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如果系统要求您必须采取某些措施才能释放被暂扣的付款,请及时按要求操作,以解除暂扣并尽快获得付款。例如,如果您有一笔未付的 A+ 物流计划账单导致您的付款被暂扣,请务必结清 WishPost 账户中所有未结清的账单。

以下是商户平台的账户 > 账户余额页面的截图示例:


What should I do if my Account Balance page indicates that my payments are currently withheld?

On the Account Balance page of the Merchant Dashboard, if you see the yellow “Withheld” flag and the message “Your payments are being withheld for the following reasons” right beneath the “Current Balance” tab, this means that your payments are not scheduled to be paid. To resolve or dispute payment withholdings to release withheld funds, please view all listed reasons as to why your payments are withheld.

The Account Balance page will list out detailed information for each payment withholding if you have any, including the reason and the date each withholding was created. If applicable, each payment withholding reason listed will link to the corresponding infraction page, display how long funds are going to be withheld, and state any merchant actions required for resolution.

If merchant actions are required to release the withheld payments, please take those actions in a timely manner so the withholding can be lifted, and your payments can be scheduled as quickly as possible. For example, if your payments are withheld due to an unpaid bill for using Advanced Logistics Program, please be sure to address any outstanding bills on in your WishPost account.

Below is an example of what this might look like on the Merchant Dashboard Account > Account Balance page:

