
注意: 由于货件量增加,完成货件入库所需的时间可能比平时更长。我们无法手动加快货件入库流程,销售伙伴支持团队没有更进一步的指导信息。



  1. 设置发往亚马逊的货件数量

  2. 对要使用亚马逊物流配送的商品进行预处理

  3. 为商品贴标

  4. 检查/查看发往亚马逊的货件

  5. 对发往亚马逊的货件进行预处理

  6. 配送流程一览


注意: 在此阶段,您可以更改货件中包装箱的数量。但是,入库计划中的商品数量已不能更改。此信息能帮助我们为您提供准确的货件状态,允许您查看【货件处理进度】。

重要: 如果您要在打印标签后更改包装箱的数量,则必须为货件重新打印全套标签。


  • 【追踪货件】提供有关货件的追踪信息。

    • 对于由亚马逊合作承运人配送的小包裹快递,您可以按包装箱编号、追踪编码和承运人状态追踪货件。

    • 对于由亚马逊合作承运人配送的汽运零担和整车运输(LTL 和 FTL)货件,您可以通过货运编号和提货单 (BOL) 追踪货件。亚马逊生成的提货单可在取件日期当天上午提供。

  • 【货件内含商品】是您货件中所含商品的列表,包括货件抵达运营中心时接收的商品数量。要查看所接收商品的状态,请点击已接收的商品数量。您可以查看转运至运营中心的商品数量以及可进行 Prime 销售的商品数量。转运至运营中心的商品处于可售状态,但在运营中心接收之前,这些商品不符合 Prime 配送要求。

  • 【货件差异查询】可确定货件中所列商品与运营中心接收商品之间的差异。调整已发货库存最长可能需要 21 天。有关更多信息,请参阅查询货件差异。


重要: 提供承运人追踪信息有助于亚马逊更好地准备接收您的库存,并使您的商品可尽快可售。为了加快接收时间,可通过查看【一览】页面上的【追踪货件】选项卡,确保承运人追踪编码映射到每个包装箱上的亚马逊物流亚马逊标签。

  • 对于小包裹快递,请输入追踪编码。

  • 对于汽运零担和整车运输,请输入提货单 (BOL) 和货运编号。



注意: 如果您使用亚马逊合作承运人,因为我们会为您生成追踪编码信息,所以您无需输入。要查看追踪编码信息,请参阅【追踪货件】选项卡。

要使用此功能,您的条形码扫描设备必须支持 Code 128 条形码格式。UPS 和 FedEx 等承运人通常会使用此格式。


  1. 在【追踪货件】选项卡上,点击【承运人追踪编号】文本字段。

  2. 将条形码扫描设备置于包装箱标签上的承运人追踪编码条形码上方。

  3. 点击条形码扫描设备上的“扫描”。承运人追踪编码将自动显示在【追踪货件】选项卡的文本字段中。

    重要: 大多数条形码扫描设备均可配置为:例如在点击“选项卡”或“输入”之后,光标自动移动至下一个文本输入字段。 在【追踪货件】选项卡上也支持此功能。如果您无法配置条形码扫描设备,可手动点击【追踪货件】选项卡上的下一个文本字段,然后继续扫描。

  1. 重复第 1-3 步,直至扫描完所有包装箱标签。

  2. 点击【追踪货件】选项卡上的【保存所有】。


Summary of shipment process

On the Summary page, you can review your shipment contents, track your shipments, and their receiving status at the fulfillment center. If there are problems with your shipment, you will be notified on the Summary page and in the Shipping queue.

Summary is the sixth step in the six-step shipment creation workflow:

  1. Set quantity for shipments to Amazon

  2. Prepare your products for FBA shipping

  3. Label products

  4. Review/view shipments to Amazon

  5. Prepare shipments to Amazon

  6. Summary of shipment process

The Summary page provides an overview of your shipment and tools for tracking carrier progress as well as the receiving process after the shipment arrives at the fulfillment center.

Note: At this stage, you have the opportunity to change the number of boxes in your shipment. However, it's too late to change the quantities of your product in your shipping plan. This information will enable us to provide you with accurate shipment statuses and visibility in the Shipping queue.

Important: If you modify the number of boxes after you have already printed your labels, you must reprint the entire set of labels for your shipment.

The Summary page consists of three tabs:

  • Track shipment provides tracking information about your shipment.

    • For small parcel delivery with an Amazon partnered carrier, you can track your shipments by box number, tracking ID, and carrier status.

    • For less than and full truckload (LTL and FTL) shipments with an Amazon partnered carrier, you can track your shipment by freight number and your bill of lading (BOL). The Amazon-generated BOL is available on the morning of your pickup date.

  • Shipment contents is a list of products included in your shipment and the number of items received when the shipment arrives at the fulfillment center. To see the status of your received items, click the number of units received. You can see how many units are in transfer to a fulfillment center and how many units are available for Prime sale. Units in transfer to fulfillment centers are available for sale, but cannot be eligible for Prime delivery until they are received at a fulfillment center.

  • Reconcile identifies discrepancies between what was listed in the shipment and what is received at the fulfillment center. Reconciliation of shipped inventory may take up to 21 days. For more information, see Reconciling your shipment.

If you did not use an Amazon partnered carrier, on the Track shipment tab, enter your tracking information so that Amazon can provide you with accurate shipment tracking information.

Important: Providing carrier tracking information can help Amazon better prepare to receive your inventory and make your products available for sale sooner. For faster receive times, ensure the carrier tracking IDs map to the FBA Amazon label on each box by reviewing the Track shipment tab on the Summary page.

  • For small parcel delivery, enter the tracking ID.

  • For LTL and FTL, enter your bill of lading (BOL) and freight number.

Using a barcode scanner to provide carrier tracking IDs

You can use a barcode scanner to provide carrier tracking IDs in Seller Central by scanning shipping barcodes from the box label. You can also scan barcodes from receipts and invoices. This feature is available only for small parcel shipments in which you have chosen to use your own carrier.

Note: If you are using an Amazon partnered carrier, you do not need to enter the carrier tracking ID information, as we will generate it for you. To view the tracking ID information, see the Track shipment tab.

To use this feature, your barcode scanning device must support the Code 128 barcode format. This format is typically used by carriers such as UPS and FedEx.

To provide carrier tracking IDs in Seller Central using a barcode scanner, follow these steps:

  1. On the Track shipment tab, click the Carrier tracking ID text field.

  2. Position the barcode scanning device above the carrier tracking ID barcode on the box label.

  3. Click "scan" on your barcode scanning device. The carrier tracking ID will then automatically appear in the text field on the Track shipment tab.

    Important: Most barcode scanning devices can be configured to automatically move the cursor to the next text input field, such as after clicking "tab" or "enter." This is also supported on the Track shipment tab. If you are unable to configure the barcode scanning device, you can manually click the next text field on the Track shipment tab and continue to scan.

  4. Repeat steps 1-3 until you have finished scanning all box labels.

  5. Click Save all on the Track shipment tab.

