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shopify卖家在澳大利亚和新西兰销售 ENDS 产品要遵循什么法律和法规


在澳大利亚销售 ENDS 产品的适用法律和法规

在澳大利亚,销售包含尼古丁的 ENDS 产品是违法的。

关于在澳大利亚销售 ENDS 产品的资源

您可以在线查找有关在澳大利亚销售 ENDS 产品的特定信息,例如以下资源:

  • 澳大利亚政府卫生部有关电子烟的信息

  • 澳大利亚的电子烟法律

在新西兰销售 ENDS 产品的适用法律和法规

从 2021 年 8 月开始,新西兰将出台监管 ENDS 产品的新法规。同时,您应遵守《2020 无烟环境和管制产品(电子烟)修正案》。

详细了解新西兰的 ENDS 产品法律。


Laws and regulations for selling ENDS products in Australia

In Australia, it's illegal to sell ENDS products that contain nicotine.

Resources about selling ENDS products in Australia

You can find specific information online about selling ENDS products in Australia, such as the following resources:

  • The Australian Government's Department of Health information about e-cigarettes

  • E-cigarette laws in Australia

Laws and regulations for selling ENDS products in New Zealand

Starting August 2021, new regulations governing ENDS products in New Zealand will become available. In the meantime, you should follow the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Vaping) Amendment Act 2020.

Learn more about ENDS product laws in New Zealand.

