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亚马逊物流亚马逊FBA{ "name": "", "business_scope": 1, "id": 20204584, "code": null }




亚马逊物流卖家能快速获得购买按钮资格,这可以在 Amazon.com 上为其商品获得投放优势。他们的商品有资格竞争购买按钮,未能赢得“购买按钮”的商品有资格在“更多卖家报价”中获得投放资格。 了解有关“购买按钮”资格状态的更多信息。

购买亚马逊物流配送的商品的买家也可以利用担保快速交货的优势,因为他们第二天就能收到商品。 了解有关担保快速交货的更多信息。

所有卖家报价页让买家能够分类和筛选订单。无论选择哪种状况,订单商品的默认分类顺序都是按价格 + 配送升序排序。由于假定了亚马逊配送的商品都是免运费的,因此看似其在售价相同的有竞争力的卖家配送的商品之上,但是其运送成本较高。

亚马逊配送的商品也可以投放在亚马逊附加计划里,这使得买家可以合并自行配送成本高昂的商品,并获得免费配送。这些商品配送 $25 以上符合条件的订单。请注意,满足附加计划标准的 ASIN 会被自动放置在该计划里。 了解有关亚马逊附加商品的更多信息。



Customer Experience for Products Fulfilled by Amazon

Amazon aims to provide an excellent buying experience for all of its customers. That experience has some key differences between products fulfilled by Amazon and merchant-fulfilled products.

Products fulfilled by Amazon are eligible for Amazon Prime Free Two-Day Shipping and free shipping on qualifying orders. When Amazon customers search for products, they often filter by Prime and FREE Shipping offers, which are often fulfilled by Amazon.

FBA sellers can quickly attain Buy Box eligible status, which gives them placement advantages for their listings on Amazon.com. Their listings are eligible to compete for the Buy Box, and listings that do not win the Buy Box are eligible for placement in the More Buying Choices box. Learn more about Buy Box eligible status.

Customers who purchase FBA products will also be able to take advantage of Guaranteed Accelerated Delivery, which gives them the option of receiving their products the following day. Learn more about Guaranteed Accelerated Delivery.

The offer listing page provides customers with the ability to sort and filter offers. Regardless of the condition type selected, the default sort order of the offer listing is ascending Price + Shipping. Because products fulfilled by Amazon are assumed to have free shipping, they will appear above competing merchant-fulfilled offers with the same sales price, but a higher shipping cost.

Products fulfilled by Amazon may also be placed in the Amazon Add-on Program, which allows customers to combine products that would be cost-prohibitive to ship on their own and get free shipping. These products ship with qualifying orders over $25. Please note that ASINs that meet Add-on Program criteria are automatically placed in the program. Learn more about Amazon Add-on Items.

After customers make their FBA purchase, they can rest assured that Amazon's world-class fulfillment network will ensure their items arrive on or before the promised delivery time. If there are any issues, Amazon's top-rated customer service staff is standing by 24/7 to support all FBA orders.

