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如果您的商店设置不符合某一应用的安装要求,此应用则会在 Shopify 应用商店中被标记为不兼容。在某一不兼容应用的应用描述页面上,您可以查看哪些安装要求不符合您的商店设置。在更改这些设置之前,您将无法安装此应用。在搜索和类别页面上,您可以通过选择仅查看兼容的应用来隐藏不兼容的应用。

如果您已安装的应用变得与您的商店不兼容,那么您将在 Shopify 后台中收到应用通知,说明哪些商店设置与应用不兼容。


备注:如果您要对商店进行更改,使您的商店符合安装应用的要求,那么您可能需要花上 1 个小时的时间进行更改才能安装此应用。在此期间,此应用仍会继续显示标有不兼容的按钮。

某一应用可能会有 5 种类型的安装要求:

  • POS:应用可用于具有 Shopify POS 渠道的商店。

  • 发货国家/地区:应用适用于发货到至少一个指定国家/地区的商店。您将货物发往的国家/地区是通过配送区域设置的。

  • 货币:应用可用于以应用支持的至少一种货币进行销售的商店。

  • 营业地址:该应用可用于在应用支持的国家/地区拥有主要营业地址的商店。

  • 在线商店:应用可用于拥有在线商店渠道的商店。


App compatibility

Not every app is built to work on every store. Some apps are designed to work with specific store settings. To prevent you from installing apps that don't work on your store, app developers can set installation requirements for their apps.

If your store’s settings don’t meet an app’s installation requirements, then the app is marked as Not compatible in the Shopify App Store. On the app listing page for an incompatible app, you can see which installation requirements don't meet your store's settings. You can't install the app unless those settings change. On the search and category pages, you can hide incompatible apps by selecting See only compatible apps.

If an app that you've already installed becomes incompatible with your store, then you'll get an app notification in the Shopify admin that explains what store settings are incompatible with the app.

Installation requirements are associated with store settings that are difficult to change, like your business location or the countries you ship to. In most cases, we recommend you find alternative apps that work for your store, unless you're planning to change your business setup.

There are 5 types of installation requirements that an app can have:

  • Point of sale: The app works with stores that have the Shopify Point of Sale channel.

  • Shipping countries: The app works with stores that ship to at least one of the specified countries. The countries you ship to are set by your shipping zones.

  • Currency: The app works with stores that sell in at least one of the currencies that the app supports.

  • Business address: The app works with stores with a primary business address in a country that the app supports.

  • Online Store: The app works with stores that have the Online Store channel.

    Some apps that work with the Online Store channel might only be compatible with vintage themes. If you use an Online Store 2.0 theme, then you should read the app listing and documentation to understand whether the app is compatible with your theme. Learn more about using apps with the Online Store channel.

