. When you have an existing shipping plan for the same fulfillment center that you haven't yet sent, you can add the new shipment to an existing shipment.

  • Shipment ID: A shipment ID is created automatically.

  • MSKUs: The number of MSKUs (unique product identifiers) included in the shipment

  • Units: The quantity of each MSKU in the shipment

  • Ship to: The code and location of the destination fulfillment center

You can see the entire contents of a shipment by clicking View shipment contents. Click Hide shipment contents to collapse the list.

Important: Click Back to return to the Set Quantity page to update the number of units, if incorrect.

Approve shipments

Click Approve shipments to approve the shipping plan.

Make sure you confirm the details before you approve a shipment. After you approve your shipment:

  • Your ability to update product quantities is limited. Refer to the guidelines at the top of the Review Shipments page for guidance.

    Important: Previous listings will become inactive on Amazon and you will no longer be able to fulfill orders for those products yourself. After your inventory is received at the fulfillment center, those listings will become active again and Amazon will begin fulfilling orders for those products for you.

  • Shipments that you approve will be expected at the assigned Amazon fulfillment centers.

    Important: Not shipping your products as stated in your approved shipment plans (by cancelling portions of a shipment plan after you've approved them and after you begin shipping any part of the shipping plan, misrouting shipments, or sending incomplete shipments) is not permitted and leads to additional processing and handling that can delay receipt of your inventory and its availability for sale. For more information about the FBA shipment policy and the possible actions we may take if your shipments are not compliant with that policy, see Cancelled, misrouted and incomplete shipments.

If you do not want to split your shipments to multiple destinations, you can sign up for the FBA Inventory Placement Service and send all of your eligible inventory to a single receive or fulfillment center that we designate. When the shipment arrives, we route your products to different fulfillment centers for you. A per-item service fee applies for the Inventory Placement Service.

After you click Approve shipments, the Review Shipments page becomes the View Shipments page.

View shipments

To continue working on an existing shipment, click Work on shipment.

