
重要: 本页信息不构成税务、法律或其他专业建议,也不得用作此类用途。如有疑问,请咨询您的专业顾问。



如果您注册了精简销售税税号 (SSTID),那么各州还将签发一个与您的精简销售税注册相关的唯一州税务登记号。在设置税务计算服务时,只能使用各州签发的唯一州税务登记号。您的精简销售税税号用于在“精简”计划内进行沟通时使用,请勿在设置税务计算服务时使用精简销售税税号。






State Tax Registration Numbers

Important: Information on this page does not constitute tax, legal, or other professional advice and must not be used as such. You should consult your professional advisers if you have questions.

To calculate tax for any non-Marketplace Tax Collection state or jurisdiction, you must register with the appropriate tax authority to obtain a tax registration number before collecting any sales and use tax.

Amazon’s Tax Calculation Service requires your state tax registration number to set up tax calculation settings for any jurisdiction you would like to enable to calculate sales and use taxes on your products.

If you registered for a Streamlined Sales Tax ID (SSTID), individual states will also issue a unique state tax registration number in connection with your Streamline registration. Only use the unique state tax registration number issued by each state when setting up your Tax Calculation Settings. Your SSTID is for communications within the Streamline program, do not use your SSTID for your Tax Calculation Settings.

Once you have your state tax registration number, you can move forward with Setting up Tax Calculation Services.

Sellers remain responsible for any remittance and/or reporting obligations they may have with any state or taxing jurisdiction.

If you have any questions about registering with a state, obtaining a state tax registration number, remittance, or reporting obligations, contact your tax advisor and/or the specific tax authority for additional information.

