在 Shopify 组织后台管理角色



  • Shopify 组织后台中角色的注意事项

  • 为组织后台用户创建角色

  • 为现有组织后台用户分配角色

  • 删除组织后台用户的角色

Shopify 组织后台中角色的注意事项

在 Shopify 组织后台中为用户创建和分配角色之前,请考虑以下事项:

  • 在 Shopify 组织后台中创建的角色只能管理组织级和商店级访问权限。POS 角色在商店级别进行单独管理。

  • 无法将角色分配给以下用户类型:

  • 如果删除某个角色,则分配到该角色的任何用户都将保留该角色中包含的访问权限和其他权限。例如,如果角色包含 Flow 访问权限,则用户将继续拥有 Flow 访问权限,直到您显式删除用户的此权限。

  • 您组织中的用户也可以是不属于您组织的商店的员工。如果在将角色分配给用户后将该商店添加到您的组织,则会出现以下一种情况:




  1. 在 Shopify 组织后台中,点击用户 > 角色

  2. 点击创建角色

  3. 前往角色详细信息 > 名称,然后输入角色的名称。

  4. 若要添加组织访问权限,请执行以下操作:

    1. 前往访问权限和其他权限 > 工具访问权限和管理权限,然后点击添加访问权限

    2. 勾选您要为角色添加的组织访问权限。

    3. 点击添加访问权限

  5. 可选:若要添加对商店的访问权限,请执行以下操作:

    • 若要针对各个商店指定不同的权限,请勾选一个商店。

    • 若要针对多个商店指定相同的权限,请勾选所有所需商店。

    1. 前往商店访问权限,然后点击添加访问权限

    2. 执行以下任一操作:

    3. 点击继续

    4. 勾选用户必须拥有的权限,然后点击完成

    5. 如果要添加具有不同权限的多个商店,请继续添加商店访问权限,直到添加了所有所需的商店为止。

  6. 单击保存





  1. 在 Shopify 组织后台中,点击用户

  2. 用户列表中,勾选相应的用户。

  3. 点击操作 > 分配角色

  4. 选择适当的角色,然后点击分配角色




  1. 在 Shopify 组织后台中,点击用户

  2. 用户列表中,点击要删除其角色的用户的姓名。

  3. 角色部分中,点击更改访问权限 > 删除用户的角色

  4. 点击删除角色

  5. 可选:为用户分配不同的访问权限和商店权限。


Managing roles in the Shopify organization admin

You can manage users in your organization more efficiently using roles, which are a combination of organization access and store permissions. You can assign roles to users when you add the users to your organization admin. If you already have users in your organization admin, then you can select multiple users and assign the same role to all those users.

On this page

  • Considerations for roles in the Shopify organization admin

  • Create roles for organization admin users

  • Assign roles to existing organization admin users

  • Remove roles from organization admin users

Considerations for roles in the Shopify organization admin

Before you create and assign roles to users in the Shopify organization admin, consider the following:

  • Roles created in the Shopify organization admin only manage organization-level and store-level accesses. POS roles are managed separately at the store level.

  • Roles cannot be assigned to the following types of users:

    • organization owners

    • legacy staff

    • POS app only staff

    • collaborators

  • If you delete a role, then any users who were assigned that role keep the accesses and permissions that were included in that role. For example, if the role included the Flow access, then the users continue to have the Flow access until you remove it from them explicitly.

  • Users in your organization can also be staff in a store that is not a part of your organization. If that store is added to your organization after roles are assigned to your users, then either of the following occurs:

    • If the user is the store owner, they keep the role, and remain the store owner.

    • If the user is staff and not the store owner, the role is removed from the user, but the user keeps all the accesses that were defined in the role. To manage that user using a role, you must reassign a role to the user.

Create roles for organization admin users

At minimum, a role must include one organization access. However, you can include both organization-level accesses and store accesses in a role.


  1. From your Shopify organization admin, click Users > Roles.

  2. Click Create role.

  3. Go to Role details > Name, and then enter a name for the role.

  4. To add organization accesses, do the following:

    1. Go to Access and permissions > Tools and administration access, and then click Add access.

    2. Check the organization accesses that you want to add to the role.

    3. Click Add access.

  5. Optional: To add access to stores, do the following:

    • To specify different permissions for individual stores, then check one store.

    • To specify the same permissions for multiple stores, then check all the required stores.

    1. Go to Store access, and then click Add access.

    2. Do either of the following:

    3. Click Continue.

    4. Check the permissions that users must have, and then click Done.

    5. If you want to add several stores that have different permissions, then continue to add store accesses until you have added all the required stores.

  6. Click Save.

Assign roles to existing organization admin users

From the Users list, you can assign a role to one user or to many users at the same time.

Although you can assign a role to an individual user from the user's account information page, this procedure describes assigning a role directly from the Users list to one or many users.


  1. From your Shopify organization admin, click Users.

  2. In the Users list, check the appropriate users.

  3. Click Actions > Assign role.

  4. Select the appropriate role, and then click Assign role.

Remove roles from organization admin users

When you remove a role from a user, the user continues to have the same accesses and store permissions that were defined in the role. After you remove the role from the user, you can give different accesses and store permissions to that user.


  1. From your Shopify organization admin, click Users.

  2. In the Users list, click the name of the user whose role you want to remove.

  3. In the Role section, click Change access > Remove role from user.

  4. Click Remove role.

  5. Optional: Assign different accesses and store permissions to the user.

