为了防止被跟卖,卖家注册了商标,又在平台做了 GCID 备案,但就亚马逊平台的现状来说,要想防止被跟卖,仅靠这些是远远不够的。注册商标和做 GCID备案只是防止被跟卖的基本保障。
It has come to our attention that "B" is using
the "A" trademark without license orprior written authorization from "A "
"A"holds federal trademark registrations in the United States. So "B" listingsviolate "A" trademark and intellectual property rights. You are also in breach of Amazon'sParticipation Agreement.
Therefore, we demand you remove all listings on in which "B" utilizesour trademarks and images protected by copy right immediately.
"B"currently has at least one listing on for products that utilize "Atrademarks and/or copyrights without authorization. See the following ASIN: XXXXXXX.While "A" has many options available under this state. But we would prefer to resolvethis matter amicably, Please confirm to us in writing within 24 hours, that you have:
(1) Removed all of"A's" trademarks and copyright material from your Amazon.comlistings and any other website or public display you operate:
(2) Removed all of "A's" listings of products it claims to be associated with "A's"
including but not limited to the ASIN listed above.Failure to take action within 24 hours will force us to report this serious violation tothe Amazon seller performance team, This is licensed products to as well.Amazon seller
performance team will take such violations very seriously, possibly resultingin removal ofyour selling privileges on
Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please contact us if you have anyquestions.
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