处理商品及服务税退款申请可能需要 30 到 60 天。处理完您的退款申请后,亚马逊会告知您最新的进展情况。如果您的退款申请获得批准,我们将会在最新进展情况中告知您预计退款何时可以到账。
如果亚马逊向卖家支付的月服务费收取了商品及服务税,则会每月定期提供广告发票。您还可以依次转至【卖家平台】 > 【报告】 > 【税务文件库】 > 【卖家费用税务发票】,查看每月的发票。
亚马逊将仅对 2020 年 5 月 1 日起收取的美国广告费征收商品及服务税。
就您的美国广告账户而言,自 2020 年 5 月 1 日起,亚马逊将会开始针对因在 amazon.com 上的商品推广、品牌推广和展示推广等广告活动而向未在我们的系统中提供当前通用的商品及服务税税号的广告商所支付的费用收取商品及服务税(如适用)。
就您的美国广告账户而言,自 2020 年 5 月 1 日起,亚马逊将会开始向未在我们的系统中提供当前通用的商品及服务税税号的广告商收取商品及服务税(如适用)。如果您已经有了一个有效的商品及服务税税号,但是尚未提供给我们,请转至您的账户并更新信息。
India Goods and Services Tax (GST) on Advertising Fees Frequently Asked Questions
I have updated all my information to reflect my GST registration number. Can Amazon refund previously-charged GST to my account?
ESS GST charges are based on the information available in your account at the time of invoicing. Amazon cannot refund GST without a valid GST registration number and registration certificate or other evidence confirming that the registration was in effect during the period in question.
To obtain a GST refund, contact Amazon Support to request the refund charged to your account and provide a valid GST registration number and registration certificate covering the period of the refund.
GST refund requests can take 30-60 days to process. You will receive an update from Amazon when your refund request has been processed. The update will provide the estimated date when you can expect to receive a refund in your account if your refund request is approved.
I have added my GST registration number in my account. Can Amazon send me updated invoices with my GST registration number?
Amazon cannot modify previously issued invoices to reflect changes made to your seller or vendor account (like a GST number). If a previous invoice is incorrect, and you are seeking a refund, contact Amazon Support.
Will Amazon provide me with an invoice for any GST collected on my advertising fees?
Amazon will provide a monthly advertising invoice to sellers who are charged GST on their monthly fees. You can also view your monthly invoices by going to Seller Central > Reports > Tax Document Library > Seller Fee Tax Invoices
Why did I not receive a tax invoice?
Amazon will provide a monthly advertising invoice to sellers who are charged GST on their monthly fees. A formal tax invoice will only be provided where this is required by relevant tax authorities. However, you will not normally receive a tax invoice if you are not subject to any monthly fees or there has been no activity on your account for the month.
Will I have to pay GST on my past fees?
Amazon will be collecting GST on US advertising fees charged from May 1, 2020 onwards only.
I am an individual / have an individual selling account, not a business – does this impact me?
Whether you are an individual or a business, if you have a GST ID you may provide it to Amazon and our systems will take this into account when determining the tax treatment of your fees. If no GST ID is provided, Amazon will calculate and collect any applicable GST in addition to your fees. If you are unsure whether you may be entitled to a GST ID, consult your tax advisor.
I have multiple advertising accounts – what is changing?
In relation to your US Advertising account, and effective May 1, 2020, Amazon will, where applicable, begin charging GST on fees for Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display advertising campaigns on amazon.com billed to advertisers who have not provided their current GST ID in our systems.
I have multiple advertising accounts – what do I need to do?
In relation to your US Advertising account, and effective May 1, 2020, Amazon will, where applicable, begin charging GST to advertisers who have not provided their current GST ID in our systems. If you have not yet provided us with a valid GST ID but have one available, go to your account and update your information.
I do not have a GST ID – what should I do?
If you do not have a GST ID, no further action is required and our systems will take this into account when determining the tax treatment of your fees, in other words, based on the information available in your seller/advertiser account we will calculate and collect any applicable taxes. However, if you are unsure whether you may be entitled to a GST ID, consult your tax advisor.
I am based in the US why have you charged me GST?
Our systems take various indicators into account when determining whether GST is applicable to your advertising fees so you may wish to review or update the data in your seller/advertising account. If you believe that GST has been charged in error, contact Amazon Support to check your eligibility for a refund.
Why do you need my GST ID for my US advertising account?
Our systems take into account where you are located when determining whether GST is applicable to your advertising fees. If you have a GST ID where you are based, you may wish to enter this information into your advertising account so that the correct tax treatment is applied.