

卖家平台 - 安全性最佳实践

  1. 为您的所有亚马逊账户设置两步验证。您可以通过这种方式强化您的密码安全,因为您需要在登录账户时额外输入您手机收到的验证码。这将会显著降低密码泄露时的未授权访问风险。

  2. 为您的每个账户设置各不相同的强密码,并定期更改密码。

    • 为您的所有在线账户选择相同的密码,就如同可用同一把钥匙打开您家、汽车和办公室的门锁一样,一旦有犯罪分子破解了其中一个,则所有密码都会泄露。

    • 使用由数字、字母和符号组成的长密码。

    • 避免在密码中使用公开信息(例如:您的电话号码)。

  3. 确保您用于登录账户的电子邮件地址或手机号码是最新的。有关如何更改电子邮件地址或密码的更多信息,请参阅更改登录设置。

  4. 如果您的公司有多个用户,请让每个用户设置自己的账户,然后与您的账户关联。 确保定期审查有权访问您账户的子用户,并撤销不再需要访问的用户的访问权限。

  5. 检查您的通知设置,确保您已完成必要的设置,可接收有关重要账户操作的通知。当心网络钓鱼。亚马逊不会通过电子邮件要求您验证敏感信息。只有当您在我们的网站上完成订单、在亚马逊商城注册开店或在卖家平台中更新账户信息时才需要提交此类信息。





  1. 更改您的卖家平台登录密码。如果无法登录您的账户,请联系卖家支持。

  2. 检查您账户中的以下信息,以确定是否有任何更改:

    1. 电子邮件地址首选项

    2. 付款信息

    3. 用户权限

    4. 亚马逊店铺详情

    5. 商品和状况说明

  3. 您的电子邮件账户也可能遭到了入侵。请考虑更改与您账户关联的电子邮件地址,并对您的电子邮件账户使用不同的密码。

  4. 如果您收到有网络钓鱼嫌疑的电子邮件或链接,请发送电子邮件至以下地址进行举报:stop-spoofing@amazon.com。有关更多信息,请参阅此帮助页面。

  5. 请联系卖家支持,举报您的账户遭到了入侵。


Keeping Your Account Information Secure

The security of your account is important to us because it is central to your business. We recommend the following best practices to reinforce the security of your Amazon account:

Seller Central - Security best practices

  1. Set up Two-Step Verification for all of your Amazon accounts. You can reinforce your password security in this way as you are required to enter an additional code from your phones when signing in to your account. This can greatly reduce the risk of unauthorized access if the password is compromised.

  2. Pick strong passwords that are different for each of your accounts and change your password regularly.

    • Choosing the same password for each of your online accounts is like using the same key to lock your home, car, and office – if a criminal gains access to one, all of them are compromised.

    • Use a long password made up of numbers, letters, and symbols.

    • Avoid using publicly-available information (For example: your phone number) in your passwords.

  3. Make sure that the email address or the mobile number that you use to sign-in to your account is up-to-date. For more information on how to change your email address or password, see Change Login Settings.

  4. If your business has multiple users, then have each user set up their own account and then link your accounts. Ensure that you regularly review secondary users who have access to your account and revoke access to users who no longer need access.

  5. Review your Notification Settings and ensure that you have the required setup to receive notifications of important actions being taken on your account. Beware of phishing. Amazon never asks you to verify sensitive information via email. Submit such information only when completing an order on our website, registering to sell on Amazon, or updating account information in Seller Central.

    If you are ever in doubt about the authenticity of an email, visit our site directly by typing the address into your browser bar, rather than clicking any links.

    To find out more about Amazon's efforts to combat fraudulent email, refer to the Identifying false (spoofed) e-mails help page.

If your account has been compromised

If you believe your Amazon account has been compromised, follow the steps below:

  1. Change your Seller Central login password. If you are not able to login to your account, contact Seller Support.

  2. Review the following information in your account to determine if any changes have been made:

    1. Email address preferences

    2. Payment information

    3. User permissions

    4. Amazon storefront details

    5. Listing and condition notes

  3. Your email account might have been compromised as well. Consider changing the email address associated with your account and use a different password for your email account.

  4. If you receive emails or links that you suspect are phishing attempts, report them to stop-spoofing@amazon.com. For more information, refer to this help page.

  5. Contact Seller Support to report that your account has been compromised.

