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亚马逊想让买家自由留下好评、差评或中评,明言禁止卖家引诱买家给好评,因此卖家的索评邮件中不能包含“Ifyou love your new widget,leave us areview(如果你喜欢商品的话,给我们留个好评,或者是“Pleaseleavea 5-stalreviewbyclicking this link(请点击此链接给我们5星好评)”之类暗示买家对商品进行好评的话语。


索评邮件中不能包含带有暗示性的语言,亚马逊会将此视为卖家操控买家评论的行为。诸如“Tellus why you love your widget somuch(告诉我们你喜欢商品的原因”、"Listthe5things you likebestaboutyour widget(关于商品你最喜欢的5个地方或者是“Tellus how your widget has improvedyour life(商品如何让你的生活更方便”之类的暗示语句,都将视为违反平台规则。


如果卖家进行促销,不要要求使用折扣或优惠券的买家为商品留评。这样做可能会让亚马逊误以为卖家用折扣换取评论,这时卖家的商品 Listing 可能会被下架。




给买家发送邮件要在买家收到商品、已经使用商品并产生意见之后,不要在买家还未收到商品时就开始催促买家给商品留 Review。但也不要间隔太长的时间,不要等买家对商品已经没有新鲜感了,才向买家发邮件提醒其留评。




假如买家购买了一些抹糖霜工具(frosting tips),显然买家是想用来装饰烘焙的东西,很可能是蛋糕或纸杯蛋糕。在买家购买商品之后,如果他从卖家那里收到感谢购买商品的邮件,其中还包含一些关于工具使用的有用信息,那么买家会感到非常惊喜,这将会大大提升买家的购物体验。


4 techniques for piping frosting like apro(4种能让抹的糖霜看起来更专业的技巧 ;

5 frosting tip hacks to jazz up breakfast, lunch,& dinner (5 个能让早餐、午餐和晚饭更加美味的抹糖霜技巧 );

Care suggestions to make your frosting tips last for years (如何让糖霜保存得时间更长):

The thingNOTto do with your frosting tip set(抹糖霜工具千万不能这么


Creative decoratingideas for kids’birthday goodies (儿童生日蛋糕装饰创意 );·Elegant cake decorating suggestions for bridal showers (单身派对蛋糕精美装饰的建议)。


邮件主题:5 Frosting Tip Hacks to Jazz Up Breakfast, Lunch,& Dinner

Hi,( 买家名字),

We're glad your ( 商品名 ) has arrived and we know you're excited to startusing it. We truly appreciate your business. Of course, you'll be using your newfrosting tips for decorating cakes and cupcakes, but did you know you can also usethem when cooking breakfast, lunch, or dinner? Here are 4 quick hacks that willliven up any meal.

Pipe twice-baked potato filling into shells for an elegant touch. Use the star tip when making deviled eggs to give this ordinary appetizer alittle “chef quality” Using the largest tip, pipe pimiento cheese onto bread and broil untilgolden for an upscale open-face sandwich.

Decorate pancakes or French toast with softened, piped butter in the shapeof stars or smiley faces for cute kids’ breakfasts.

Have an issue or questions about your new piping tips? Let us hear from youand we'll quickly reply with help.

Share your thoughts. Other shoppers will find your views helpful. Please leavea product review when you have a free moment.





Thank you for your purchase of the Super-Duper, High-Capacity DesktopStapler. It should arrive in the next couple of days. A quick note before you use it ..you'll want to remove the small plastic insert at the very back of the staple tray.

It's sometimes a bit hard to see if you aren't looking for it. Once you take thatout, the staples will slide right in and you're good to go!

Did you know that - because of its superior depth capacity -- this stapler can

handle more than just thick stacks of paper? You'll also love it for...Crafts - Create gorgeous pin boards, picture frames, and more.·Upholstery - Make that old ratty chair functional & fashionable with aquick facelift.

Artwork- Design one-of-a-kind pieces that show off your savvy skills.So? What do you think? If you have 3 minutes, we'd love to hear from you ina product review.

We're here to help! If you ever have questions or run into an issue with yourstapler, just reply to this email for immediate assistance.


The Staple People.
