







5.4符合确认妥投政策的订单必须使用 Wish 认可的能提供尾程物流跟踪信息的物流服务商进行配送。



**对于 Wish 合并计划涵盖的目的国/地区路向的订单,“商户设定运费”部分将包括预估 WishPost 运费。了解更多。


  • 符合“确认妥投政策”的订单必须在订单释放时间起的7个自然日内确认履行;

  • 订单必须使用 Wish 认可的能提供尾程物流跟踪信息的物流服务商进行配送;

  • 订单须在可履行的30个自然日内由可确认妥投的物流服务商确认妥投。



查看 Wish 认可的能够提供尾程物流跟踪信息的可确认妥投物流服务商列表



Last updated on July 29, 2021

Fulfilling orders promptly and accurately is the number one priority of a merchant receiving sales.

5.1All orders must be fulfilled in 5 calendar days

If an order is not fulfilled in 5 calendar days after the order is released to the merchant, it will be auto-refunded and the associated product may be disabled. The merchant will be penalized $50.00* per auto-refunded order in this case.

5.2If a merchant has an extremely high number of orders refunded by Merchant Policy 5.1, their account will be suspended

Auto-refund ratio is the number of orders automatically refunded due to Merchant Policy 5.1 over the number of orders received. If this ratio is extremely high, the account will be suspended.

5.3If a merchant's fulfillment rate is extremely low, their account will be suspended

Fulfillment rate is the number of orders fulfilled over the number of orders received. If this rate is extremely low, their account will be suspended.

5.4Orders that qualify for the Confirmed Delivery Policy must be shipped with one of our Confirmed Delivery carriers that provide last mile tracking.

The Confirmed Delivery Policy affects orders that are shipped to the following countries with an order value above their respective thresholds.

Order value is defined as 'quantity * (merchant price + merchant shipping)'.

** The "Merchant Shipping" component will include an estimated WishPost Shipping amount for orders bound for destination countries included in Wish's unification initiative. Learn more.


  • Orders that qualify for the Confirmed Delivery Policy must be confirmed fulfilled within 7 calendar days from the order released time;

  • Orders must be shipped by one of our qualified carriers with a method that provides last-mile tracking;

  • Orders must be confirmed delivered by one of the qualified Confirmed Delivery shipping carriers within 30 calendar days of the order being available for fulfillment.

Merchants that do not meet these requirements are at risk of account suspension.

Learn more about the Confirmed Delivery policy

View the list of qualified Confirmed Delivery shipping carriers that provides last-mile tracking

