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解决有关 Exchange 市场有关Shopify的信息清单或交易的问题


解决有关 Exchange 市场信息清单或交易的问题

联系我们了解 Exchange 市场信息清单相关信息的一些原因如下:

  • 卖家鼓动您不使用 Escrow.com 来付款。

  • 卖家询问您是否希望他们为您开发一个新的在线商店。

  • 您已向 Escrow 提交了付款,但尚未转移资产。

  • 卖家隐瞒了重要信息,如订单发货详细信息、跟踪编号或社交媒体登录信息,这些信息会影响您的 Exchange 市场交易。

当您在 Exchange 市场中寻找自己梦想的企业时,我们希望确保您拥有良好的体验。如果您对 Exchange 市场信息清单有疑虑,或者您在 Exchange 市场交易的体验不佳,请发送电子邮件至 exchange-support@shopify.com。请使用与您的 Exchange 市场账户相关的邮箱,并在电子邮件中包含指向存有疑问的 Exchange 市场信息清单的链接。

备注:Exchange 市场适用于希望将 Shopify 业务出售给其他卖家的店主。若要获取有关 Shopify 商店中所下订单的信息,请参阅联系 Shopify 商店了解订单


在您同意条款并提交付款前,您可以在 Escrow.com 账户中取消 Escrow 交易。交易详情页上有一个取消按钮。如果您同意条款并提交付款,则是否能够取消交易将取决于交易的进展程度。


如果您想在提交付款后但在检验期前取消交易,则您和卖家都必须向 shopify@escrow.com 发送电子邮件,让 Escrow 支持团队知道你们双方均同意取消交易。


当卖家在 Escrow 中将阶段转让给您,并且您将阶段标记为已接收后,您的检验期将开始。如果您决定不继续进行交易,则可以开始退货流程。在此过程中,您需将阶段标记为已拒绝,然后将其退回给卖家。卖家还必须接受阶段退回。如果卖家接受了阶段退回,Escrow 会将资金退还给您,但会减去 Escrow 费用。Escrow 不会退还其收取的费用,因为某些流程中已使用了 Escrow 服务来安全地处理您的资金。





如果您收到在更改所有权前所下订单的退款请求,某些支付网关(例如 Shopify Payments)将无法处理退款。如果可能,请与卖家协作来处理退款。如果您无法与卖家合作找到退款解决方案,请建议客户联系其银行或信用卡发卡行来提起争议或拒付以获得退款。


Resolving concerns about an Exchange Marketplace listing or transaction

Some reasons to contact us about an Exchange Marketplace listing might be:

  • The seller is encouraging you not to pay them using Escrow.com.

  • The seller is asking you if you'd like them to build a new online store for you.

  • You submitted payment to Escrow, but have not been transferred the assets yet.

  • The seller is withholding important information that impacts your Exchange Marketplace transaction, such as order fulfillment details, tracking numbers, or social media logins.

We want to make sure that you have a great experience finding your dream business on Exchange Marketplace. If you have concerns about an Exchange Marketplace listing, or if you have a bad experience with an Exchange Marketplace transaction, then please email us at exchange-support@shopify.com. Use the email address that is associated with your Exchange Marketplace account and include a link to the Exchange Marketplace listing in question in your email.

Cancelling a transaction

You can cancel the Escrow transaction within your Escrow.com account before you agree to the terms and submit payment. There's a Cancel button on the transaction details screen. If you agree to the terms and submit your payment, then your ability to cancel the transaction depends on how far the transaction has progressed.

Cancelling after payment and before the inspection period

If you want to cancel the transaction after you submit your payment, but before the inspection period, both you and the seller have to send an email to shopify@escrow.com to let Escrow Support know that you both agree to cancel the transaction.

Cancelling during and after the inspection period

When the seller transfers the milestones to you in Escrow and you mark the milestones as received, your inspection period begins. If you decide not to proceed with the transaction, then you begin a return process. During this process, you mark the milestones as rejected, and then you return them to the seller. The seller must also accept the return of the milestones. If the seller accepts the return of the milestones, then Escrow returns the funds to you, minus the Escrow fee. Escrow does not return their fee because the Escrow service was used in some capacity to process your funds securely.

If the seller doesn't accept the return of milestones, then you and the seller will enter the negotiation, and possibly the arbitration period.

Cancelling after the milestones are accepted

If you complete your inspection period and accept the milestones in the transaction, then it's not possible to cancel the transaction anymore. The transaction is considered to be finalized at this point.

Customer refund requests

If you receive a refund request for an order placed under previous ownership, then some payment gateways such as Shopify Payments can't process the refund. If possible, collaborate with the seller to arrange a refund. If you can't work with the seller to find a refund solution, then advise the customer to contact their bank or credit card issuer to initiate a dispute or chargeback to receive a refund.

