shopify商店Debut 分区自定义幻灯片步骤
图片幻灯片 - 选择要包含在幻灯片中的图片。您可以上传图片、使用先前上传的图片或从 Burst 中选择免费的库存图片。您可以设置每张幻灯片的以下设置:
图片位置 - 在幻灯片框架中选择图片的对齐方式。您可以通过下面的指南详细了解图片位置。
标题 - 添加与图片配对的主要文本。
子标题 - 添加与图片配对的辅助文本。此文本显示在标题文本下方。
按钮标签 - 添加您希望在按钮上显示的文本。
按钮链接 - 设置您希望按钮链接到的 URL 或页面。粘贴 URL 或从菜单中选择一个页面。如果您不想在分区中包含按钮,请将此字段留空。
幻灯片高度 - 设置幻灯片的高度。详细了解幻灯片高度将对幻灯片产生怎样的影响。
文本大小 - 在幻灯片上设定标题的大小。
文本对齐方式 - 选择幻灯片上文本的位置。
显示叠加 - 在图片与放置在图片上的任何文本之间添加一层颜色。叠加有助于提高颜色对比度和文本可读性。您可以在颜色设置中设置叠加的颜色和不透明度。
自动循环播放幻灯片 - 将幻灯片设置为自动播放。
幻灯片更改时间间隔 - 选择更改幻灯片的频率。
在 Shopify 后台中,转到在线商店 > 模板。
点击 的分区 旁边的自定义。
在图片下,点击选择图片。若要从计算机上传图片,请点击上传。若要使用 Burst 中的免费图库图片,请点击免费图片。
若要选择图片在幻灯片中的对齐方式,请在 Image position(图片位置)下拉菜单中选择一个位置。您可以在以下指导中的图片位置中了解详细信息。
在 Shopify 应用中,轻触商店。
轻触 Manage themes(管理模板)。
在 的分区 旁边,轻触自定义。
在图片下,点击选择图片。若要从计算机上传图片,请点击上传。若要使用 Burst 中的免费图库图片,请点击免费图片。
若要选择图片在幻灯片中的对齐方式,请在 Image position(图片位置)下拉菜单中选择一个位置。您可以在以下指导中的图片位置中了解详细信息。
在 Shopify 应用中,轻触商店。
轻触 Manage themes(管理模板)。
在 的分区 旁边,轻触自定义。
在图片下,点击选择图片。若要从计算机上传图片,请点击上传。若要使用 Burst 中的免费图库图片,请点击免费图片。
若要选择图片在幻灯片中的对齐方式,请在 Image position(图片位置)下拉菜单中选择一个位置。您可以在以下指导中的图片位置中了解详细信息。
幻灯片高度设置 | 推荐宽度 | 推荐高度 |
适应第一张图片 | 1200 px | 600 px |
小 | 1200 px | 475 px |
中等 | 1200 px | 489 px |
大 | 1200 px | 775 px |
若要查看或更改幻灯片高度设置,请参阅创建幻灯片说明中的步骤 5。
若要查看或更改您的图片位置设置,请参阅创建幻灯片说明中的步骤 10。
使用宽度为高度两倍的图片。这些图片的宽高比为 2:1。建议的尺寸为 1200 px × 600 px。
在以下示例中,桌面和移动设备上显示了一张比例为 2:1 的幻灯片图片:
幻灯片分区的宽度始终为浏览器窗口的 100%。幻灯片的高度与宽度是相对的。由于屏幕大小存在差异,因此,幻灯片的宽度和高度因不同的设备而异。幻灯片的高度也会受到幻灯片高度设置的影响。
您可以使用幻灯片高度设置 Adapt to first image(适应第一张图片),基于第一张图片的高度设置幻灯片的高度。当所有图片尺寸相同或宽高比相同时,此设置效果最佳。如果您的图片尺寸不同或比例不同,则可以更改幻灯片的顺序,查看它们在不同高度的显示效果。
如果想要避免幻灯片中出现图片裁剪,我们建议您的图片采用 2:1 的宽高比
如果您不担心图片会在桌面显示器上被裁剪,并且想要使图片在移动设备上的显示效果良好,请使用方形的图片或高度大于宽度的图片。以下示例幻灯片显示了一张方形图片,宽高比为 1:1。
下一个示例幻灯片显示了宽高比为 2:3 的肖像图片。
You can add a slideshow of images to your home page. In the slideshow section, you can set the height of the slides, add text and buttons, and choose whether your slideshow plays automatically.
The Slideshow section includes the following settings:
Image slide - Choose an image to include in the slideshow. You can upload an image, use a previously-uploaded image, or select a free stock image from Burst. You can set the following settings for each slide:
Image position - Choose the alignment of the image in the slideshow frame. You can learn more about image position in the guidelines below.
Heading - Add the primary text to pair with the image.
Subheading - Add the secondary text to pair with the image. This text appears below the heading text.
Button label - Add the text that you want to appear on the button.
Button link - Set the URL or page that you want the button to link to. Paste in the URL or select a page from the menu. If you do not want to include a button in the section, then leave this field empty.
Slide height - Set the height of the slideshow. Learn more about how slide height affects your slideshow.
Text size - Set the size of your headings on the slideshow.
Text alignment - Choose the position of the text on your slides.
Show overlay - Add a layer of color between an image and any text that is placed over the image. Overlays can help with color contrast and readability. You can set the color and opacity of the overlay in the color settings.
Auto-rotate slides - Set the slideshow to play automatically.
Change slides every - Choose how often to change slides.
To learn about slideshow image cropping and recommended image sizes, refer to the slideshow guidelines.
Add a slideshow to your home page
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
Next to Debut, click Customize.
Click Add section.
Click Slideshow, and then click Select.
To add an image slide, do the following steps:
In the Content area, click Add image slide.
Under Image, click Select image. To upload an image from your computer, click Upload. To use a free stock image from Burst, click Free images.
To choose how you want to align the image in the slideshow, select a position from the Image position drop-down menu. You can learn more about image position in the guidelines below.
To add text to the image slide, enter text in the Heading field, the Subheading field, or both.
Add a button to your image slide by entering text in the Button label field. Select a part of your online store for the button to link to in the Button link field.
Use the settings to customize your slideshow section.
Click Save.
From the Shopify app, tap Store.
In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.
Tap Manage themes.
Next to Debut, tap Customize.
Tap Edit.
Click Add section.
Click Slideshow, and then click Select.
To add an image slide, do the following steps:
In the Content area, click Add image slide.
Under Image, click Select image. To upload an image from your computer, click Upload. To use a free stock image from Burst, click Free images.
To choose how you want to align the image in the slideshow, select a position from the Image position drop-down menu. You can learn more about image position in the guidelines below.
To add text to the image slide, enter text in the Heading field, the Subheading field, or both.
Add a button to your image slide by entering text in the Button label field. Select a part of your online store for the button to link to in the Button link field.
Use the settings to customize your slideshow section.
Click Save.
From the Shopify app, tap Store.
In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.
Tap Manage themes.
Next to Debut, tap Customize.
Tap Edit.
Click Add section.
Click Slideshow, and then click Select.
To add an image slide, do the following steps:
In the Content area, click Add image slide.
Under Image, click Select image. To upload an image from your computer, click Upload. To use a free stock image from Burst, click Free images.
To choose how you want to align the image in the slideshow, select a position from the Image position drop-down menu. You can learn more about image position in the guidelines below.
To add text to the image slide, enter text in the Heading field, the Subheading field, or both.
Add a button to your image slide by entering text in the Button label field. Select a part of your online store for the button to link to in the Button link field.
Use the settings to customize your slideshow section.
Click Save.
Slideshow guidelines
You can use the settings and image recommendations below to control the way that your slideshow looks on your online store. The way that your slides appear is determined by the following factors:
The dimensions of your images
Your image position settings
Your slide height settings
The width-to-height ratio of your images
Because of differences in screen size and shape, your slides might look different on mobile and desktop devices.
Image size recommendations
The recommended dimensions for slideshow images depend on your slide height settings. Use the following guidelines:
Slide height setting Recommended width Recommended height Adapt to first image 1200 px 600 px Small 1200 px 475 px Medium 1200 px 489 px Large 1200 px 775 px To view or change your slide height settings, see step 5 of the instructions to create a slideshow.
Image cropping
You can take steps to control how your images are cropped or to avoid image cropping altogether.
You can expect image cropping on some screen sizes in the following situations:
Your images don't have the same width-to-height ratio.
Your slide height is set to Small, Medium, or Large.
Your slide height is set to Adapt to first image and your images are taller than the device screen or browser window.
You can control how your images are cropped by using the Image position setting.
For each image, you can choose which part you want to keep in view when cropping occurs. In the following example, you can see how the same image might be cropped for some screen sizes. The slide on the left has the image position set to Middle center. The slide on the right has the image position set to Top left
To view or change your image position settings, refer to step 10 of the instructions to create a slideshow.
To avoid image cropping in your slideshow, try the following steps:
Set your slide height to Adapt to first image.
Use images that are twice as wide as they are tall. Such images have a width-to-height ratio of 2:1. The recommended dimensions are 1200 px by 600 px.
Make sure that all of your slides have the same width-to-height ratio. The ratio of your slides is more important than their dimensions in pixels.
In the following example, a slideshow image with a 2:1 ratio is shown on a desktop and a mobile device:
Slide height
The width of the slideshow section is always 100% of the browser window. The height of your slides is relative to the width. Because of differences in screen size, the width and height of your slides varies for different devices. The height of your slides is also influenced by your slide height settings.
You can use the Adapt to first image slide height setting to base the height of your slideshow on the height of your first image. This setting works best when all your images are the same size, or have the same width-to-height ratio. If your images are different sizes or have different ratios, then you can change the order of your slides to see how they look at different heights.
In the following example, the shortest slide is positioned first:
In the next example, a taller slide is positioned first:
If you use the Small, Medium, or Large height settings instead, then refer to the image size recommendations for your slides.
Image ratios
If you want to avoid image cropping in your slideshow, then the recommended width-to-height ratio for your images is 2:1.
If you aren't concerned about cropping on desktop displays and want to make an impact on mobile devices, then use images that are square, or images that are taller than they are wide. The following example slide shows a square image, which has a 1:1 width-to-height ratio.
The next example slide shows a portrait image with a 2:3 width-to-height ratio.